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Everything posted by JPL7

  1. Who is the QB in this picture behind Eric Wood?? I dont remember a black quarterback on a roster since Troy Woodbury. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/6/21/...-10#add-comment
  2. this should help..... http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/5/11/...-roster-outside
  3. Colorado Avalanche, Denver Nuggets, New York Red Bulls, Colorado Rockies, US Mens National Soccer Team, Ohio State Buckeyes, University of Colorado Buffaloes
  4. You mean the same Orton who threw for almost 4,000 yards last season, and nearly 3,000 the previous year?? I could care less about Clemens and think he is a bum. But Orton is much better then people give him credit for.
  5. With our first pick we should select the best O-Tackle available. Second round pick should be a defensive front 7 player. Our 3rd pick should be a QB. If Pike isn't selected by that point, we should absolutely pull the trigger. If not him I say go for LaFeavour from Central Michigan. If neither are available, take another player for the defensive front 7. The rounds from there on out should be best player available, no matter what the position.
  6. unless they make the 2010 class, the year of the wide receiver, Reed wont be getting in. and lets face it tasker wont ever get in. if ray guy wont, tasker wont either. I say Carter, Rice, Emmit, Brown, and Dawson
  7. May I ask why you always refer to Whitner as "Lil Donte"? It is kind of pathetic and demeaning.
  8. i ranked him #2 bc obviously there is interest from both sides. but when i first heard that, i was completely shocked. beforehand i would have never even considered him is all i was saying. i think holmgrem is even more of a longshot but for the sake of the discussion ill list him below in my latest wish list. now dont get me wrong im not saying that shanny would be a bad pick. i guess i was just in complete shock they even brought his name up. having thought about more and speaking with a good friend of mine who is also a bills fan, i started to break things down more and he moved up my list a bit. my wish list now goes as follows: Cowher, Schotty, Gruden, Holmgrem, Shanny, Haslett one thing that does spark my interest about shanny is thinking about what he could do with runningbacks like lynch and freddy. he produced 1500 yard runners like it was an assembly line. imagine what he could do with guys who have actual talent. either way i just want us to hire the right guy and bring in a GM with an actual football background. i, like the rest of you, cant take 5 more years of **** and having to "rebuild" again.
  9. Because I think Holmgrem is even more of a long shot then anyone else on the list, so I didnt even bother. Some strange part of me thinks Cowher would come (maybe its more hope then anything) if given the right circumstances. I just don't envision Holmgrem coming at all. And I would absolutely take Schotenheimer over Shanny. Haslett and Fassel I just think would come to Buffalo fairly easy. To be honest I am surprised Shanny has shown even the slightest interest in Buffalo. Essentially the list I formulated is a mix of coaches I think would actually come and coaches who I would prefer. If that makes any sense. Realistic: 1.) Schottenheimer 2.) Shanny 3.) Haslett 4.) Fassel 5.) Cowher 6.) Gruden 7.) Billick 8.) Dungy My Wish List: 1.) Cowher 2.) Dungy 3.) Gruden 4.) Homgrem 5.) Schottenheimer 6.) Haslett 7.) Billick 8.) Shanny 9.) Fassel
  10. jesus christ, can this team do anything right?? Mike Shanahann?? He isnt even in my top 5. Gilbride??? I would also burn all my non-SB era Bills stuff. This should be the order of interest from managements perspective, whether they are interested or not, they should at least contact the following: 1.) Bill Cowher- Pipe dream i know, but we can dream cant we? 2.) Marty Schottenheimer- Would be a great pick to get us back to the playoffs in a hurry 3.) Jim Hasslet- Buffalo roots, firery coach and lord knows we need that 4.) Jon Gruden- the polar oppositte of DJ and I am all for that 5.) Jim Fassel- Very good tactical coach, probably would come on the cheap too, Ralph! 6.) Biran Billick- Never gonna happen, but id still take him over Shannahann
  11. dude you are retarted. there is no linebacker in this league that is 5'5 or 5'6. The shortest that i can even ever think of was zach thomas, who was listed at approximately 5'10 but was really about 5'8 or 5'9. A 5'5 linebacker aint ever going to happen. Fletcher is a solid 5'9 to 5'10.
  12. the thing that disturbed me the most was right after that he said, "sorry im not more of a football fan." uhhh dude, you are the starting QB for an NFL franchise. maybe you should become one. i dont usually get bent out of shape about stuff and i rarely post on here (however i read this board everyday) but that really bothers me. trent seems to ho-hum about playing. i want some fire from my quarterback. trent thinks to much, thats a big problem. he over analyzes play. that stanford brain of his is too smart for the teams own good if that makes any sense. its like he doesnt trust his instinct or doesnt have a natural quarterback iq. i just rambled, i hope that makes sense. anyway.... GO BILLS!!
  13. sorry for not knowing the backstory between Lou and Ralph and Ralph and Cookie. Could you enlighten those of us who dont know please? Thanks in advance
  14. we absolutely overpaid. ive thought that since day one. thats ridiculious. nearly 40 million for 4 years?? no way! i say it should have been that amount of money over 6 years.
  15. Can someone please explain to me whats the point of having the no intentional grounding rule when the qb is out of the tackle box?? ive always wanted to know. it seems like it gives QB's an easy out when they are scrambling. i honestly dont see any reasoning behind it. anyone know? Furthermore why is there a yardage penalty as well as loss of down imposed for intentional grounding, but not when the QB spikes the ball to stop the clock? thanks in advance
  16. what do u mean due to his size? hes big enough to play SS and certainly fast enough as well.
  17. could someone please tell me what the point of that rule is? why can the TE or tackle or whatever not be covered by a WR? what is the rule trying to prevent from happening?
  18. though i have to say, at this point i wouldnt have mind seeing him on our team? we need a FB and he has a proven track record of being a heck of a blocking FB. though wouldnt it be ironic if we signed former Brown FB Terrell Smith. he came in for a visit a while back and is a real bruiser. i personally wouldnt mind seeing him or jamar martin in our backfield next year.
  19. oddly enough i was just wondering the same thingearlier today. heres what i found. not to bad! i really hope we can grab him late. say 6th round or so. http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/2007/wolfe_garrett
  20. There are only a handful of additional backs I even want to see in a Bills uni next year. All of course depending on what circumstances go down etc. Here is my list: Michael Turner (swap 1st's and give them an additional 4th or 3rd at best) Adrian Peterson (If things fall through with Turner or if the asking price is too much, trade up and get AP) Antonio Pittman (if he is avaliable in the 3rd, i say go for it) Kenny Irons (I could go either way with him. He is a fall back guy should Turner and AP not be avaliable for us) Garret Wolff (Would be a nice scat back late in the draft. 5th or 6th rounder) JUST SAY NO TO: Marshawn Lynch (Overrated for sure. Please NO!) Michael Bush (injury proned already and i dont think he will be much more then a TJ Duckett)
  21. ironically enough, look on his casualty list and low and behold look who is number one on Darwins list of sacks! go figure! haha!
  22. he is similar in style to Shelton, except he is younger. a real bruiser back who is a pure lead blocker. no catching out of the backfield, etc. i wouldnt mind seeing him in Buffalo for the right deal.
  23. We should trade down and pick up Wills or Poulz (whoever is left) and take Antonio Pittman or Bush in the 2nd round. I'm thinking Pittman may even be around late in the second, early in the 3rd. He's the guy, I'm tellin yah!
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