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Everything posted by bluv

  1. These ratings seem similar to an updated franchise file I downloaded for Madden2005, NOT the officical 2006 ratings. These should be posted on IGN Sports when they finally add the AFC East teams...
  2. I understand your logic as well as the players but in TO's case: SCREW HIM! A player who was considered a steal or sleeper who was a lower round draft pick who has well exceeded his contract I can side with; Jevon Walker or an Antonio Gates if he has another banner year but TO? He signed a contract last year making him one of the top 3 highest paid WR in the league. Then he cries about having to feed his family when I saw the show on ESPN when he was with Funk Master Flex showing off all his custom rides? He is so stupid as after his heroic Super Bowl performance he could have made 5 times as much money as he could off a slight increase in his salary. Instead he has just killed him image and has just made people hate him more.
  3. But it isn't that simple. The only reason a GM wouldn't do as you suggested is tbecause of a salary cap hit, for if they could they would. The worst is when they one year get a player to restructure then the next cut him so they can avoid paying them when the salary cap hit is the least. Face it every GM wants to have situation where they can get at least %85 of their productive players playing as either 2nd round players or lower who are cheaper or mid level veterans who have been cut and playing their butts of for a payday they will never get. Then when these players contracts come up they either cut them or let them go via free agent based on the market for a replacement; they want to continue this cycle of replacing players with similar free agents or cheap free agents (steals as most would say) every year; doesn't this sound like the Patriots model of success? If you were a player how would you feel for they get paid based more on potential than production. Take Ty Law he has busted his butt for the Pats year end and year out; they never wanted to up and redo his contract and give him his fair market value as the best CB in the game; he has threatened to hold out several times. Now once he gets hurt, he gets cut. Now since he can't get a big contract he has to take at least 2 years to prove himself and will become a steal to whatever team picks him up if he does so. And if he does come back to top form, once his contract is up he will not get that big payday for now he is considered too old while some young unproven 1st round DB gets 2-3 times the money he makes. Also ask Ande Reed how this felt as well.
  4. Kelso's Helmet: My point is that why predict gloom before even watching a player perform on the field? Take Peters for instance he could be a Pro Bowler for all we know from day one and actually be the best player on the O-Line. Let the players perform before you judge them; at least give them that chance. That is why a lot of players do better when they get traded because their previous team and fans have a preconcieved idae about their abilities and are quick to judge and don't give players time to develop. Now it is to the point that we judge players without even allowing them to set foot on the field and predict gloom and doom. The Pats didn't have top picks at Qb, WR or O-line but have won 2 of the past 3 SBs (They even got rid of a 1st pick QB and passed him on to us!)
  5. I guess we might as well give up on the season as well for based on your pathetic theory there is no way Losman will not suck in his 1st year as a starter....
  6. That what he is supposed to say to sell himself. In Buffalo, it was just principle: he felt he was done wrong. I mean he was palying for his childhood team, came of a 1300+ yard season, played hurt giving many praises for his courage playing hurt with painful injuries on a sub .500 team only to see a team with many holes to fill draft an unproven and injured RB in the 1st round. Now that Willis has played well for a season now Henry in the prime of his career is yesterdays news, becoming an insurance policy in case Willis gets hurt. Being there were no jobs left where he would be the unquestioned starter, he would get considerable playing time or have a chance to unseat the starter, an opportunity he wouldn't have in Buffalo. Here his stock would fall even farter sitting on the bench next year unless an injury gave him a chance to step in. So I understand him wanting to get out of Buffalo as fast as possible
  7. Now last year, Moulds dropped a lot of passes. But over his career he hasn't been known to drop that many catches as the issue of him dropping catches has nver came up before - until we drafted Lee Evans. The fans on this board are sick an forgetful; once a player has one off year, a contract year, or see another potential replacemenet they start bashing the incumbent. Like I've stated before TO drops way more passes than Moulds and that is the knock on TO is that he drops the occansional pass. But he makes way more plays than Moulds for he played with better QBs in better systems. In the first 5 games last year everybody here was all on Moulds you know what for he was all the offense we had as he scored most of our TD's. Granted in the second half of the season his play slipped as he UNCHARACTERISTICALLY dropped a lot of passes. Does that mean that he sucks know because Lee Evans stepped his play up in the second half of the season. Let Moulds get hurt and then we will see all the fans who are starting to mildly bash him satrt to say what if we Moulds hadn't got hurt. If you had a poll right now as to which season injury would effect the Bills more, one to Moulds or to Evans and a lot of those would go with the hot guy Evans. But in reality which seems more formidable: 2 smurf WRs in Evans and Parrish or Parrish and Moulds? The second would be for Moulds is irreplaceable on this offense for no other WR on this team could beat good press coverage.
  8. Who drops more balls than TO does? Face it: if Moulds played on a team that had a legit offensive scheme and a consistent QB, especially one that would allow Eric to get RAC yards he would definitely be a top 5 WR. If he had left for Philly back when he was a free agent, McNabb wouldn't be having this fued with TO and he'd probably have a ring or two as well. Face it our QB's and gameplans have sucked for the years Moulds have been here and that goes hand in hand. I always wondered why don't we throw more timing passes, quick slants, etc, routes that allow RAC yards but then I realized that all of our QB's either were too slow in setup and recognition or too short. I just feel for Moulds for while he will still be considered good, imagine if he had played a few years earlier in our K-Gun offense. He'd be a Hall of Famer!
  9. All I can say is that all those fans who turned on Hnery making him out to be a subpar player ONCE Mcgahee had a SO-SO season will turn on McGahee after he holds out if he "outperforms" his contract by him and his agents definition. It is like what do you want to be your wife: a girl who is a 8.0-8.5 on a scale of 10 in looks but gives her all to help the cause and all they ask is to be treated with respect for they had been checking you out and been a fan of yours since they were young and would or a 9 who thinks they are a 10 and wants to be showered by gifts, even if it means breaking your bank? Can you guess which one is Henry and which is McGahee? When McGahee asks for $7 million a year so that he can buy another expensive ride while Henry is on another team putting up respectable numbers while not breaking the bank some will reminis; I GUARANTEE IT! But after reading the article I can see Rosenhaus side in that there are no guaranteed contracts for NFL player and in a sport where injuries are paramount this is BS. In TO's case however he is full of BS for he currently the 3rd highest paid WR going onto the 2nd year of a 7 year contract. Now any reasons he has is absurd. But take aplayer such as Antonio Gates from the Chargers; he came out of nowhere and is probably the best TE in the game but is paid chump change as a walk-on. I'll bet the Charger organization loves that as they are betting Pro Bowl pay out of journeyman salary and have him under contract. But if he gets hurt then they could cut him with no remorse. They could get even lucky if he gets hurt in a contract year (like Andre Reed did) and sign him to another undervalue contract until he proves himself and by then he maybe consider too old and might lose a step so we will not give you top dollar. The way the system is setup the only ones taking advantage are the top draft picks who haven't proved anything but because of their pick will command top dollar. If he meets expectation then he will be paid for life. Overall there is no easy answer as players deserved to get paid and have their security but at the same time we don't want a league full of high paid under achievers.
  10. I play with the Bills against my friend who uses the Eagles and against my cousin who uses the Jets and have no problem competing. In 2006 their might be an issue with this new QB feature but in the past Maddens as long as you have fast skilled positions, especially WR, a decent QB and DB then you can compete in Madden and since we have been strong at those positions for the past 3 Maddens then you can compete with the Bills. The biggest fix to be made in Madden is the ratings so that they had more on the field effect. Take O-line for instance; the rating doesn't have as much effect as it should where as my friends who has Tra Thomas or Fabini get consistently beaten by Schoebel when I use the line audible to make the DL rush wide; hell using this technique I can get pressure with Kelsay. Now playing with our LT (either Jennings or Gandy) who are rated at 77, they consistently block Abraham for my cousin doesn't use the line audible. Point being is that if you utilize a certain feature in Madden or take advatage of flaws in the game you can compete which sucks. I wish they would take the time and add more postion specific ratings to make strategy and gameplanning mean more. I mean you can make Takeo or Derrick Brooks play like LT but in real life they are not those types of players. Speed is so much of a factor at WR since their are no ratings for route running, beaten the jam, catch in traffic, etc. If it was you'd send a WR on routes to take advantage of their strengths. All QB's in Madden speeds are way too slow. How many times do you see a DB come up and knock a charging RB of his feet in real life as it happens on Madden. I love Madden but it has to change thses problems that have been consistent of the past 4 Maddens; there are so many more I can't even add them all but believe me if more time were spent on ratings then Madden would be so much better for while I can visually see in my mind a DE running around Mike Williams and sacking the QB but not bowling him over and going thru him like it happens on Madden.
  11. It's not that bad; Woody Paige is amusing and to me he carries the show for without him it would be very dry at times...
  12. And something is just tellin me that Peters may be the diamond in the rough! Some on this board are still giving him a hard time because of wonderlic scores and what not but we really haven't seen him perform yet. He is one player I will keep my eye on during the pre-season for with his athletic ability he could be a solid LT. One more note: if we don't pursue another LT such as Shelton, I wonder why the Bills don't invite Price back to camp for he has filled in well the past 2 seasons and to tell you the truth I would feel more comfortable with him than any of the other above mentioned players for I have saw his work and while it isn't first class it was definitely adequate.
  13. Moulds is clearly a flawed player in decline, but he's still the best possession WR on the roster. I don't want to turn a speed WR like Evans into a possession WR, but I would like to see more passes thrown Evans' way. 342649[/snapback] Flawed? Don't discount Moulds to give hype Evans; he maybe not quite the WR he used to be or he may have dropped a few more passes but flawed? In the first 5 games Moulds was the ONLY offense we had as he scored a TD in all those games as he was a fantasy stud; after defenses figured that out and the fact that Drew locks on to a receiver then Lee started to pick it up late in the season. If Moulds had played on a more efficient offense or with more capable QB's he would no doubt be considered one of the best WR's in the game. I just hope JP can deliver those quick, accurate throws that allow WR's to run after the catch; then you will really see Moulds production pickup for let's face it: he is our only WR with the strength to consistenly beat press one-on-one coverage. I had wondered for the past 5 seasons where has all those quick slants and crossing routes been in our offense that would let a Moulds type break loose with RAC yards then I realized we either didn't have a QB suited for that offense (either too short or too slow setup) or a competent offensive coordinator (God help the Lonnie Johnson experience!)
  14. I just moved to hampton roads in november; except for the past few years houses were very cheap here compared to the national average. It is still way cheaper than a lot of other east coast cities. Co-workers from my old job in Newport, Rhode Island (which is expensive and lacking I might add) will have to relocate to San Diego. I checked on MSN House & Home; they have mobile homes running for over $300K so I say we in hampton roads have it pretty good with a growing economy and bright future. In Rhode Island, as an engineer making more than the average household, I couldn't come close to owning a house; I move here and can easily afford a 2000 plus square foot home. It's sad but pretty soon it will be a luxury to own a home as you will have to make about $200K to own a home in the near futre if this country keeps going the way it is; we'd be like those 3rd world countries: either you live in a masion or live in a hut as the middle man will be wiped out!
  15. Tell me: what does drinking and womanizing have to do with sucess in the NFL? If that is true then is that suppose to be glorified? As long as he plays good and has success on the field, he could be the biggest whimp, punk, geek or whatever off the field for in the NFL what happens on the field is all that matters. I tell you some people are a trip: if he plays well while drinking it up and chasing women he will be compared to Kelly; if he doesn't play well then he will be called an alcoholic who spends to much time chasing women while he should be watching film and studying the game; Oh my goodness... I can't wait for the season to start!
  16. The saddest thing about the whole situation is that all the respect TO earned by defying his doctors, playing in the Super Bowl and playing great has all been thrown in the garbage thanks to a greedy agent who gave him bad advice; especially when he is the 3rd highest paid WR in the league! Boy I hate to see when McGahee becomes a free agent....
  17. I'll agree with you when it comes to people's opinion about the 2K series: since the previous versions suck they assume 2K5 sucked and people only liked it because it was 20 bucks. Ok there was another football video game that was annually $20 but it sucked so no one ever bought it and it never challanged Madden. Why don't the EA SPorts lover just give the game credit as it is just a good game. The biggest reason Madden lovers hate 2K5 (such as my cousin) is that it has a more realistic passing game that isn't as automatic and safe as Madden. While they have improved it in the last 2 Madden, you can still back up 10-15 yards and get off accurate passes and the ease of completed a pass is unreal; you can complete passes to WR/TE's while they have their heads turned. For some reason every QB/receiver has some mind reading capabilities for that no matter the ball is thrown the WR always knows where the ball is headed and adjust his route. For instance, if the WR is suppose to run a 10 yard and cut to the sidelines with no option route, if you throw it deep the WR automatically knows to keep going deep. In 2K5, like in real life if you back up too far out the pocket then the DE's will have a direct angle to your QB. If your timing is off and you throw when your WR isn't ready then it will be obvious and not help you out as it happens in Madde. With the FEW good passing plays 2K5 has they seem to work well and I like the feel for the game. But the playbooks suck and that is the real downfall to 2K5. 2K5 running game is the most realistic yet as a RB has to actually be tackled to be brought down versus just being touched in Madden and the backs fight for extra yardage just like in real life rather than the hit or miss approach in Madden. I didn't think a video game was capable of this action - until I played 2K5. But they did go a little overboard with the stiff arm and shoulder charge. I mean I love the way Travis Henry fights for yards but come on you will never see him stiff arm 3 defenders in a row and run 65 yards to the end zone as it happens on 2K5 a little too much! If they toned that down but left in the other aspect this would be awesome. Also the player rating system on 2K5 is so much expansive than Madden as it has more attributes specific to a players position. Now I don't agree with you that Madden sucks for it is still a very good game and I like it better than 2K5 for I am a strategy/playcalling type and the playbooks and schemes on 2K5 SUCKED!! While Madden playbooks are basically the same year after year, they are legit plays and its playbooks are far greater than 2K5 for in Madden you can create and edit plays; in 2K5 you can only choose sucky plays from other teams playbooks. I felt that ESPN NFL 2K6 would have been the best football game ever if it had only a few fixes but we are left to wonder...
  18. That guy has it wrong; EA Sports bought exclusive rights to NFL AFTER ESPN NFL 2K5 success and it's cheap prices. Before 2K5, the ESPN NFL games sucked; the NBA games were actually better than Live in some years. But 2K5 was so much better than Madden 2005 in the visuals and appeal aspects with it being only $19.95 and becoming a threat EA Sports decided to wipe out it's competition by buying BOTH the NFL AND ESPN rights. Now while Madden is still better overall I feel, especially in playbooks and strategy department, it couldn't compare to the graphics or game action in 2K5, especially in the run game. I felt that in 2K6 if they put more time into playbook (which isn't hard) and toned down the running game a bit (especially that wicked @$$ stiffarm) then Madden would be left behind. So instead of open competition, EA SPorts just wipe the competition out. Now in 2006 EA sports may make big changes to Madden, especially stealing the good points of 2K5. But after that it will be basically the same game with a few minor touchups year after year. My cousin who isn't flexible and is a die-hard Madden fan acts like NFL 2K5 wasn't any competition to Madden. I'm like OK when have you ever saw Madden, at all major stores, retail price drop below $30 BEFORE the season ended? NEVER! The same with NBA Live. Normally the price doesn't go down until a month before the next game was released if that. If you don't believe the analogy look at NCAA college football; being it's the only college football game with no competition, is has been $39.99 the whole season and the price hasn't drop like Madden or Live did. No fear; I think that Visual Concepts and Sega will now turn to the ollege football venue. My only fear is that they will make a football game so great I'd be wishing it were the NFL but I'd be stuck with college and I don't care for it the same; especially like I do the Bills!
  19. Teams blitzed Bledsoe at will because he never generated a big play to force teh defense to change. 332827[/snapback] Now here is the true fact: Bledsoe had a slow setup, made slow decisions, making him ill equipped to run a shorter, quick throwing, or timing passing offense. I always wonder what if Moulds played in a west coast offense, especially 3 years ago what numbers would he put up for I know he has run after the catch ability. But with the QBs we have had they are either too short or too slow mentally to run an effecient passing game with quick slants and similar routes. I think that J Reed would have been productive in such an offense. Let's hope JP can get it done and not have such limitations mentally for we know he has the physical skills but I also said the same of RJ so we will see....
  20. The only thing I can say is that going to JP was the right move for we weren't going anywhere with Drew as he often made crucial mistakes that a younger QB would,; not what you would expect from a seasoned vet. Now Drew didn't throw a lot of picks but he was often indecisive, fumbled or took a sack at the wrong time in a game and point blank was never consistent outside his first 8 games in 2002. He lacked fundamentals;couldn't perform a believable play-fake to save his life. So who knows how JP will perform but unless he LOSES games by turning the ball over I don't see how he can be much worse than Drew because for the last 2 years our passing game has been ranked in the bottom 5-7 for the past two years even while having a good running attack and decent WR's. We don't have too much farther to fall so even if JP doesn't set the league on fire the only way anybody could say it would be better if we had Drew could be if we finsh 26th or worse in passing stats or the kid throws 15+ int's; I'll bet he takes fewer sacks and runs for more first downs!
  21. While I do agree that the best thing for Travis is not to play hardball and just make the best of the situation, I can see why he is frustrated. It is not like he is asking to renew his contract and overpricing himself. He gave is all to the Bills. When McGahee was drafted he was like %95 of this board: WHY? I mean he had just come off a Pro Bowl Season playing on a losing team playing hurt, had just signed a cheap, team friendly extension with every intention of remaining in Buffalo for a long time (his childhood favorite team) and we had so many more pressing needs. We would have been set a RB with a player content on being a Bill without having to dish out megabucks giving the flexibility to spread that money around.Now while McGahee played well last year, if we didn't have him aboard %95 of Bills fan would be all on Henry's ship (as they were in 2002/2003), calling him underated and a hard working, unselfish TEAM player. Now that McGahee has come in and shown FLASHES, most have jumped ship; I mean it isn't like he came in like Bo Jackson and average 5 yards a carry, busting out 90 yard carries, he only averaged 4.0 ypc, about the same as Travis. I'm not discounting Willis in anyway; in some facets he is better than Travis (better blocker,reciever) but not by much. Just wait till Rosenhaus has McGahee sit out and demand a pay raise twice what Henry would have commanded; the grass always looks greener on the other side!
  22. I'm suprised more posters on this board didn't noticed the line where he states he would stay in Buffalo "as long as they pay me" and his response to renogotiating his contract; we all know who his agent is!
  23. Or vice-versa: assume you were a a hot prospect or better yet a proven NFL star player and there was all this opportunity to be had. Would you just settle for less and just play the game? It is easy to say sure and it would be easy if the game was just played on Sunday. Then after you have endured all that goes into playing the game, you go out and perform at a high level; wouldn't you want to be paid what you are worth or equal fair market value? Then to top that off, if or once you get hurt or have an off year, people develop amnesia and forget what all that you had done the past years you have been with the team. What if, at your REAL job your boss came to you and said that you know what I think you are doing a fine, as a matter of fact a great job, top of the line work. Even though you could have went to a competitor that paid much more you stuck with us being a loyal employee thru our tough times. But now that we are on our feet, to be truthful, I feel I can hire this other guy to do your job for a little cheaper and since we do have authority I have to do what's best for the company. Now even though you have put everything you have had in this company and stuck thru the hard times, I will have to cut you and I'm sure you will find work somewhere else; have a great life! Then next year after they get on their feet they hire another guy in your same position o an absurd contract paying twice the amount you were getting paid all because he was a few years younger and had potential. How would you feel?
  24. As a fan I hate agents who over value there players and fill there heads up. But on the flipside I have to side with the players, even though I'd hate it if a Bill's player held out. I mean the salries aren't guaranteed and all the power is with the teams. I mean the tragic event that happened in Arena football can happen in the NFL as well as you are basically putting your BODY AND LIFE ON THE LINE. This game doesn't reward you for the job you have done but for what you can do so if I was a player why would I wait and just play the game with the mindset that I will be rewarded by the team when we have all saw so many times how teams don't show loyalty and reward their players. That is why Nate Clemens would have been a fool to sign cheap before his contract year unless he wants to remain a Bill no matter what. I guess some would say be loyal to your team and you should be rewarded. Ask Troy Brown what loyalty gets you? A great example: Andre Reed. Plays his heart out for us then gets hurt in a contract year. Doesn't get paid, comes back and still bust his butt on the field and then is cut when he is up for another payday. Some would say they get millions to play the game; most do. But look at what the league makes and the players are the driving force. All I can say is the next time we think about criticizing a player for asking for a better deal picture yourself in his shoes and then ask yourself would you be loyal to a crooked organization (like the NFL) who you know fromthe past history is known for shady business.
  25. I watched it about 2 weeks ago and I must agree that was one of the best impressions I have ever saw. But you are right the rest of that roast was lame but that guy might have earned himself a movie role somewhere down the line!
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