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Everything posted by shoveldog

  1. TT bulked up to over 300lbs this year... Small????? TT was clearly our best OL'man this year. You can see that the middle got a whole lot stronger when we finally put a servicable guy at LG (Tucker.) For those of you who have never played OL, you cannot be good with a weak player next to you.... Period! I don't care how good you really are, if there is a weak link next to you, it will be exploited. TT often found himself trying to do more than "his job." He had no choice. It made him look bad too. Playing C is more about quickness and smarts than bulky physical play. Someone mentioned Mawae (sp?.) He is not a big guy. But he has great hands, great leverage and is VERY smart on the field. As far as Tucker is concerned... give the guy props. He did a very solid job. Personally, I like the kid at LG. If a better LG became available, I'd take him and move Tucker back to #1 depth at G/C, but I still think the kid is a solid OL'man who really stepped it up this year when called upon. Some here have him written off as a MUST replace... why?
  2. Good points JP. I think you are correct on all accounts. If Drew and Moulds restructure, I think Donahoe will keep them and I'm OK with that. I just want an honest competition at QB. If Drew wins, so be it. But, my personal feeling is, that if Drew wins, it's only because of the time JP lost and he will start at some time next season (maybe in injury relief - I'm not hoping Drew is hurt, just an analysis.)
  3. Good analysis overall. I think you are wrong about Fletcher. He is one of the better ML in the league. His problem... he gets over aggressive. He over commits on plays (which is why we get big plays against up the middle on running plays from time to time and he gets a lot of those dumb penalties.) Bottom line though... he is a playa. Otherwise, I think you are right on.
  4. Neither are you, Mr. Donahoe! Drew Bledsoe is liked by the players. He is a GREAT guy off the field. However, he is a proven loser on the field. While you make a good case for your senario, I hope you are wrong. Drew Bledsoe cannot throw a short touch pass, cannot get out of his own way in the pocket and has ZERO field Generalship. The players say he is their guy, but I think a lot of that is just "Team" pandering. Just like Willis saying in a post season interview that he is Travis' backup.... RIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTT! This team is an average team at best as long as Drew is at the helm. While constant change is bad... It's time!
  5. Once again, we win in spite of Drew Bledsoe. He was aweful! The convincing win is the only thing that will keep some from calling for his head again. He did not look confident in his throws, he was off target and had ALL DAY to throw the ball from the pocket. There was very little pressure. His mechanics are way off. He never steps into his short throws. Watch him, he throws almost every short throw off his back foot. I'm NOT a Drew basher, but common, this from a 12 year vet who some claim is a future hall of famer? NO WAY!
  6. I can't believe what I'm saying... But, I agree with ICE. This would make sense. Moulds is probably our best chance to recover our #1 and his usefulness on this team, considering his age and our rebuilding status with JP, is coming to an end. He is a high value player that will pull top trade dollar in the off season. But, we will still need to get a couple stud FA in here to address some of the weaknesses on both offense and defense. Design the offense next year around JP, Willis and Evans. Bring in a solid #2 possession type receiver and add a couple FA on OL, CB or safety and you have a much better team than this year. Our D is solid, and our offense cannot get much worse. It's worth the shake-up IMO.
  7. There are 2 reasons why this won't happen... 1) Peyton Manning 2) Peyton Manning Edge will be gone, Marvin will stay.
  8. OK, all you armchair GM's... So you cut or trade Drew, Henry, Moulds, Jennings, Fletcher, etc... Remember this: Football is a BUSINESS! Who is going to buy tickets to see this team if we DUMP everyone in the hopes of rebuilding this team from the ground up. We need an infusion of new veteran blood, not a complete transfusion. This team is 1 or 2 players away from being a VERY GOOD football team. We have a solid D (New England game asside,) with strong veteran leadership. Our problems are with the offensive offense. We add one stud offensive lineman and replace DB and we have a much better offense. If we could put up 21 points a game on offense, we would win the majority of our games. Throw in a few points here and there on D or Special Teams and you've got a solid playoff team.
  9. 1) I think Ralph needs to be the owner and leave football operations to the football guys. The whole team is not bad, just parts. We got out coached... again. They exploited our weaknesses and we did not exploit theirs. Part coaching, part Bledsoe. 2) Not a bad idea, would send the message in #1 without saying it outright. 3) Agreed, but we need immediate help. If Vincent goes to FS, we are set for several years at SS and FS. Use draft to get corner depth, maybe even sigh a mid level FA if avail. 4) Yep! 5) LS provides emergency depth. NO! He is much better than Pukecillo. Cut him in the off season, but Tucker gets the job now. Move MW to LG in the offseason and address the tackle positions. 6) You contradict yourself. You want to start our rooks to get them exp, yet you want to put Henry back in to start? No, Willis is the man, run him until his legs fall off. Nobody could have run with our pathetic OL yesterday. I saw at least 7 plays run to MW side where he was standing looking backward, not blocking anyone, watching Willis get tackled for a loss. Put your hat on someone you big fat tub and drive them 10 yards down field. If a 400lb guy cannot out muscle a 270lb DE, he SUCKS!
  10. Agreed! When I first saw #97 on the line, I said, "what the ****." Now I see the logic. He looked good. Quick and aggressive. He seemed to add a little nastiness and attitude that the O-line has lacked. Should be interesting to see how MM uses him now that the cat is out of the bag.
  11. I have a short story for you about a couples sex toy party my wife and I attended a few month back. It was a lot of fun, some games, a lot of laughes and more than a few rosie cheeks (the one's on the face.) The hostess was having people taste this body powder. Everyone was given a set of plastic boobs to dip in the powder and taste the powder. Then, this one woman (a neighbor, but not a close friend) stands up and says to her husband, "this party is lame, common John (name changed to protect the guilty) lets spice it up a bit." She proceeds to whip out her breast, apply some powder to her nipple and ask her husband to lick it off. Which he does with gusto. She then applies some to the other breast and offers the breast to anyone else at the party who would like some. She starts by asking the men, then when she didn't get a response, asks the women. Needless to say, everyone was quite embarrassed. But, she didn't seem to mind at all. First, it was a couples party... Did she really expect anyone to stand up in front of their spouse and take a lick? Second, she's not a very attractive woman. One thing is for sure Jay, you will have something to talk about the next morning.
  12. TRUE! But, an offense's identity starts at the QB. Until JP comes in, we will continue to have a heartless, ununified offense.
  13. DING DING DING DING DING. We have a winner folks!
  14. Not that I disagree with your desire here, but lets be realistic. Drew is Drew and always will be. The league has him figured out. You run blitz on every play. Stuffing gaps and getting pressure up the middle. The outside DE's pin their ears back and fly as fast as they can to the center of the pocket, where Drew stands dazed, confused and unable to hit an accurate downfield pass. Thus, they stop the run with the run blitz and bull rush Drew right into his face. He panics forcing him into bad habits with his mechanics and the Baltimore game is the result. The entire league knows this. Just look to the pre-game comments by Suggs. Every D is licking their chops with us on the schedule. Nice thoughts man! Drew is a good human being. But, he is a shadow of his former self. I guarantee that Matthews has not seen duty because TD is affraid that Drew will never again see the field and will never again regain his lost dignity. TD and MM desperately want to see Drew succeed. Heck I think most of us Fans would love to see the same. Unfortunately, the experiment is over. The JP era is upon us. Drew needs to step down with class. His career is over.
  15. All you guys that look at these photo's and criticize really kill me. These girls are beautiful. If you saw them in a bar, you'd be drooling all over yourselves. I can picture all of you with your fat beer bellies hanging over your jeans, your plumbers crack sticking out the back, unshaven and belching... while you sit here and type... "I don't like her at all, her head is too big, she's too fat, etc..." Gimme a break guys. For most of us, these women are well out of our league and wouldn't give us the time of day.
  16. Friends? Thanks for the apology. I take back my harsh words.
  17. First, get out of the first grade and learn to write. Without run on sentences! Second, don't get personal with me! However small you feel my mind and heart are, I have a right to express my opinions and share my thoughts on this open forum. Now to address your attacks: I never once said I wanted Travis to go. I agree there are a lot of posts saying Travis sucks, Travis needs to be traded. Did you read that in my post? NO! All I said was I think Willis is an inspiration and that it is a miracle that he can walk, let alone play football. I showed people a clip so they could see the dramatic progress this young man has made coming back from a truely horrific injury. I'm rooting for him as I believe many Bills Fans are. I don't hold any ill will toward Travis. He is a good solid running back. Do I feel they can both be effective this season? You bet! But, I'm rooting for Willis. That, chucklehead, is my right as an American and as a Bills Fan!
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