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Everything posted by gonzo1105

  1. Yea just like the same people who were all bitching about Spiller are the ones so glad that we drafted him now that he is a stud. Your the same people who will knock this guy and then when he turns into a stud either here or elsewhere who will go geez how could we pass on that guy. Do you guys realize how dynamic the Nills offense would be with this guy in the fold slot receiver only or not. It would open things up big time in the passing and the running game because teams can stack the box cause they only are worried about Johnson at WR. Plus, I hate the people's who arguments are he can only play the slot. This isn't 1994, slot WR's are difference makers nowadays. Welker, Amendola, Victor Cruz,Santana Moss, Percy Harvin, Antonio Brown etc etc ...you wouldn't kill to have any of those players in their prime? Now obviously he hasn't reached that level but if his upside is that than he is def worth the 8th pick.
  2. Oh ya he's injured all the time huh....hes missed 4 plays in college. He's not injury prone. Why don't you do some research next time before you give an unsubstantiated opinion. The draft is not about filling needs its about finding the best players for the future of your team.
  3. Yes people will hate this and call it a luxury pick, just like Spiller. Than their opinion will change when he turns into a stud like Spiller. Sometimes you just need to take the BPA instead of forcing need.
  4. He is going to rise because he's the only playmaker that is experienced and close to a sure thing. Yes he's small but in this NFL with all these offensive advantages he makes a ton of sense for a top 15 team.
  5. Uh Austin won't last until 15. He's gonna go to either the Jets at 9, Dolphins at 12,Bucs at 13,or Panthers at 14
  6. Kolb is definetely a bridge to the 2014 Draft. The class in general stinks and 2014 is pretty loaded with good prospects even if Manziel doesn't come out. Kolb will get his one year to prove himself and so will a 3rd or 4th round guy. If they struggle we'll take one in the first round next year no doubt
  7. I would assume that Anderson would play the WOLB spot. I kind of forgot about him. I actually see K.Williams and Dareus flipping now. Dareus would be the NT and Williams and Williams would play the DE's. The LB crew would be Lawson,Sheppard,Bradham, Moats/Anderson.
  8. Bradham will move inside in the 3-4. So your looking at Lawson at SOLB, Sheppard SILB, Bradham WILB, and Moats right now at WOLB.
  9. I'm going to go kind of off the board and say Todd Collins. The question wasn't who was the biggest bust in buffalo history, it was the most disappointing pick. Collins was picked to be the heir apparent to Jim Kelly, and for all intents and purposes had all of the tools to be a success in the NFL. He was supposed to be the guy to keep the dynasty going or at least to keep us a float. Instead he bombed, and we have been mired in mediocre QB play since(excluding one year of Doug Flutie).
  10. I'd rather have Pace....a player who can be a coach on the field and still play some.
  11. I mean is it hard to believe that he made those comments because they are finishing up a new contract and that's why he made those comments. I doubt he said it to raise McKelvins price tag
  12. Idk why Ezekial Ansah would not be in consideration at 8. Yes, he is very raw and would likely take a year or two to fully reach his potential but you can line the guy up anywhere. If the Bills plan on running the hybrid defense, he could easily play 4-3 end 4-3 DT in pass rushing situations, 3-4 OLB or 3-4 DE. He is a man who would plug tons of holes in a hybrid system. Its a big risk but a guy who is 6'5 and 270 pounds with freakishly long arms and a great motor is something to really work with
  13. Rhodes is not very good technique wise. He has everything you look for but will be a second rounder because of his inconsistencies. My favorite player out of this group is actually HB/FB Lonnie Pryor. He does everything well. He can carry the rock, he can pass protect with the best of em, and he can catch the ball out of the backfield. His weakness is his actual drive ahead blocking but he is not bad at it by any stretch of the imagination.
  14. If we take a WR there are only two I want. DeAndre Hopkins because dude is an absolute beast, or Cordarelle Patterson because he has the potential to be an A.J. Green type WR
  15. The Jags players on defense without looking it up(I swear) DE's: Aaron Kampman, Justin Babin, Jeremy Mincey, Alan Branch DT's Tyson Alualu and Terrence Knighton LBs: Daryl Smith, Paul Posluzny, Justin Durant (maybe), Resean Mathis, Chris Prosinski plays safety. I feel like I know one of the other CB's but I can't recall his name.
  16. This has been posted ad nausea. This is the doing of Rick Trickett the Florida State offensive line coach. I am a huge FSU fan and this is not the only time that the offensive lineman for Florida State have done this, not just including Zebrie Sanders. Trickett is a former Marine who preaches hard nosed attitudes and extreme discipline by his offensive lineman. You can say his lineman either love him or they hate him. He has taught them to hold their water to emphasize that they didn't false start and it was only the defense who jumped. There are many other examples where the whole line doesn't move and the QB is left scrambling for his life after a free 5 yards. I dont really like this maneuver either but this is definitely the doing of Rick Trickett and not just a bonehead move by Sanders. Here is a great youtube recap if you would like to know the truth about what happened.
  17. Rick Trickett had a thing about lineman not moving after they believed the other team jumped offside. I never really liked it because it could have gotten them killed.
  18. I really dislike LSU Wide Receivers. I can't remember one that has panned out. Josh Reed, Brandon LaFell, Buster Davis, Devery Henderson, Early Doucet. None of them have lived up to expectations. Oh wait Dwayne Bowe forgot about him.
  19. Please don't mention Datko and Zebrie Sanders as possible Left Tackle selections. I am a huge Florida State fan and while Datko and Sanders are really athletic kids(which is why they are thought highly of)these two are sooooooo overrated its not even funny. The offensive line was the weak link of FSU's team this year by far and I know Datko was injured all year but it was still bad the year before when he played. Sanders measures and looks like a prototypical Left Tackle in the NFL but he can't run block to save his life and neither can Datko. Sanders is also a holding machine and constantly gets beat by speed rushers and it shows on tape and he didn't nothing to remedy that when he participated at the Senior Bowl. Datko has been injured pretty much his whole career and if you want an underachieving injury prone left tackle then by all means take him. Like I said, huge Florida State fan and have seen these guys for quite awhile and even I with all my bias wouldn't touch Sanders until the 4th round and Datko until the 5th.
  20. The comp pick could still happen. In comp formulas minimum contract players aren't added into the formula. If Morrison is a minimum player he wont count towards it. Also I thought that players signed after the season started didn't count either. This I could be completely wrong about but if that is true Morrison wouldn't count either
  21. Its the same way every single year. People ask what the formula is. I dont know it exactly but after seeing it for years if you haven't lost more then you gained in number of players your most likely not going to get more then a 7th round draft pick. For instance if we signed 2 FA's and lost 4 we are more then likely going to get a compensatory pick or two but if we signed 2 and only lost one no matter who that one is were not getting anything. I know that people you waived or signed off of waivers do not count towards the formula. For instance we signed Nick Barnett but he will not count towards the formula because he was released by Green Bay. The same can be said for Aaron Maybin. The Bills 2011 Free Agents were: Donte Whitner(S) signed with San Francisco(FA lost) Paul Pozluszny(LB)signed with Jacksonville(FA lost) John McCargo(DT) ???? (Wont Qualify) Keith Ellison(LB) ??? (Most likely wont qualify) Drayton Florence(CB) Resigned by the Bills Ashton Youboty(CB) Signed by Jacksonville late in the season(Wont Qualify) So in essence we have lost two FA's this year Bills signed: Tyler Thigpen(QB) Brad Smith (WR) Nick Barnett(LB) doesn't qualify Kirk Morrison (LB) most likely wont qualify So in essence, while my numbers aren't correct most likely we lost the same # of FA's as we lost which means I would not suspect we are going to get more then 1 draft pick in compensatory and it will most likely be a 6th or 7th rounder. Plus, like last year there has to be 32 Comp picks so if there are not 32 teams worthy of comp picks 7th rounders are handed out to teams starting with the 1st pick until there have been 32 given out. That means that Buffalo could get an additional 7th rounder because of that but I wouldn't bank on it because we are going to be drafting somewhere between 9-11.
  22. I'll bet you 100 dollars that Kaepernick doesn't sniff the 1st round ever. He plays in a gimmicky offense, he's rail thin, has never taken a snap under center. He has a funny throwing motion. He is an athlete playing Quarterback. He will be drafted at another position not named Quarterback in my opinion just like Matt Jones, Brad Smith, Antwaan Randel El etc. Kaepernick is not a future NFL Quarterback.
  23. It depends who comes out to be honest with you. If all the top players come out I am taking Andrew Luck QB from Stanford with the first pick. If Luck and Mallett stay in school then I am willing to consider from a Large Group of Candidates including WR's A.J. Green and Julio Jones , OT Gabe Carimi, DE/OLB Adrian Clayborn, Robert Quinn, Cameron Hayward
  24. I was thinking that if the Bills did receive another CB in the trade that maybe it was because they do not plan on resigning Terrence McGee next year and dont want to replace him via the draft. Maybe they think that McKelvin, Florence could be the starters and Lee could be a nickle or dime guy. Or maybe they want to trade McGee but dont have a guy to replace him for this year.
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