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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Kota, My condolences to your friends family and to all of the families who are going through this tragedy. As the day wears on I am sure we will have more connections to the crash. I received 3 calls already by 9 am from acquaintances checking in on me. People from my industry know I am from Buffalo, but live in the NY area and assumed I may try to take advantage of the upcoming 3 day weekend. Hang tight everyone, I am sure we will be hearing about more of our connections through this extended family we have here on TBD.
  2. Yeah, Brett Favre just retired and moved in...../
  3. I just discussed this with my daugter this weekend. Back when dinosaurs ruled the earth (60s&70s) cartoons were on Saturdays from 630-about noon, and some scattered cartoons on Sundays (counting Davey & Goliath) other than that you had a few cartoons on Rocketship 7 and a few on Commander Tom and that was it! Now we have Cartoon network, TV Land, Disney Channel and all that other dreck I try to avoid..... She just looked at me and said "Are you done yet?, I want to watch my show".... Uhhgggg
  4. Condolences to you and all Cookies freinds and family.
  5. When I was in college I had come home, and my Dad said it was time to put our 14 year old beagle, Dad sat in the car because he couldnt take it, I went in with what had been my dog from a pup. After reading through this thread, I wish I would have stayed. The vet suggested I leave the dog and they would take care of it. I looked back at him for the last time and my heart was broken. Sveral years later (about 3 years ago) I had to put down a mixed shepard we had for 14 years, this time the vet suggested that we stay with him , I still remembered what the first vet had said, and I walked out before he was put down. After reading the previous posts, I will stay when the time comes for our latest dog, I still have the last looks stuck in my head of each of the previous freinds as we walked out. In both cases, we knew it was time, the dogs were both unable to get up or down stairs, losing appetite and just not acting like thier normal selfs. Good luck, you will know when the time is right.
  6. A guy I work with has a Giants Super Bowl ring. It was his fathers, a long time fan and season ticket holder and aquaintance of the Maras. It has his name and instead of the player number, the year (86 I think) He tells how Wellington Mara always said to his Dad, "If we ever win one, you will get a ring too, you have supported us through some tough years" Sure enough, when the rings were distributed, there was one with D. Sternberg "86" .
  7. In other news, McGruff has been replaced as the national spokesanimal for the National Crime Prevention Council. Acting president of the council Jerome Higby made the announcement this morning stated "the new racoon character definately takes a stand on crime prevention and has demonstrated the ability to truly take a bite out of crime."
  8. I don't have a Marriot, We have Vistana which is a Sheraton property. We have had it for years, they have been trying to convert us away from having a week a year to a points system. We can pick/trade our weeks, while the points system places different values on each week. Your yearly allotment may not be enough for a prime week, but I can get that same week since I traded in my week. My advice, take the pitch, they will be begging but ultimately you can find people unloading them on Time share Users Group (I think its itug.com) or something like that. There are plenty for sale, owner to public, no brokers. There is even an area that allows you to trade or rent unused ones. Good luck
  9. Dick Juaron moving up in the polls We knew he was on a mission, next year he could be # 1
  10. ....that my children are up and ready for school, thanks to a 9 volt duracell and the Kleinhauser 7500 !!
  11. I found one in the park, uses a 9 volt battery, I figured along the same lines, "what could happen?" Luckily it was a nanosecond burst and I knew the thing worked. (PS : It wakes teenagers up on cold mornings when they are somewhat sluggish)
  12. Watch him follow his coordinator Rex Ryan to the Jets, that way we get to see him twice a year.
  13. I had heard a rumor that Teddy Bruschi actually landed it and then slipped out with the passengers to avoid the spotlight. It unconfirmed but probably true in New England.
  14. We watched as the plane and flotilla of emergency service boats floated down to us from its initial impact point yesterday afternoon. The plane is tethered right outside my building. I am at 1 North End Avenue. I took shots on my phone camera last night after work while it was still floating and banging against the breakwall. The right wing appears to be gone now, I have my digital camera now just need a way to post the pictures. I can't figure out how to get the ones i took off the phone from last night.
  15. See if you can get them to eat some of the medical benefits that are causing you hemeroids (I assume thats what you meant when you said you were paying through the ass). If they can cover your portion of the premium that is a way to go. But as others said, take, get ingrained, let them see you shine, then renegotiate, better than wasting what might be a great gig.
  16. Bobby Chandler James Lofton Quinn Early
  17. I got some for my daughter and myself on Craigslist a few weeks before the game, 75 bucks each 11th row in the corner. I asked the guy and he knew the guy with the pair next to us and I got those for my Dad and my wife. I didnt see many scalpers when we went, but Im sure others may know of locations.
  18. May your metamucil taste as sweet as your beer, Happy 50th!
  19. My wife and I are 82 grads, My parents were 54 and 53 grads and my niece and nephew are 04 and 07 grads. We have purple bloodlines in our family.
  20. That is my feelings as well. Losman had multiple coordinators his first 4 years, now Edwards will have 3 coordinators if we switch head coaches (I assume we would hire a coach who has a spine and would insist on his own system). The only consistency we have is inconsistency on the coaching levels. If we actually pull the trigger yet again, please have someone with experience in mind before pulling the trigger. Cowart, Shotenheimer, etc, just make sure we are not going the cheap, "gee I get to be an NFL coach" kind of guy like Meathead and Williams.
  21. Hang in there Tom, at least you are already saving on shampoo. Wait a few days and then start the search, you have the attitude and experience that companies are looking for.
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