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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. For sure an instant upgrade. It would be great to see a critical 3rd down pass to the TE and actually not worry it will be dropped.
  2. New report: http://www.profootballtalk.com/2009/03/22/...-trading-block/
  3. Just posted it cuz I thought it was kinda funny. How much of my life did I waste? I don't know, how much of your life did you waste making 2,200 plus posts in 6 months??
  4. Problem is, the right deal may be 5th round or less. It seems players with better career stats have been traded lately for less than stellar picks, or given their outright release (obviously, if a team know your going to dump a player, they aren't going to trade for him).
  5. I'm pointing out we have other KR's on the team that can do the job if we were to trade Parrish. If his WR stats were above average, I would keep him in a heart beat. Why would we want to keep a guy just because of his KR ability when we have others on the team that can do the job?? I'd much rather spend the money we're paying Parrish on one of the FA OLB's, just my opinion.
  6. Sometimes it comes down to need. At this point, we probably don't have the luxury to keep a player like Parrish. I would rather spend the money he gets, and maybe a few bucks more, on a good OLB who would have a bigger overall impact on this team.
  7. Exactly my point. I haven't questioned his stats as a kick returner. I love watching him do returns, as he is pretty fast and elusive. Thing is he is expendable possibly with McKelvin showing how good he is on ST. Roscoe's WR stats wouldn't garner a high draft pick, couple it with his KR stats, and we may be able to get a pick for him.
  8. Point is, Stevie Johnson may be able to put up those same numbers receiving. Who knows if we'd get a 4th for him. I think a 5th or less. Anyway, who knows what any given draft pick will do. Roy Williams (safety), Tony Mandarich and Mike Williams were all first round picks who should not have been considering career stats. Joe Montana (3rd round) and Tom Brady (6th round) have 7 Super Bowl titles between them. Point being, plenty of NFL WR's have put up similar stat's as Roscoe. His stats are pretty average and would not command a worthy draft pick. Include his return ability, and he may garner a slightly higher pick, that being in the low rounds 5-7.
  9. What has Parrish proven? Edit: Stats http://www.nfl.com/players/profile?id=00-0023490 Kinda pedestrian.
  10. If we could get a 3rd or 4th, I'd take it in a second. Winslow went for a 2nd and 5th, Cassell for a 2nd, they both have much more upside than Parrish. No way we get higher than a 5th for Parrish. Not saying punt returners are a dime a dozen, but a WR who has not shown much at his true position, only on ST, can't be worth much. Roy Williams (the safety) was cut outright, meaning he couldn't even garner a 7th round pick (not that I would have given even that for him).
  11. Found this and thought it was pretty funny. I remember they actually tasted pretty good, even for fake bacon. http://www.retrojunk.com/details_commercial/954/
  12. FWIW http://www.billsdaily.com/frontoffice/salarycap.shtml
  13. If thats true, they may as well fire DJ now and get it over with. If they won't "give him the tools", he's already out the door. Don't know a thing about Thomas other than he had decent stats from last year, his only real year starting. Weren't the Bills pretty high on Bowen last year and wasn't he having a decent camp prior to being injured? Maybe he's the answer according to them.
  14. My point was anyone can say the are sorry, but do they mean it. I may be a bit cynical, but I don't believe he is truly sorry, just put on the podium by the Bills and told what to say. And about the point he was minding his own business, as soon as they had a weapon in the trunk and were "allegedly" smoking pot, it became the cops business. I understand his latest incident is truly not as bad as some other athletes have done, or everyday citizens. I am just sick and tired of seeing these "stars" make poor judgement calls and get away with a slap on the wrist.
  15. So, all he has to say is "sorry"? What if that hit and run chick in Amherst said she was sorry for putting that innocent girl in a coma? Is "sorry" good enough for her?
  16. I am just sick and tired of these young, rich, coddled athletes who can do whatever they want, and pay their way out of trouble. I know he didn't do awful things, ie: Stallworth and Little, but wonder what else he has done? I doubt these are his only indiscretions, just the ones he got caught doing. Honestly, every time I see Leonard Little on the field, I turn the channel. I can't believe that piece of got away with killing someone, then gets paid millions.
  17. Never happen. Although I am not as enamored with ML as most people are.
  18. Probably not. A press conference now would be damage control prior to an imminent suspension.
  19. Again, until Cutler either kisses and makes up in Denver, or is traded, nobody who is not in the Bills FO has any idea what their intentions are. We would all be very surprised to have insider knowledge of all the proposed trades throughout the years in the NFL. Not every potential trade makes it to the press or internet rumormongers. While I would love to see Cutler a Bill, the most probable trade is for Scheffler.
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