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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I think we're back to "low" on expectation meter 🤣 🙌
  2. For god's sake I hope some year we go undefeated and win the Super Bowl just so we don't have to endure endless threads like this...
  3. Right, right - one of the few GOOD series we had! 🙃
  4. Welp, awful game. A few things that killed us, IMO: - Josh's turnover - terrible, terrible, terrible, led to Bengals points - Kincaid's turnover - we were on a drive, would have made that game a lot tighter - Refs - that roughing call that kept Cinci's drive alive and led to points. GTFO. Oh and then there's the D giving up a million yards and the O not scoring.
  5. Three REALLY bad calls tonight against us. No excuses, just the facts.
  6. Yeah, wow, did not see THAT series coming...
  7. Also we're playing at team that's, you know, good...
  8. I'm not sure how guys are supposed to play at full speed when THAT was a penalty...
  9. I WANT to hate the guy, but I can't, he's just too much of a regular person and he's kinda funny to boot...
  10. Or, perhaps YOUR hat isn't tinfoily enough... 🤣
  11. Amazing troll job, well done. 🙃 I liked the guy that called in and said he's "Had enough of Von Miller" because "there's too much talk about it". and he "hasn't done anything since coming here." Fans are funny...
  12. In this game he's either close to making the tackle 7 yards down the field, or running beside the play as it comes to a conclusion. Happened three times on that last drive. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Wow - what a Tua to Hill TD. Hill's body control and ball awareness was next level - impressive (though I hate to say it)...
  14. Wow, I'm like a big Pats fan for the first time EVER today. Like, I just cheered for them out loud - I feel a little dirty, but LET'S GO!! 🤣
  15. Exactly - they're *former* player and probably not even *current* message boarders!
  16. Which is why the announcers were laughing at the crowd 🤣
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