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Everything posted by bluv

  1. Those thoughts crossed my mind as I was flipping back and forth watching us getting stomped and the Bengals at least competiting....
  2. While the line is a big culprit, the offense as a whole is a mess and I don't think it is due to talent but poor coaching and scheming. Whenever JP plays it seems as if the gameplanning goes out the window and just calling plays becomes the norm; just give JP a play and watch him run around. The running game becomes and afterthought and they can't seem to put players in their positions to maximize their talents. I mean number one, we are a running team built for the run; for us to be down 28-3 and McGahee having only 2 runs playing on the road with a young QB is atrocious playcalling! And if you are going to run these short routes with Moulds, why not incorporate more slants so he can get some RAC instead of short curls and hitches? With Evans being the deep threat, where are the short hitches and curls that should be offered as he has proven to get open deep? And as far as the OL goes, when Mike Williams was healthy he was our best OL, even though he has not lived up to a top 5 pick. Why force Peters in at mid season and give him baptism by fire? And if they wanted to use Peters so badly, why not put him in a LT where he practiced all offseason and move Gandy to LG where he has played and would fit comfortably and sit our worse lineman Anderson on the bench? Remember when MW was hurt in the 1st games, they didn't bring in Peters because he had practiced at LT; they brought in the other loser RT whom I can't remember? Now the line strength which was run blocking is now a liabilty and the pass blocking is as bad if not worse than before the switch. Face it, while we need a personell upgrade, we need a coaching/gameplanning upgrade 10 times more. I'm pretty sure if Belichek had our personell to work with we'd at least be contending.
  3. It all depends; I grew up in NC and currently live in Hampton Roads. If you are the city type and need to be close to an urban environment but at the same time still live in a rural setting then any suburbs surrounding Charlotte and Raliegh-Durham is great; Greensboro-Winston Salem isn't bad also. At least if you move to the Charlotte area you would have access to a few pro sports teams. The cost of living is cheap there comapred to most areas within 100 miles of the east coast. Hampton Roads is a little more expensive but asides from not having a pro sports team, any other facet in life can be enjoyed here, especially with easy access to the water. Now you could really make out in any small town in NC as the cost of living will be cheap but boring if the quiet life isn't for you.
  4. It's not just about ex NFL players; it's those ex players such as Salisbury, Hoge, even Jaworksi who speak out so strong are quick to judge and crticize when they were never supaertars or All-pros themselves; it's almost equivalent to listening to Stephen A. Smith being so adimant and confident about his knowledge in the game. And in reality, I'll bet you %80 of us on this board have more good football sense about the Buffalo Bills than Salisbury for I'll bet he never has or will pay attention to them unless we win 2-3 straight games convincingly and we become a media darling worth covering; until then we are an afterthought to him, just good to mention every once in a while!
  5. F#@$ Salisbury; what does he know? I hate these washed up NFL players such as he and Merril Hoge who were never nothing more than journeymen claim to be such students of the game; it never helped their careers!
  6. I'm suprise they didn't break away and show him get flipped at the QB and then proclaim how he goes all out and sacrifices his body for the team and blah, Blah, BLAH.....
  7. Or maybe Schobel who had 2 plus sacks and numerous hurries.
  8. 2 tackles and a half a near sack he would get the award running away! With 20 tackles, a sack, and force fumble how can he not get consideration? At least Ditka and Salisbury acknowledge him on the Blitz; ESPN and NFL primitime didn't. But they did noticed the 2 plays Bruschii had; you know the NEAR sack he had when he got flipped in the backfiled on his back!
  9. Exact same position: listening to the coaches telling us how JP is playing great in practice and watching film and is ready to step in and dominate. They already started that a week ago when TD said that JP had looked more accurate in practice. Even though the schedule is harder than it was last year, I'd hate to see a repeat of last year where we finish strong but still have to sit and wait for next year. Then they will try to push a NEW JP down our throats and keep us waiting and hoping to see how he plays with Parrish and Everett and either a new or re-shuffled O-Line. From my standpoint: if KH is not going to be the QB of the future than I'd rather lose with JP the final 8 games to let him develop than spin our wheels with KH. And we all know that KH will not start in 2006 for he will not sell many tickets out the gate for there are more fans who would rather see a supposedly better JP with new toys than those who are really in love with KH arm unless the team is ready to win IT ALL now with KH at the helm, NOT! Then if JP struggles to start off 2006 because he is not READY they may turn to KH again just like they did this year to salvage the season and give a spark while they sit JP to give him a chance in 2007 when he is supposedly READY until they finnally give up hope- wait a minute it seems as if we keep spinning around and around year after year, WHEN WILL THE MADDNESS END???!!!!!!
  10. I agree. The fact that division is a mess will set this team back for a year or two as the front office will actually believe we have a chance to win. Let's say we finish strong, end up 8-8 or even 9-7 and miss the playoffs with KH at the helm? Or even make the playoffs and get smashed? I'll guarnatee that in 2006 JP will be force fed to us and all the coaches will play the same story they played in 2005 where he is playing so great in practice and sleeps in the film room and blah, blah, blah! Really if he hadn't broken his leg last preseason and he had taken over last year when we where 3-5 maybe we wouldn't be 3-5 this year; at least we'd have a better idea of where he stood as a QB. So in comes 2006. If he doesn't come in and walk on water or the Bills lose he will be labaled a bust in Buffalo land and will never get a chance a redemption. Then we will have had 2 years of analysis wasted his first years while we flirt with being average. I'd hate to be 3-5 next year while the team tries to develop JP and then he finally gets it and we finish strong, end up 8-8 or 9-7, miss the playoffs and have to wait unil 2007 for us to compete.
  11. So was Eli in NY last year after 4 games. You know what I want even fall for the trap as you just want to get us all riled up and start bashing these ignorant comments.
  12. Not as bad a lose as you might think. If we win the game the talk would be that the Bills have a chance at the playoffs vs shoring up the obvious weaknesses. Also we would have to spend one more week watching Holcomb put up "great" stats with dump of passes but no points on the board while we wait until next season and the team tries to resell JP to us all over again; as a matter of fact it has already started as TD said how much better he has looked in practice. I want to see how he looks the rest of the season in live action against the tougher teams. I don't want this team to finish strong under Holcomb and then next year they force JP on us. While I'll admit I have a desire for JP to do good, if they stick with KH for too many more games I wish they come into next year with him as the starter or at least have an open competition. If JP is going to be the man next year and beyond, the time for his era to begin is next week after the bye.
  13. I'd rather have that than one who is a "B!T@#" for that what he was on that 4th and 7 play on Sunday night and as a result I have lost all respect for KH!
  14. AFC Defensive Player of the Week? Is this a f@#$% joke? I understand he has came back from a stroke but they kiss this guy's @$$ all Sunday night while McGahee runs over and thru him and the Pats; his team mate, Vrabel had 11 tackles and a sack. Our DE Schobel had 2 sacks and a forced fumble. I mean come on I want to see the guy play well but you can't just give him top awards just for effort. They might give him NFL defensive player of the year for just playing in the next 9 games!
  15. Exactly. If we have a strong finish this year but miss the playoffs then in 2006 the staff will begin to try to re-sale JP to the fans all over again and proclaim he is ready and if he has another slow start he will be villified as another RJ. I agree he should have been given the reins last year, especially since it was obvious the team had given up on Drew as being the future QB. Now while we might not have had the strong finish in 2004, JP and the Bills would be much farther along in 2005 and we probably wouldn't be 3-5 as we have lost some winnable games with poor QB play. Now we all know that while KH is playing good he has reached his potential and can't get any better and you would have to have all the pieces around him to win as he can't lead an offense that can score over 20 points a game as he doesn't have the arm and he still makes rookie decisions at times. If we had stuck with JP at least we would know by 2007 wheter he's our Qb or not good enough. So far we can't evaluate after only 4 starts. If he doesn't play any this year then he better start off on fire in 2006 for he will lose any support he has if he has any slip ups; let the rest of 2005 be his learning curve so that can't be used as an excuse down the road if he does stink the place up for then if he falters we can just say he stinks!
  16. Are you serious? Do you think Moulds is Houdini? Time he caught the ball he was surrounded by 3 defenders. He should have been the PRIMARY receiver, not a decoy on 4th and 7. Campy are you sure your last name isn't Clemens?
  17. You took the words right out of my mouth. I was and still am mad at KH for expecting Moulds to be Superman but then I thought Moulds had 8 catches up to that point; why is he running a 2 yard pattern when all the other WRs played like crap; is this just another case of the coaching staff out thinking itself? Maybe they were hoping 3-4 Pat defenders would jump on Moulds and leave somebody else wide open! These coordinators better realize this isn't Madden this is the NFL - NOT FOR LONG when you consistenetly make stupid playcalls!
  18. Yeah and those guys were struggling this year until they played us. That should be our slogan: If you need cure for your upset running attack take a dose of the Bill'd D and it will make everything alright - at least for a week!
  19. While I don't think he is the best RB in the league, everybody is just hating on WM because he made that statement. I mean both LT and Alexander got shutdown yesterday and put up worse stats than WM. And if the D had come to play I'm pretty sure WM would have gotten more yards as he couldn't touch the ball in the 2nd half. As a matter of fact today was the first time they ever utilized WM in the passing game and they should expand his role; today was the first game in I don't know when that I have saw the Bills run a screen pass! The offense, while not putting up great numbers, was not the blame for this game the D has to be held accountable. That is why I hated the move to Holcomb; he has played good but his arm makes Chad Pennington look like a cannon. But this team is going no where and he clearly is not a franchise QB which is why we gain nothing by going 8-8 or 9-7 with him at the helm for we will be worse for wear in 2006 as they will try to sell JP to us all over again and the scrutiny will be even greater on him.
  20. Yeah AKC you're smoking crack and a hater! As much as I want to find fault in Brady's game, I can't! He's not like Aikman where he relied on the running game and a WR pushing off. WHen he needs to put the yoke on his back and carry that team he steps up and does it effortlessly. If he needed to go along with the system whenver the game is at hand or pass for 300+ yards a game slinging the ball across the field he can. No he can not throw the 20 yard out (neither could Montana) but any other pass he can make. You say he can't throw down the field; well who threw that deep bomb to Bethel Johnson against ATL 2 weeks ago or dropped those bombs against the Steelers in the championship game? Anybody who doesn't give Brady his props is a blind @$$ hater point blank!
  21. While I agree that Gandy has done a better than expected job he has given up 2 sacks; the one Rice got in Tampa cam against Gandy; but that is all the noise he made the entire game! He has done a much better job than most people expected and should be commended for it. It seems a lot of people just assumes he is bad and waits for him to give up a sack to say see I told you he sucks. But if the guy he is blocking rarely is a factor then all those nay sayers need to shut up! Maybe you can point a finger at Teague, Villereal, or Anderson (if you want to be picky) but while Gandy is not a Pro Bowl franchise LT (not every team has one), he has played very well this season. If Big Mike comes back then I hope the pass protection is as good as it was in week one and most of the game against Tampa; who knows if he didin't get hurt JP might still be playing QB!
  22. Yeah but what if the team wanted to sit him and put another WR in the lineup just for a "spark" how woulde he take it? He would feel that the team is signaling him out asthe reason they are struggling that's how. Not that the playcalling or blocking has sucked no; then after benching him the team wins a few easy games on the schedule and the playcalling picks up as team gels and then everybody places all the blame on him then see how he would feel. If the team wanted a spark, why not sit Teague and put the rookie in a center or better yet place Peters at LT and move Gandy to RG and put Villaereal on the bench? Or better yet give the playcalling duties to the QB coach, Sam Wyche. My point is while JP has not played good, the playcalling and blocking has sucked even worse since week one. Williams being out could contribute to that for the 1st week and for most of the Tampa game pass protection was pretty good while he was in. But the play calling on both sides of the ball has been horrendous and that is what is holding the team back even more the young QB. Who knows, if you let him play in these next 2 home games against easier opponents he might gain confidence. If Losman stays in and we finish 9-7 and either make the playoffs or just make it I will consider that a successful season given the way the D played poorly so far combined with Spikes injury. If we do the same with Holcomb then we will just be spinning in circles as usual for Holcomb unless he plays like not good BUT GREAT will not be our future QB and we will begin next year wondering whether to stick with the little success we had with Holcomb or to go with JP. If either fails then we will play next season the same as this one: waiting with promise for the next season and the cycle goes on and on and on.....
  23. A good coach will gameplan according to his players abilities and put them in position to make plays and play to their strengths.
  24. My issue is why does it seems that they go out of there way to prove that they can hit the big play; on BOTH offense and defense? It seems as if this coaching staff spends too much time watching the opponents tape then analyzing and dissecting what our team strengths are and putting players in position to make plays! There is definitely no rhytm on offense. Before the season we were suppose to be a running team that played good D. The sad point is that we have ran the ball good 3 ot ouf 4 games. But they don't stick with the run and they never can seem to pass from the same personell they have success. If they want to take advantage of JP's mobility, instead of having him running draws like a college QB where are the rollouts, the rolling pockets, etc.? Where are the short passes that combine with a power runing game that keeps the chains moving and the D off the field so that we can wear down the opposing D? If this were happening then there would be more opportunities for the big play for defenses have figured out since game one to look out for the big play in the 1st few quarters and they don't respect the play action; escpecially after a good run for even they know the Bill's coaching staff will try to be cute on the next play instead of coming back and smashing it down their throats again!
  25. Look acroos the field: We shut Mccallister down for 3 1/2 quarters where he averaged less than 3 yards a carry. They stick with the running game and he gains 65 yards on the last drive. My biggest ache is that this coaching staff doesn't seem to know what it is doing. They never run the ball on consecutive plays. Every game it seems as if they try to go deep on every other play; mostly to Eric. There are no short or intermediate throws whatsoever. It is either a deep ball or a dump off pass. The TE is an afterthought. It feels like I'm watching a Madden football game where it seeems as if someone is just calling plays with no rhyme or reason!
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