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Andy Rooney

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Everything posted by Andy Rooney

  1. As a father of two, I now carry pictures where my money used to be. Becoming a parent is life changing. Get prepared. Congrats!
  2. Well I did'nt expect to say something like. !@#$! my ass is so sore from getting ass!@#$ed all night by the republicans I can hardly stand here and make some piss poor conner like excuses on why the !@#$ we got ass!@#$ed all night.
  3. Even if he's a half step or full step slower than he was, he's still two steps faster than what we have.
  4. If its true, whats he get. 1.7 Mill for the rest of the year then what?
  5. Maybe, maybe not. Cutler has to be good for at least 3 INT. Maybe the D can take a couple of them to the HOUSE!! Good luck!
  6. Obama press conference, live. Discussing the assbeating of last night http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/22309266
  7. Obama voters could'nt find their way back to the voting booths yesterday.
  8. When nearly 70% of the American population did'nt want obamacare shoved down their throats the Democrats did'nt listen = CAN YOU HEAR THEM NOW!! You got your asses handed to you last night, good job Democrats. We thank you for not listening to the American public.
  9. I hope so too. Just like the Democrats have worked with the Republicans the last few years.
  10. http://innovation.cqpolitics.com/atlas/house2010_rr?referrer=rightrail For you political junkies..... Projected swing to the Pubes is 37 seats.
  11. You have nothing to worry about. Go ahead and answer.
  12. Yusef did say this: Immediately following the 11 September 2001, attacks on the United States, he said: I wish to express my heartfelt horror at the indiscriminate terrorist attacks committed against innocent people of the United States yesterday. While it is still not clear who carried out the attack, it must be stated that no right-thinking follower of Islam could possibly condone such an action. The Qur'an equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of the whole of humanity. We pray for the families of all those who lost their lives in this unthinkable act of violence as well as all those injured; I hope to reflect the feelings of all Muslims and people around the world whose sympathies go out to the victims of this sorrowful moment
  13. Boy those fans in Frisco are a frisky bunch. Riots & Looting, Oh MY. See article and video. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/blog/big_league_stew/post/Riots-break-out-in-San-Francisco-after-Giants-wi?urn=mlb-281806 Nice job Frisco fans!!
  14. You must be one of the "enemies" Obama was talking about. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69929420101101
  15. I still can't figure out how this was "An Important Speech"?
  16. Along with quiting on that TD, this is about all the Vikings brass could probably take. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/early-lead/2010/11/report_randy_moss_waived_by_mi.html
  17. No it's not. Its a funny little halloween card. Check it out!
  18. http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/preview/flash/bws8Shell.swf?ihost=http://ak.imgag.com/imgag&brandldrPath=/product/full/el/&cardNum=/product/full/ap/3125133/graphic1
  19. Of course he has a sense of humor, look who the VP is.
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