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Everything posted by shoveldog

  1. I think you will see Peters as your starting LT on 9/11. He is green and learning, but his tremendous athletic ability makes up for his lack of experience. From what we've heard so far from camp on Gandy, I can't see Peters being any worse. As for moving guys around... I don't like that idea at all. As a former offensive lineman in hs/college, I can tell you for certain that the OL needs to develop cohesiveness. We now have 4 of 5 OL positions clicking. Don't overturn the whole apple cart, just to rid yourself of 1 bad apple. The best OL's in the NFL are usually together for a minimum of 2-3 years. It takes time for these guys to learn and understand each other. Rocking the boat and mixing things up too much at this stage would be counter productive. That's my .02. Shovel
  2. Being a credit counselor by trade, I'll be happy to field this one for you. Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, technically, your wife did co-sign the debt so the collection lawyer was justified in pursuing repayment from your wife. Cingular also had the right to report the debt as in ** collections ** status. However, cellphone companies deal with this all the time. If you and your wife paid or settled the bill immediately upon first contact by the collections department or collection agency, they will most likely remove the trade line (the collection reporting) from her report. None of this should hold you back from a refinance. Credit scores still rule when it comes to credit decisions. All you will likely need to do is write a letter to the mortgage company telling them why the collection item showed up on your wifes credit and provide proof that it was paid or settled. Basically, your credit score will dictate the price of the loan (interest rate.) They just want to make sure that all collection items are no longer hanging over your head. Your wife should also dispute the collection item with the credit reporting agency that reported it. She can dispute the reporting status by stating it was her neice's debt. Most cellphone and or collection agencies will not argue removal of the negative item if it's paid. Hope that helps... Shovel
  3. I live just outside Philly and took the kids there a few weeks ago. Very nice family park. Lots of rides for all ages. Heavy on the roller coasters for us coaster freaks. You'll love it. Great park to spend a day.
  4. God Bless Campy... we'll keep you in our prayers.
  5. I just spit water all over my monitor... That's fuggin hilarious!
  6. Why is taking a poll on our playoff chances a cheap shot? Am I missing something?
  7. Sam Adams - best tasting American made beer.
  8. hmmmmm... this is getting tougher and tougher... I thought Claynthony would be out, but I agree, he pulled it out. Carrie clearly had the worst performance overall (she just doesn't sing with any emotion) but I think her following is too great. It will get interesting.
  9. Good Analysis. I'd fully agree with most points here. I think you will find we are not in as dire a position at DT as you think. Watch Edwards and Anderson step it up... keep an eye tuned to Anderson. I agree with you 100% on the CB issues and Clements. I'm excited and can't wait 'til they start training camp. Oh, wait that's something positive... am I allowed to say that here?
  10. As much as I'm hoping for Scott to get tossed, I think you are right. Here's my take: 1) Bo - He rocked again, nailed both performances. 2) Carrie - Her first performance was good, the second was GREAT. 3) Baby V. - She was good, but not great. 4) Scott - I hate to admit that he beat anyone... but, 5) Clanthony - His time has come... bye.
  11. Scouts Inc Draft Review Most objective review I've seen taking into consideration our situation and our needs.
  12. See, here is where you have stumbled out of the blocks. When embarking on a research project, the reviewer needs to go into it with an open mind, not with an already working theory. You are setting out to prove your own "beliefs" or "theories." How objective can this "research project" be? Think about this... 1) Religious people believe that GOD is an all powerful creator. Regardless of the religion, there is a pervasive belief that a "higher power" created life and guides it's development. 2) Scientologist may not believe in a higher being, but there is a pervasive belief in evolutionary change. Evolutionary change is defined as either developmental change in response to environment or simply a change in the state of energy or matter. Are they really so different? One believes in a "higher power". heaven and a Holy Spirit. The other believes that life does not end, but that energy simply changes form. Could there be a soul, life force, energy source that simply leaves this form and moves on to another? Belief's vary as much as the opinions expressed on this board. Wars are fought for those beliefs.... What if we are ALL right! Wow, that's deep for so early in the morning...
  13. Some of this has been covered. To light, never use a lighter using lighter fluid, the taste of the fluid will permeate the cigar and foul the entire experience. Torch or butane lighters are good. It's best and most COOL to light a cigar with a wooden match. Light the match, let it burn off the sulfur. Rotate the cigar as you pull on (draw air through) the cigar drawing the flame into the tobacco. Always allow a cigar to burn out. Some say not to remove the band because it could damage the wrapper. Personally, I always remove the band. I just prefer my smoke without it. Advice for the "fancy party" - don't inhale. Being a new cigar smoker, you will end up turning green and puking your guts out. A good cigar goes well with good liquor. The type of liquor depends on the strength of cigar. The stronger the cigar, the stronger flavored liquor. Example, a mild cigar goes well with a nice port wine or scotch. A more full bodied cigar should be enjoyed with a good sipping whiskey, bourbon or cognac. For just fishin or golf... have a beer. Hope that helps.
  14. Bills 2005 Schedule W Sep 11 Houston W Sep 18 @Tampa Bay W Sep 25 Atlanta W Oct 2 @New Orleans W Oct 9 Miami W Oct 16 N.Y. Jets W Oct 23 @Oakland L Oct 30 @New England Week 9 BYE W Nov 13 Kansas City L Nov 20 @San Diego L Nov 27 Carolina W Dec 4 @Miami L Dec 11 New England W Dec 17 Denver W Dec 24 @Cincinnati L Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets 11-5 Overall
  15. WOW! What a joke! How does Scott get in the top 3? He was horrid. Simon just laughed... That was classic.
  16. Lots of good advice already mentioned. A few things I didn't see touched on... 1) Yes, you should invest in a humidor if you are going to keep them for longer than a week. A zip-loc will do for a short time, but generally not longer than a week. 2) Never, never, never put cigars in the fridge. Cold actually pulls the moisture from a cigar (dehumidifies.) You want to humidify them and add moisture. 3) JR Cigar is the bomb for "off" brands. Smoking just a few month, you could sample for years at JR. Their catalog is a good read every month too. I personally enjoy trying to find those "diamonds in the rough." Brand names are good, but expensive. The "off" brands offer some great value. JR's analysis is usually dead on, but it's all a matter of taste, and that is different for each person. 4) A GREAT mild-medium smoke (Brand Name) that has not been mentioned is Avo. Avo has a very distinctive flavor. It is not a flavored cigar, but it has a real smooth, mellow nutty flavor. Avo, Macanudo, and any Fuente made cigar a GREAT Brand Name beginner cigars. Fuente makes lots of lines A. Fuente, Montesino, Ashton to name a few. All are excellent construction and very tasty.
  17. News Flash... Don't watch it then. I for one enjoy it. This show is about fun. It's fun to see undiscovered talent find their way to potential stardom even though they've never been "discovered." I've seen many people with all sorts of talent that for one reason or another never pursued stardom. Remember one thing... they are singing LIVE! How many concerts have you ever gone to that the band sounds totally different live (most of the time not for the better.) These kids are belting it out without the benefit of all the in-studio mixing equipment to hide their flaws.
  18. Apparently, I watched a different show. I thought the first 3 were very good. The last 3 sucked. 1. Bo - sorry Rico, you're wrong here. Bo absolutely ROCKED! 2. Baby V- Flat to start, but she finished strong. 3. Carrie - If you like country, she sang a good version of that song. 4. Claynthony - picked a good song for his voice. Surprised me, but he's still not an American Idol. 5. Constantine - Wow, that was horrid! 6. Round Man - Sucks, always has, always will. So, why don't his mom and dad sound like they are from the ghetto? GONE! That's my $.02.
  19. Visit your local Harley store. Just stay away from Buffalo Harley... You'll find plenty of interesting gift ideas. If he's a Harley man, he'll want HARLEY, not just any cycle gift. It's just part of the culture... and yes, I have 2 of them, so I know where of I speak. My fav is my shovelhead... in case you couldn't tell.
  20. Does that please you? Self gratification? Yeah, I missed it.
  21. TH says the Shelton deal was a straight up offer. All of a sudden the TD critics come out of the woodwork bitching. HOLD ON! Why! Why trade Henry straight up for a player that AZ is going to CUT on 6/1? That is a waste of a trade. We WILL get Shelton anyway. There is not much demand for him. Here's my take: McNally sees something in Shelton that he can salvaged. TD sees that there is not much interest in him and that AZ has signed 2 other tackles. Obviously, Shelton is out in AZ. Since nobody else has entered a bidding war, TD is playing it cool. Laying back and waiting to sign him straight up after the 6/1 cuts. Meanwhile he is continuing to press AZ for more than just Shelton for TH. TD is in the driver seat on this deal and he knows it. AZ has laid all their cards (no pun intended) on the table. Hmmmm, sounds like a pretty shrewd business man to me... Eh?
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