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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Before writing that second sentence, you should have read your first.
  2. Problem is no one will bite on the play action if we don't establish the running game. And then JP will be nailed for a big loss.
  3. if so, then why are you defending Kelly Holcomb and saying the game was out of reach and he was not given a fair chance ? ajzepp said it above "are you using the same situational example to both defend Holcomb and crap on JP???? You are too much". And I can ask you the same question, WTF are you talking about ?
  4. I agree, inventions such as these have changed tennis also where there is now no question about line calls. But the key here is that it needs to be done for all stadiums or none at all.
  5. This is beyond belief now - who is this 'somebody we know'. Somebody you and who knows ? JP did not have a fumble or pick. And guess what an almost fumble doesn't count in life. It is what did happen. I almost won the $50 million jackpot - did I ? NO ! Unless you have not learnt this in life yet - only what actually happened matters. Give it up. As you can tell from the reaction of others on this board, you are way off base and are making ridiculous claims to stay true to your original statement. You have no basis in fact, so just STFU !
  6. Okay, I will bite. First you said he is the most inaccurate passer in the league. How can you prove that ? have you seen all the games over the past two weeks or do you have stats to prove this ? If you make the claim, back it up with evidence. If I had just seen the last two minutes of the Wash-Dallas game, I can claim that Brunell is the most accurate passer in the league. But he is not, he sucked for the first 55 minutes or so and connected on two bombs. Secondly, you are calling for Kelly Holcomb. What makes you believe that putting him gives us a better chance at making the playoffs ? The coaches know better than that and hence giving JP the opportunity to develop and take us to the big dance. And please don't use 'it is TD's ego that keeps JP in' as proof. Thirdly, in every profession, a person has to be given time to work through mistakes and not repeat them. If he is a chronic under or over thrower and we see that throughout this season then I say, replace him towards the end of the season. Eli Manning struggled through last year and is doing quite well this year through two games. Finally, I do agree that JP was part of the problem in TB but I repeat - he was a part only. This season was one where the ST and D were supposed to take pressure off of him and let him simply manage games. With the D ineffective in stopping Cadillac, this put the worst kind of pressure on him - against a very good defense, in their house, season opening home game.... If Willis had run better, it would have given him time to regroup and gain his composure. But he did not have a chance right from the beginning. Please stop knee-jerk reactions and separate fact from perception.
  7. Okay - but let us get this win anyway, shall we. Let us do the bounce-back act first then try for the respond to success bit.
  8. I am drawing a conclusion here - PW's move has hurt us more than helped them.
  9. You think ? With GW laying the defensive plans for DB ? Or did you just miss your sarcasm smiley ?
  10. Whole heartedly agree. But I would still like to beat them with Vick playing. Nemhoff, what you are suggesting is that we need to play with more swagger. It appears that the team cannot believe it can win and are just shy of asserting themselves. Might be true. Also, the first week's win and subsequent +ve press went to their heads and this was just the game to remind them not to get too relaxed and cocky. Whatever the case might be, I think this is the timely wake-up call. Better this early in the season rather than late when playoffs invitees are decided.
  11. And my guess is that with the talent on this team, that will be the only reason we will lose games this year.
  12. As low as I was feeling yesterday and this morning, it is a bit better now. As several people have pointed out, this was the best game to lose - road, non-division, very good defense. Having agonized for about 24 hours now, I am ready to start thinking about Atlanta. Thoughts: - Vick may or may not be injured but we should know soon enough. The game planning obviously changes based on who the QB is but I would like to see Vick playing. First because it feels bad that anybody is injured and secondly, we should play teams at their full strength to truly know what kind of a team we have - Atlanta O doesn't do much of anything except for Vick rushing (111 yards in 2 games). Passing has been fairly pathetic (279 yards total in 2 games). JP has 283 so we are close. - Defense may be the stongest part of Atlanta though this may not be saying much as Seattle gained a total of 428 yards. - The Eagles game must have been a fluke considering that all points scored by Atl came in the first quarter and Eagles did not really do anything well on O that day. All in all, this looks like a very winnable game and one in which our O needs to do about the same as in the Houston game - not too much but just enough with no turnovers. We will not have to play outstanding to get past them, but do need to make sure all units are showing up. Can we please stop ruminating, b1tching about yesterday and start talking about the next game ?
  13. Do you really believe that or was that an example only ? I think if it takes years for Losman to develop, he will win a SB for another team.
  14. non-HD on my SP4805 does not look too good. HD is beyond fantabulous.
  15. Just an hour ? Stay there and don't come upstairs till you have the whole damn thing working. After all the game is tomorrow and you don't want to be watching it on a microscopic TV, do you ?
  16. Wow. Is it safe to say that half your home's equity now resides in the basement ? Sometime in the future I will get your opinion on the Panny pj. I have the SP4805.
  17. Which pj ? Which speakers ? Which receiver ? We need details, man....
  18. If we are classified as a civilized and mature society, isn't it supposed to withstand such calamities in a more organized fashion ? If human behavior degenerates to such low levels how can the society, made up of such human beings, classify itself as superior ? What credibility do we have when we go to seemingly less developed countries and espouse our way of living ? The concept of happiness is not directly related to material wealth and carnal pleasures in all parts of the world.
  19. Squabbling over Nate ? Go find some nice chick to fight over.
  20. Looks like you are SOL, brother. I feel for you. Only suggestions I can give are: Do you need to lug all the tools and material everytime ? Or is it too much of a pain loading and unloading just what you need ? Also, can you schedule your jobs so that you are not driving the same path twice ? Finally, can you concentrate your selling effort in a certain area only so you get more job wins and less driving between them ?
  21. Let us reserve judgment on the experts till after the game, shall we ?
  22. Problem with govt. intervention is two fold: it undermines the market forces at work and is hence sub-optimal to the economy as a whole. Secondly, any concessions provided come from our tax $ anyway. So either we end up paying more taxes or lose some other benefit.
  23. Probably because NC is not a rising star but is already a star. I think he is playing at his peak. I was surprised not to see Lee Evans in the list.
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