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Everything posted by davefan66

  1. I heard it's Mark Hamister....although, he needs to find a partner in the deal...
  2. We really don't know if he has spoken with Ralph or not. Maybe he has, and has a handshake agreement with him. Just seems that Kelly keeps talking about how he has the means to pull this off. Hope he's right.
  3. If we sign him for more than the number 1 pick got last year, it is starting a dangerous precedent. From this point forward any above average player will want to do the same thing. Not that I believe draft picks are worth what they are making, but this could be a very dangerous road to venture down. About drafting a mid round LT. The reason we would do that is to get a player that would be at least as good as Peters, or hopefully better. All that does is prolong the big payday at LT. Either pay JPeters now, or his replacement later. Also remember, he wants 11 million now, what the heck does he want in year 3? 15 million?
  4. OK, taking this for what it's worth, and it's probably worth nothing, why wait until draft day? If the Bills were swinging a deal for JPeppers wouldn't they JUST DO IT NOW!?!?!? Yup, the Bills regularly include Thermal in ALL of their personal moves.....
  5. What the heck, does PP have pictures of Greggo carousing with Travis Henry or something??
  6. Endzone - Sorry to pull that story out of you. Didn't expect the reaction it got.
  7. Insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein
  8. What I think is funny is how we as fans think these players are the nicest guys, but it turns out they may be total jerks. The media plays up their image, and we buy what they are selling us. Not saying Hansen was a jerk or not, but that was kinda lame he didn't stop by with the other players.
  9. He musta skipped the economics classes in college...
  10. Pro bowl LT's don't just grow on trees. I don't care if he made the pro bowl last year after a dubious season or not. Fact is, he is young and one of the best LT's in the game, with huge amounts of potential. What we need is an anchor on the line that will be around for years to come. Don't care what it takes, sign him.
  11. Well, could you enlighten us? Remember, you are the one who felt compelled to write a post telling us he is a jerk.
  12. They are called voluntary for a reason. I would have liked him to show. If he's a no-show for mandatory, then we all can freak out.
  13. I agree. It's all about supply and demand. Hopefully, we can strike and sign one of them before the demand goes up (poor drafting, injuries). Although, if you really want one of them, just go get him.
  14. I wonder if the Bills raised tix prices 25 to 30 bucks each if that would really deter fans. I mean, that would be only $210 bucks extra a year, yielding the Bills something like 2.2 million per game, and 15.4 million per season, of course they would have to split that take with the away teams. Problem is, it really comes down luxury suites, which the home team keeps all the revenue. The Bills are having a difficult time right now keeping up with the Jonses (literally). Imagine what is going to happen in 5 years, then 10 years. Unless the economy in WNY leapfrogs the economic insanity facing the NFL, no way they stay in Buffalo after maybe 5 years.
  15. Who cares if he lives in Toronto. He may be flamboyant, but doubt he would let living in Toronto jeopardize his NFL play. He'll probably spend a fair amount of time in Buffalo anyway for charity stuff and self promotion.
  16. Right, and there were many good TE's last year too. The Bills either skipped over, or just missed on the top 4 or 5 TE's. I like what I hear about Sheffler, but wonder with the pick of Fine last year if the Bills are willing to go after him. Maybe the dumping of Royal was signaling the Bills are happy with Fine. I don't know if Sheffler is as good as has been posted on these boards, or if he is just the best of what is available? That being said, I would rather have a known entity, such as Sheffler, than draft an unknown anytime.
  17. Dude, been away for the weekend? Kinda hitting the boards hard, are we?
  18. Uhm, have you checked out Spears career?? JT would as soon forget about it.
  19. Uhm, I thought Justin Timberlake brought sexy back??
  20. Bills can stay in the Buffalo / Niagara region if...... Ralph sells the team to a local investor and our per capita income rises by tens of thousands of dollars.....
  21. You can pick the obvious: Gilchrest, Fergy, Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith, Moulds, Evans, or McGahee (just kidding). I would pick Fred Smerlas. He is probably my favorite based on he played for poor teams and always gave his best. Even though some of his teams were terrible, you could always count on Freddy to give his best, couple that with how he played with the "Bermuda Triangle", and you got one heck of a Nose Tackle. Love how he was outspoken and rowdy in his heyday. Always ready to speak his mind and tell it like it was (is). He also was kinda a bridge from the good teams of the early 80's to the Kelly, Thomas, Reed and Smith days. Not an obvious choice, and one that will probably be slammed here, but take it for what it's worth.
  22. For sure an instant upgrade. It would be great to see a critical 3rd down pass to the TE and actually not worry it will be dropped.
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