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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. But the crude oil is getting heavier on average. Lighter crude is at a premium over the lighter variety. One way or the other, a refiner has to pay.
  2. Thanx for the acknowledgement of what us in the oil industry never get credit for - cheap capacity increase without parallel in any other industry.
  3. I speak from data unfortunately. I am anti-Bush in terms of his foreign policy but chose not to color my explanation accordingly. {I know your post was sarcastic}
  4. And I agree with you on this. But oil is used for making gasoline, diesel, plastics, electricity .... Overall the demand surge has caused this major spike.I think we got so used to the low prices of gasoline etc. that entire generations have been brought up to not think about conservation. Little things do add up. It will take a long time for Western society to get used to the fact that the more careless we are with using non-replenishable natural resources, the more we have to pay for it eventually. I think a period of sustained high prices will cause us to think about (1) higher mileage vehicle purchases (2) Renewable sources of energy. See more windfarms for electricity yet ? (3) More nuclear plants around the world - probably not the US (4) More overall conservation efforts
  5. Very good post and I mean it. We are profligate gas burners as a society. Gas and tobacco are very very price inelastic - takes a lot of price increases to hurt demand. Hence, prices and taxes are high on these products. I posted elsewhere that the current high prices are a result of (1) Too much demand, too little supply of products. (2) Political troubles/uncertainty in Middle East (3) Loss of 3% of gasoline pool due to MTBE take-out. Someone else noted that people have to go to work, run errands etc. But can't we increase use of public transportation ? I do agree on the other point though - that vehicles are not replaced overnight. However we all have short term memories and an optimistic outlook. SUV sales are hurting now but will go up again when gas prices fall to $2 level in October. Get used to it guys - gas is not coming down below $2 ever.
  6. I am sorry to tell you this, but that is indeed true. I work in this industry and analyze the data very carefully. I can write a FFS type post and still would not cover half of the aspects but here are some quick notes: - Refinery capacity is near maximum and demand has SURGED since 2004. We were on the edge of the supply demand curve and now it has been tipped over - too much demand for the supply. The market is still trying to get the demand curve down with increasing prices. - Oil is high cos of the high end products demand and political uncertainty around Middle East (Gaza pullout, Iraq war, Saudi premier's death) - MTBE was taken out of gasoline because of political pressure. We lost 3% of the total gasoline pool in the US because of that. This was the most moronic non-science based political move in the history of petroleum. We are replacing it with ethanol which has lower clean-air properties.
  7. You can spray a anti mildew agent in the intake vent but make sure it is something that will evaporate (not the stuff that you put on your shower walls). I believe there is something made by Lysol. Also check your local auto store. As someone else has suggested maybe the drain has plugged up. Side note to all - get into the practice of siwtching off the a/c but let the fan blow for a few seconds before you shut the fan off. That way, the cold air blows through and does not allow condensation to happen. This 'musty' smell is due to condensation effects (mold, mildew) that develop over the years so make it part of your regular habit. For example, a minute before I am going to stop, I hit the off button on the a/c , then by the time I stop and ready to switch the car off, warm air is blowing through the vents.
  8. Miller Lite - not out of liking but necessity. Supposedly, this is better than regular beer (duh) and scotch for my cholesterol. That is right boys and girls, I need to watch out for this cr*p now.
  9. This is great - two cricket fans rooting for opposite sides of the Ashes series on a Bills fanboard in a thread about the London bombings !!!
  10. Those not knowledgeable about cricket may need a clarification of that statement.
  11. Possibly. Guess I am just a tad paranoid - all these seemingly bungled attempts appear to be experiments for some grander attack. But I will stop at this post for fearing of hijacking the thread.
  12. I think the point he was making was to have a healthy cash flow. In businesses, that is the top of all evaluations. To the original poster, I suggest you put all the numbers in a spreadsheet and see how that compares to your current deal. Also, consider fixed interest home equity loans to pay off your credit card debt. It offers a lower interest rat &, may be tax deductible. Finally, to use a cliche, don't get into schemes that put more money in your pocket now simply so you can spend it. Sounds corny and cliched but this simple truth goes a long way - controlling expenses to match your income is the only way to long term financial stability (see cash flow statement above).
  13. Well stated and fully agree - I have experienced the first four on your list. Luckily I haven't heard cell phones or people talking on them.
  14. Seems amateurish. Find a tough time believing the terrorists would bungle four attempts, however they do seem coordinated. Guess we will have to await the results of the investigations. First things first - keep the public safe.
  15. Damn you - 20 minutes of my productive work day are gone. Hand-Raiser You are 100% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant.
  16. Build up of that movie was good but ultimately a let-down. Also, I guessed the suspense about half way through the movie. Acting was good but did not need someone with Depp's acting skills. My favorites are 'From Hell' followed by 'Sleepy Hollow' & 'Pirates of hte Caribbean'
  17. My wife was also complaining about constant talking for a movie she saw 2 weeks back. I must admit it is not always bad. As for home theater killing the movie theater experience, I strongly disagree with that. The content will drive the movie theater business. I have a projector, 106" diagonal screen and 5.1 sound in my house but my first run frequency has not gone down one bit. While I cannot make conclusions for the general populace, if people love movies they will go to the theater and not wait for the DVDs. Movies in general this year have been mediocre and I don't just mean the artsy ones. Even the popcorn flicks have been disappointing (Hitchhikers, WOTW). I am into popcorn flicks and have enjoyed (in decreasing order of preference): Batman begins, Sin City, Revenge of the Sith, Wedding Crashers, Charlie, WOTW, Hitchhiker...
  18. Must be just me but I can't stand Will Ferrell. I was unpleasantly surprised that Chaz was played by him. Jack Black would have been good in that role.
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