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Everything posted by shoveldog

  1. Ahhh, a Losman apologist! He stinks! Period! Will he get better... as a fan, I hope. But right now... he's the worst QB in the league. Hands down. He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a hand grenade. TERRIBLE!
  2. JP Losman may be the future... but the present looks bleak. He is TERRIBLE right now. I think a one armed one legged lumberjack could throw more accurate passes...
  3. Wow! This post was sooooooo Football ignorant, I just couldn't ignore it. Have you guys ever played the game?? Do you have any idea how a POWER running game works? You POUND the ball into small creases and PUSH the pile in an effort to FORCE open holes. Our O-line averages 327 lbs. Our running back is 228 lbs. This team is built to be a POWER running team. Power running teams know that the D is going to stack 8-9 in the box and still gain 2-3 yards per carry on their poor runs. MM didn't "call out" any of his players in the media. He stated the facts. We're built to be a POWER running team and we're not doing it. Could our O-line do a better job opening holes? Yes and No. If there are 8-9 in the box and only 5 OL and a TE, they have numbers. That means the holes that do open will be open only for a short time and may only be small creases. Good POWER RUNNING teams find those creases and make positive yards.... even when it looks like there is nothing there. THAT IS THE IDENTITY THIS COACHING STAFF WANTS.
  4. Totally Awesome.... gave me goosebumps too. Let's hope they live up to it this week.
  5. Sounds to me like they are trying to be cool about it. They don't feel you are the right fit for the company and they are giving you a chance to look for something else without firing you. You boss just told you, "hey, look, we're gonna fire you... but we'll keep you on for a short time if you are serious about looking for another job. Like KD & Mark said, you better polish your monster... Shovel
  6. Oh please... you tell me that if I gave you even 1 day's notice that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your head, that you wouldn't find a way to leave. Give me a break. These people were warned with plenty of time to get the hell out. They CHOSE to stay... Sorry, other than the kids, the elderly and the infirm... I don't buy it. Don't get me wrong, this is a human tragedy and my intent is not to make light of it. But these people had options, they were told to leave, yet they stayed. No, I wasn't there and I won't be... like most, I just see it on TV and in the media. But what I see makes me sick about this country. I see a bunch of SURVIVORS who made it through what will probably be the worst natural disaster ever on American soil. Yet... they are ungrateful. Instead of being thankful, they B word and whine about how the food in the shelters was "slop" or the MRE's were cold or the conditions in the shelters unsanitary. Sickening! Yes, I have contributed financially to the relief efforts. Sadly, a good portion of my money and the money others will donate is to save idiots like that.
  7. These people obviously did. They were capable, working adults. They could have left when ORDERED to evacuate. Yet, they whine and complain about conditions and the way they were "handled" during their rescue? Bullcrap!
  8. Here's another quote: This is what our society is all about... handouts and "what is the gov't going to do for me... you owe me more." Ridiculous. Quoted from here: Link Keith Brooks left the Superdome two days after he arrived. "It wasn't fit for a dog in there," he said. The food was "slop." Officials threw bottles of water for people to catch, he said. He recalled sick, elderly people being ignored and said he saw a 14-year-old girl being raped. The 40-year-old trash collector said he planned to seek work in Houston and was never going back to New Orleans where he had spent his entire life. "They didn't treat me right in there. They didn't treat nobody right," he said." Lenwyn Hollins waited out the storm with his wife and three children in their public housing project because going to the Superdome was "like an insult to us." "I've lost all trust in New Orleans," he said. YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUGGIN KIDDING ME! These are the same people who CHOSE to stay in NO after being ordered to leave. They were the lucky one's who got rescued and evacuated, then have the nerve to say CRAP like this... Let's just line idiots like this up and shoot them too... be done with the whole lot of them.
  9. Link - Shoot to Kill Good to see! Maybe now, the whiners will stop saying... "where is our gov't, why aren't they doing anything?" Mods... you can merge this one... I just wanted to make sure everyone who's been crying for action saw this one.
  10. I wrote this for another post, but it applies here too... This may be the most idiotic statement I have EVER heard. Democrat or Republican... does it matter? This is a HUMAN tragedy. I've sat back and just read the comments on this board to this point without responding, but idiocy like this screams at me to respond. These jacka**es that stayed in NO had a choice. They made that choice willingly. The liberals say, "they are poor or infirm and had no place to go." CRAP! If I told you tomorrow that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your city, would you evacuate? I guarantee that every one of these poor, infirm or cantankerous persons would leave immediately. Money is not an issue in situations like this... GET THE FUGG OUT! A Cat 5 Hurricane IS a nuclear bomb, without the radioactive fallout. These people were warned 5 days in advance and were issued a DEMAND ORDER to evacuate the city. They chose to stay... should I feel sorry for them? I feel for the children and the elderly. They had no choice. As for the able bodied adults that would have walked a hundred miles or more in 5 days to avoid a nuclear blast, but instead stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion. Shovel
  11. This may be the most idiotic statement I have EVER heard. Democrat or Republican... does it matter? This is a HUMAN tragedy. I've sat back and just read the comments on this board to this point without responding, but idiocy like this screams at me to respond. These jacka**es that stayed in NO had a choice. They made that choice willingly. The liberals say, "they are poor or infirm and had no place to go." CRAP! If I told you tomorrow that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your city, would you evacuate? I guarantee that every one of these poor, infirm or cantankerous persons would leave immediately. Money is not an issue in situations like this... GET THE FUGG OUT! A Cat 5 Hurricane IS a nuclear bomb, without the radioactive fallout. These people were warned 5 days in advance and were issued a DEMAND ORDER to evacuate the city. They chose to stay... should I feel sorry for them? I feel for the children and the elderly. They had no choice. As for the able bodied adults that would have walked a hundred miles or more in 5 days to avoid a nuclear blast, but instead stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion. Shovel
  12. Personally, I like the variety of the board as it is. If I have to search the entire forum for all the "specialty" issues like the LAMPS, Chick of the day, or off topics, I'd never look at them... and I enjoy most of them. If nobody is specifically offended by the occasional girly post... why change? That's my .02.
  13. But, don't you know, that's why we have Coach Mcnally...
  14. I saw that too. Was nice to see our boy's names in the highlights. But... I kinda like the underdog role we've had better. Everyone all but had us winning the superbowl 2 years ago and it was the worst season we've had in years, leading to the Bledsoe demise. Still, it was nice to see.
  15. Lets put them in a room an make them fight it out...
  16. OK, so it took them 15 years to figure out how to stop Jim Kelly. Lets hope it takes them that long to figure out JP too...
  17. Otto's on Union and George Urban has the best wings in Buffalo.
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