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Andy Rooney

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Everything posted by Andy Rooney

  1. Did you ever wonder why Butterflies never fly in a straight line? Did you ever notice how Owls only say "Who"? Did you ever care that I havent taken a shiit in 46 years?
  2. Did you ever wonder? Did you ever care? Did you ever notice?
  3. I'm 90 years old today. Did you ever notice how long my eye brows are?
  4. Did you ever wonder? Did you ever care? Did you ever notice?
  5. Did you ever wonder why they dont wear ties while playing football? Did you ever notice how small the kickers are? Did you ever care the laces in the football being to wide? Just trying to help!!
  6. Getting my last hummer from Katie Couric.
  7. Thats an easy one for me!! Has anyone seen my Loofa?
  8. I have ADD. And Subtract. I can never find the mean.
  9. WWII/ CBS/ Now I don't remember, school? Killed a few commi's, does that count? I miss Dan.........
  10. So it's ok to shoot people now? You're no Democrat. We hate the 2nd. I see by your profile you're about 20 or so, you need to support Hillary. She'll be the best President you'll ever have.
  11. I don't pay taxes. But, I think everyone else should.
  12. I'm really not going to miss Dan's broadcast's. I mean, really. This guy sucked wind for 26 years on CBS. Walter could have done a better job out of his bathroom on a Tuesday night. Dan does have a cute azz though.
  13. That bastard Rather owes me 10 bucks! I bet him he'd lose his job over this. He'll still be on 60 minutes though. I like the way he cleans my toe nails.
  14. Didja ever notice how big that Artest guy is? Didja ever notice how little the guy was he was beating on? Didja ever wonder why they call it Basketball? Didja ever wonder if it was BF that played the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz? Damn, I'm going to miss Dan Rather
  15. Its me, and I'm wearing a dress too!!
  16. Thanks. Did'ja ever notice T-Bone whines all the time? Did'ja ever notice how he pines for attention all the time? Did'ja ever notice he's a Red Sox fan? Did'ja ever want to use a lawn mower on my eyebrows?
  17. You know what I hate? I hate taxes You know what really bothers me? Its when I have to lie on my 1040 I hope John Kerry gets elected so I have to pay more taxes. Plus he fought in the Nam. Did'ja ever notice all that spiz that comes out of my eye's when I talk?
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