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Everything posted by bluv

  1. A point I think a lot of people overlook based on their impulse to bash Williams and make him seem subpar. WHen heakthy he was a dominant force, especially in the run game. His pass blocking was average but his ability to move bodies was better than average. Now while he isn't a Pro Bowl tackle worthy of a 4th round pick he is when healthy a good OL. If we could get him back healthy at a reduced salary and Peters playing at LT the way he has played at RT then we might have something in the upcoming year.
  2. for now it will seem that all we will need will be a few fixes here and there and a QB switch and we will be all set. Then next year with the same crew and it's pathetic playcalling with Holcomb starting and dinking the ball all over the field putting up good stats against weak teams. What if the D picks up with Spikes returning and McGahee plays like he did last year; we would be 2004 all over again going 9-7, just missing the playoffs looking forward to promise in 2007.
  3. At least when faced with a 4th and 8 against the Panthers he threw a 10 yard pass for a first down than Holcomb who on 4th and 9 checked down real quick to a 2 yard pass in the flat showing no guts whatsoever...
  4. Gotta agree; don't know about the partying or desire to be MVP but the reason that game was lost was because of the lack of runs called, especially when the Giants used a lot of 2 man lines and Thurman was running wild when he touched it and since Kelly called the plays at the line of scrimmage he deserved most of the blame. A lot of people would say the Bills were outcoached but they weren't the one's calling the plays it was Jim Kelly. It was kind of like when the Pats won their first ring against the Rams and everyone blamed Martz for not running Faulk enough when he was running all up in the Pats.
  5. It would never work as Schobel would be ineffective as a 3-4 end. If we could somehow sign Grady Jackson, get an upgrade at left DE, keep Sam Adams and Spikes comes back at close to his 2004 level this D will be back to performing at a high level no problem as I believe Crowell will be an upgrade over Posey and this LB squad would really be off the chain in a 4-3 with those guys up front IF Spikes can return at high level. If they get back to solid discpline play on D and less blitzing with that front and Anderson or Edwards coming off the bench then we may have something. Also I think the team has to find a way to get Baker on the field as I think he would be an upgrade to Vincent at FS. But as always I feel I will get disappointed by this team as even if the D gets back to respectability then the offense will suck because MM will still be the coach with his awful playcalling and then we will be like "what if" on the offensive side but by the time they get up to speed then half the guys on this D will be on thier front porch drinking lemonade! I know that is thinking negative but the last four seasons we have had too many ups and downs; one year it's Bledsoe and all O and no D then the next 2 years the D is outstanding but the offense sucked and then this year both sides are garbage; we just can't find a way to put the two together; it is awlays wait until next year and what if!
  6. Ever since JP has came back from his benching, most of his incompletions have been throw aways to avoid sacks. He has lost his happy feet and when a reciever is open he seems pretty accurate when his mind is made up; it's not like he is missing open recievers. That is why I think with a little more experience he will be fine; it's the coaches and gameplanning I'm more worried about!
  7. A lot of that has to do with MW sitting on the bench as while he is not worthy of the 4th pick in the draft and is overpaid he is when healthy our best OL and a really good run blocker. While Peters seems to be a step up in pass protection he is not the drive blocker MW is. At the beginning of the season with MW McGahee averaged about 4.6 ypc, since, especially with the OL shuffling the running game has been crap! I know that since MW has been injured this point is mute, but a few weeks ago when they tried to move him to LG they should have left him in his natural position and inserted Peters at LT and shifted Gandy down to LG. This would have been a much more solid unit, even though Gandy has held up pretty well at LT. Really with either of the 3 playing tackle our biggest problems are really between the tackles as from guard to guard the unit just isn't getting the job done as they can't run the ball up the gut and most of sacks have come either from the inside or via stunts, not by the tackles being abused.
  8. While he isn't a big name he was ahell of a lot better coach than GW or MM. I remember him as D coordinator switch from a 3-4 to a 4-3 mid season when one of our MLB went down and the D didn't miss a beat. He at least was bold enough to make changes that he felt would make the team better.
  9. I don't think that is it at all for Moulds has supported JP numerous times in the media; just in the previous game he and JP seemed to be finding a chemistry. Now once it looks like we are OUT of the playoff race, MM FINALLY commits to JP and then starts playing Madden on the field. Like I've said earlier I'd rather spend 2 or 3 more seaosns with Moulds on this time rather than a stupid head coach with no credentials or strategy!
  10. If you guys who have watched all the games can't see that the coaching and horrid playcalling and player personell hasn't killed us all season or especially in that lost Sunday where they ran gimmick plays and experimented with player groups/ packages then there is no need for discussion as I don't know what you are seeing when you watch the game!
  11. And add that he never establishes any identity or rhythm on offense, doesn't have enough sense to stick with what is working, and not enough moxie to adjust if he isn't having success. All these excuses about him not having enough talent has to stop as while we aren't a Super Bowl team we have enough players to get the job done on both sides of the ball when the proper schemes are used. I mean we have good WR's who have shown this year they can have success if used properly and a good RB. Jp was play was lacking in his 1st stint but since his comeback he has played admirably; shoot over half his incompletions have been throw aways! Now the OL has struggled up the middle but the tackles have done a good job week after week. On offense the Bills have look much better the past few weeks when they spread teams out with 3 plus WR's and McGahee seems to have better holes to run through than with a FB slowing him up and making him dance when there is no definite hole. Teams have to respect the fact that JP will throw the ball down the field so that will keep teams from putting 8 in the box, giving us a chance to dictate to the D. Having 2 RB and a TE on the field has been so unproductive as the TE's are no threat in the passing game and the extra blocking these guys are suppose to provide is not there and besides JP seems to play better when they open it up; throw in a little no-huddle and the offense has looked even better as it at least has a rhytm. But how can you establish a rhythm by changing personeel every other play and being predictable based on the personell; they have even got predictable in their trick plays! Remember when the D was playing awful for a strecth? They finally got smart readjusted, tone down the blitzing and the D while not playing top 5 D was manageable. Then last week when the blitz is killing the Dolphins they call it off!
  12. I tend to agree with you; Moulds even stated such in an article posted yesterday questioning the playcalling. I mean if Roscoe is taking snaps at QB while Moulds rides on the bench doesn't that say it all? It seems as if MM made this into a preseason game instead of a real game with your team "suposedly" still in the race for the AFC East title. I know some of you guys are just hating on E Moulds but I'd rather take another year or two from him than one more game with MM as a head coach for he is awful at game management in all facets from playcalling, establishing offensive rhytm, and clock management.
  13. I just wish there were more players like him who cared about winning and not cashing in. Think about it there were a few seasons where he could have pulled a TO or not renogoniate for the better of the team but he did but for what? More losing seasons and false promises. A lot of the fans on this board are PATHETIC as time a player has a bad seaon or a few bad games or is about to leave they start bashing them or claim they were overated. But to wish that our best and selfless player for the past 6 seasons had gotten hurt is just GUTLESS!
  14. As far as our line goes, our tackles are not the problem as Gandy, Peters, and MW when healthy while not great are better than what most teams have on the field. It's th interior which needs to be redone for we can't run up the middle and most of the pressure comes up the middle. These guys are on an island and it is obvious when they miss a block but in reality you can't think of many games where they have been abused. Most people just assume Gandy sucks and that MW is overarated because he was a #4 pick who hasn't played at a Pro Bowl level but in reality neither has played bad. Everyone thinks Peters is god , SO FAR until he has that awful game or undisclosed injury that makes him get used. If MW had stayed healthy this year our team would be much better off as he is our best OL when healthy; at the start of the year WM had much success running to the right behind MW. And why should we waste a high draft pick on another can't miss OL when they aren't a guarantee success either when we have proven tackles on this team. If you put them in a offense that has an identity and some kind of rhythm then they will be a non issue. But the guard center combo of Anderson, Teague, and Villareal has to go as they are the weak links on this line.
  15. WHatever. I'll take Moulds any day over this pathetic coaching staff! Just like last week against the Panthers if you get Moulds involved you got a chance to win. You see what happended when he either sat or was used sparringly the offense sputtered. And every complaints Moulds has made has been legitimate for he just wants to win; as for wishing he had got hurt that is so classeless; you should be kicked off th board for making such a CLASSELESS statement as well as the next fellow who remotely agree with this HEARTLESS statement. He could have left a few years back when he was a free agent at the top of his game but stayed and played for us for less money than he could have recieved or at least went to a much more marketable franchise. I mean if he had went to Philly during that year as most suspected he would, he and Mcnabb could be looking pretty good right now. But no he stuck with us and watch us walloow the past 6 seasons teasing the fans going thru QB shuffles looking forward to next year. If this is his last season then I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes for he has always been a class act on my part!
  16. BS! The problem with this team is not lack of talent but poor coaching and gameday playcalling. I'll bet if our coach was named Belichek we'd have more than 4 wins. As far as the DL and Ol go: now the run block has been atrocious since MW keeps getting hurt and relegated to the bench but the DL and run D has picked up the past few weeks. The pass blocking has been manageable. The biggest problem has been playcalling and personell management and getting an identity on offense and establishing rhythm; we have played 12 games and have neither. I mean how many teams subsitute as much on offense as the Bills do, with WR and RBs going in and out every 3-4 plays? How many teams take out BOTH starting WR as much as the Bills do? All we have shown is flashes as one game WM is running great or JP is dropping bombs and when we do have succes the coaching staff doesn't know how to build upon it. Just thank god the D steeped up 3 weeks ago when we played KC or we'd be talking about a meltdown in that game after JP came in and dropped those bombs!
  17. This is one of the few times I don't find as much fault with the coaches; it was all on JP. If he completes that pass the game really is over and we would be writing about the day JP had and how the coaches had the killer instinct and confidence in JP and blah, blah, blah. The coaching staff biggest problem was playing NFL like a Madden videogame by just calling plays and experimenting instead of trying to win and finish the game. Just imagine if we had agood coaching staff who knew how to work magic and make the opponents adjust to our game. Think about it, we were 2nd before the game started probably number one after in points scored in the 1st quarte and opening drives. What if we had a coaching staff who knew how to manage games after getting a quick lead versus one that tinkers with success and play around with this or that and then forget what got them on the board in the 1st place. In the beginning it was McGahee having successful run but the coaches not sticking with it and now this. What if the passing game with Evans and Mouds having good games could be combined with a good WM running game? All we can do is imagine for it will never happen with this coaching staff and they will not force the D to adjust as they will make it easy and do that for them!
  18. I think we need a versatille coach who will do whatever it takes to win and not worry as much about outscheming the other team but outplaying the other team by putting their players in the best position to make plays. I don't know who will be available next season that could fix our situation; if we do get a new coach I hope it is one with experience and not a new jack. To tell you the truth (and how far we have fallen!) I kind of miss Wade as the coaching since has been real horrible! In the past 3-4 seasons we have had enough talent on this team to at the very least be a playoff contender.
  19. The few times this year they have utilized him as a receiver he has looked pretty good. This coaching staff is a joke and they seem to like to use all these crazy formations and personell packages that they fail to establish any identity wahtsoever. That is why the no-huddle was so successful last week against Carolina as it didn't give the coaches the chance to mess up the rhytm the offense had by making these ill-advise substituions and gave us a chance to keep the D off balance.
  20. And all those who are bashing WM are the same ones who claimed he was so much better than Henry was last year and WM was a break away threat and this and that...Face it unti we get a consistent O-line and comeptent coaches we will never be anything special as we have enough talent at the skill positions to win or even dominate; just need the right coaches to put them in the right place to make plays.
  21. This is one of the few times I don't find as much fault with the coaches; it was all on JP. If he completes that pass the game really is over and we would be writing about the day JP had and how the coaches had the killer instinct and confidence in JP and blah, blah, blah. Their biggest problem was playing NFL like a Madden videogame by just calling plays and experimenting instead of trying to win and finish the game. Just imagine if we had agood coaching staff who knew how to work magic and make the opponents adjust to our game. Think about it, we were 2nd before the game started probably number one after in points scored in the 1st quarte and opening drives. What if we had a coaching staff who knew how to manage games after getting a quick lead versus one that tinkers with success and play around with this or that and then forget what got them on the board in the 1st place. In the beginning it was McGahee having successful run but the coaches not sticking with it and now this. What if the passing game with Evans and Mouds having good games could be combined with a good WM running game? All we can do is imagine for it will never happen with this coaching staff and they will not force the D to adjust as they will make it easy and do that for them!
  22. My sentiments exactly. On that long pass play that was a busted 2 deep zone coverage where the safties were split wide with Fletcher covering the middle. I didn't even realize Chambers had such a great game until it was all over and the stats unveiled as I was more aware of the drops Chambers had; it is not like he was constantly toasting Clemens for all those catches. The coaching staff let this team down when it stopped playing to win and started experimenting with personell groups, especially on offense, that Parish pass is a clear example.
  23. And Evans got those 3 TD's with Moulds on the field as a threat, especially after he played pretty well against the previous week; it might be pure speculation but it seemed that the offense struggled from the 2nd quarter on as we juggled recievers with Moulds mostly on the bench. Face it this coaching staff is a joke as offensively they never establish anything and constanly play with personell lineups that don't make sense or make any points!
  24. So really do you trust a rookie LT to come in next year to start and block the blindside for JP? I know everybody assumes Gandy sucks because he was suppose to suck; I guess if he has that bad game in the next few weeks a few naysayers will say I told you that he sucked all along. But so far Gandy, while not elite has been pretty solid for us this season. There are plenty of teams with way worse options at LT than Gandy but are solid at other OL positions. The inside of the line has been our problem as we have allowed too much pressure up the middle. I think once we shore this spot up by however means then our offense will be alright if JP continues to develop as our skill positions are set. I think the biggest setback of this team was MW injury problems as he was our best run blocker and as a result our running game has suffered and I don't agree with the mid season shuffle of moving him to guard. As far as the draft does, I'd like to see a stud DT or pass rushing end added, that is is Clemens is resigned. If he is not then that should be our main priority for the other DBS behind him will not get the job done next year no doubt!
  25. Especially coaching. If this team had any coaching whatsoever we'd be a lot more productive. Face it, this year has been lost mainly due to poor coaching. Injuries to Spikes and our 2 Miami draft picks have hurt but that isn't an excuse. For one the play calling has sucked all year long. Take yesterday the 1st trip in the red zone: on 3rd and 1 we try a flip play to Mcgahee instead of running straight ahead, take a 4 yard lost and have to settle for a field goal. Always trying to be cute when baisc playcalling can get the job done. Later in the game we are killing the Panthers with the no-huddle, then we get away from it. For this team I've said all year long that a 3 WR or a singleback attack is better for this team as Willis seems to dance more when he has a FB in front of him; when you spread teams out and give him cutback lanes he seems more decisive. I think a zone blocking scheme that Denver uses would fit WM more. And while most jump on WIlliams back for not being a top 5 pick, when he has played the past 2 years our running game has been solid. While Peters is just as good a pass blocker, he is not the mauler that Williams is in the running game. If a mid season change needed to be made a O-line, why wasn't Gandy shifted top LG, a position he has played and probably more suited for and Peters moved in at LT, a position he practiced for the whole offseason? With that being said I still think Peters and Gandy have played well but the interior guys haven't done as well for most of the pressure this season has come where QB's hate it the most up the middle. But back to coaching; how can we win with such horrible playcalling? I mean we barely pass with basic personell and when we do it is the same patterns; we never run the ball in succession. If we do pass on 1st down we always run on 2nd leaving the QB in 3rd and long, with Willis on the sideline. The reason the no-huddle series was so effective was that the Panthers couldn't key in based on personell wheter we'd run or pass and had to be on teir toes. SInce we have no threat at TE when we set up in basic personell we are so easy to defend because we aren't commited to the run and once we do go to 3 WR it is 3rd and long with our best runner sitting on the sidelines. For the last 5 games, the 3 WR set should be the staple of our offense and in doing so both our running game and passing game will pick up. At least Gray finally got smart and didn't get us killed by stubbornly sticking with blitzing schemes that leave us vulnerable and open up huge running lanes. That is why our D has been so bad this year as coaches haven't adjusted to the strength of it's personell. If we had a premier coach who would adjust and do whatever it takes to win we'd have 2-3 more wins and be in the hunt as the talent on this team is not lacking just the coaching. My biggest gripe is that if we finish strong the last 5 games, looking at 2006 and the roster I see so much potential with Everett in the mix along with a few draftees but the sad thing is that next year this time I might still be looking for the next year hoping we can add another piece to the puzzle!
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