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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Alas, we are dullard and sluggish most of the time.
  2. You are arguing with a fella who is founding member of the Tyrod fan club. Let it go. I hope he's right, btw, but I think he is abysmally wrong.
  3. This has been my thought as well, though it seems the logic is not about picking up extra picks but having a coveted player fall to us.
  4. I concur. Leroi did not suggest Whaley would be able to pick Mahomes, so I take it McD wants to go another direction, which is both short-sighted and the traditional Bills way of doing things.
  5. If I'm Doug Whaley, I am pushing hard to draft a potential franchise qb. Buys me a growth year and it is the best single factor determining long term success. Resident insider, Leroi, claims Whaley likes Mahomes and has him in the top five, though he also said it is fluid. Have no idea, but if DW thinks that highly of Mahomes and he is there at ten, how do you rationally pass on him?
  6. Timing is terrible and any deals TM had negotiated with Vegas are obviously gone.
  7. And yet many here will continue to parrot this is a weak qb draft class line. Combine that with folks who think Taylor is a good starting qb . . . too sad for words.
  8. I'm surprised about GMTM. Glad to see Bylsma go. Always liked Sutter. Guess we'll find out.
  9. I am going to maintain some stealth hope, but my official position is going to be glum. Smokescreen
  10. I think we are clueless. Usually look forward to the draft -- what else is there for Bills' fans? This year, I am expecting to be disappointed and angry. My expectations are lowered to the point where not taking a cb at #10 will seem like a small victory. And we will probably take a cb.
  11. Is this more smokescreen or are they actually interested? If the latter, do they actually think he's falling to #44, because he isn't. If the former, I think its overkill at this point.
  12. I was on here yesterday lamenting the cb recycle thing and a couple of very decent, long-time posters here were perfectly fine with it. It made sense to them to get a quality cb on the cheap since we let Gilmore walk. I surmise they also think Taylor is better than I do.
  13. Teams with aging franchise qbs are in WIN NOW mode. I doubt the roster as presently constructed is even a wild card contender. Fill the holes mentality is the usual Bills way of drafting for most of the last two decades. Hasn't produced a lot of wins. I have heard some experts claim Dennison's offense does not require a highly skilled qb. Well, Bucky Brooks said so on NFL Network yesterday. Personally, I want a highly skilled qb. I think franchise qb provides sustained, long-term winning. If you think Tyrod is going to be that, you obviously don't want a qb. I don't buy into the line that this is a weak qb class. I think it's a pretty good qb class, but they need a year of seasoning. As I think Tyrod is a bridge qb and nothing more, I'd like to have the developmental qb developing so the bridge actually goes somewhere. It's fine to disagree. It's not fine to act as if the opposing view has no plausible rationale behind it.
  14. I don't think everyone is on the hate Whaley train. Those who dislike him are very vocal which exaggerates their number. The mitigating circumstances would be difficult for any GM to deal with. I like him, but if Leroi's big board is correct, I have my doubts that Whaley is the main force in deciding who we draft. I suspect qb would be a priority, not a smokescreen. Regardless, maybe my speculation is off-base; on balance, I think Whaley is actually slightly above average, so not the worst in the league.
  15. I generally prefer animals to people. The fella would be off my board.
  16. The new scheme, as I understood it, does not need shut down cornerbacks. It seems to me we are investing in a player whose skill set exceeds his value to our particular system. This is also a deep draft for cb by all accounts. If Leroi's board holds true, the pick will be wr Davis, I think, which is a reasonable choice, I suppose.
  17. Apparently we are going to follow our proven track record with regards to the qb position.
  18. To me, this is the same old draft cb, replace cb cycle. Depresses me. Yes, I accepted what everyone was saying. I was explaining to the fella who was laughing at my post.
  19. Well, when I expressed skepticism last week, numerous long-time posters informed me he was legit.
  20. Davis and Ross will be there at #10. No need to smokescreen for them. Thomas will be gone, Lattimore probably gone, Howard might be, but I would guess he's available. My understanding was that Lattimore is a skill set not prioritized in McDermott's system, btw. I still hope you are wrong and that they are serious about a qb. I also don't understand the use of Imo. If this is inside info, it's putatively factual, not an opinion.
  21. I am under the impression that character is a big part of McD's criteria. I'd be surprised if he is on our draft board.
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