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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. I went on that cruise years ago when I was in college. My roomate was a crewmember and we waited at the dock at departure time, he checked with the Captain to see if he would allow "stowaways", Captain just winked and said "get em on and keep em quiet" We basically drank oursellves silly that night, I don't recall much of the trip or views, but I do remember my Dad waking me asking for the car keys since I had parked the car on the lawn instead of teh driveway.
  2. I read up on some of that information, check the factsheet again, you may be able to qualify. I am kicking myself since we just donated our 1999 Sable to a freind who needed a car to get to work I thought I read that it had to be 1984 or older, the official information had no age limit.
  3. Please clean up my keyboard, It seems as though my lunch just reappeared in a "forced" manner.
  4. Most likely a car with the subwoofers that can rattle the bolts off the car and he had it cranked, thats my guess (maybe I'm old, but does it really have to be that loud?)
  5. Apprently the q's and b's seemed to fall out of the bag in proper alignment, but those damn d's were giving her problems. I neither invented nor cured cancer, just try to avoid it whenever possible
  6. One time I went to a good friends house for the usual hang out, beers on a Friday night. We had little ones at the time and its always a good way to end the work week. On the kitchen counter is a baggie of the colorful magnetic letters that are common in homes with kids age 2-9 (you know, the ones on every fridge). Anyway, I asked why she had em in a baggie, assuming one of the kids was eating them or something. My friends wife, who I love dearly, with a straight face said "Well, I'm sending these back, there are supposed to be 2 of each letter and they weren't all there, so they have already sent a new set, its on the way, take these for your kids" She is a pitbull when it comes to consumer affairs and I was curious as to what letters would be in such demand that someone in the supply chain would be pilfering this one exotic letter, thinking of a black market of sequestered, high value magnetic letter being traded somewhere in the far east, or maybe New Jersey. She started to pull out the letters, "Its funny, I have 2 of each one, but not one "lower case "d", and you know what? they gave me two extra "p"s, they must be idiots there" I couldn't help myself, I placed one of the "extra "p"s on the fridge, and spun it upside down, she looked at me like I had just invented cancer. My buddy (an editor at a major magazine) just sighed and handed me a beer as we went out for a smoke.
  7. If the league goes to an 18 game schedule, maybe the NFL could move the Super Bowl to the Sunday before MLK holiday. It would allow the host city to keep the full 3-4 day events, the networks keep their programming schedules intact, and many of the fans have the Monday off. I'd love it if they could work it out, otherwise, move it to Saturday, I laways have a SB hangover.
  8. It was 4AM, do you realize how long it takes to properly cook rettatta?
  9. Somewhere in Indiana, a man-child sits down to a table with all of his freinds. The stuffed animals sit at attention at his table, with their hats askew, and their button eyes focused on the airline size bottles of Southern Comfort placed at each setting. The smell of pickles and long simmering noodles wafts through the air, making the man-child grunt in anticipation. A large matronly woman, dressed in a floral print housedress, uses her ample hip to bump open the kitchen door. In her pasty white gelatenous arms, she hefts a large plate of steaming rettatta. The man-child squeals with glee as the pickle flavored concoction is laid before him. His girlish screeches drown out the sound of the television a few feet away blaring the local farm report. All is good in Indiana
  10. They were right, Marv and company didnt invent it, they improved it (under Polian), Manning and Harrison and co. perfected it. No harm no foul, look at the personnel, Harrison played like Andre, the Rbs, (pick one) played like Thurman, and Manning is a more physical version of JK. The thing that you have to understand is, Cincinnati displayed it, Buffalo improved it, and Indianapolis perfected it. Buffalo had a 4 -6 year run with it, which is pretty much the prime years of the players we had, don't get your panties in a bunch.
  11. Before Fredonia, NU was where they had held training camp in the early 70s.
  12. Sad news, they had another tragedy years ago when I was in high school (mid 70s) Irvs' brother fell from his roof in Kenmore while doing repairs. Sympathy to the Weinstein & Krom families
  13. One of the better Braves players from the early 70's. I loved his speed and quickness on the court, RIP Randy..
  14. They are all true, the Chroise may put you assunder just for insinuating that there is any question of his powers
  15. The Chroise mastered football in his senior year of high school, a few years later he chose to stand on the sidelines of an NFL team, rather than reveal his powers and close the Tom Brady*/Joe Montana debate.
  16. Veronica comes from a wealthy familt, Daddy will take care of the bumbling idiot for years to come.
  17. There is also an option that allows guests to invite other guests (if you choose to extend that option)
  18. Typical Pats* fan..... Glad to see the silver lining
  19. Why do we share oxygen with people like this? Please explain the appropriate punishment for this "father"
  20. Sound like you are all over the place, enjoy and get those Tim Tams!
  21. After over 15 years of going to Pine Point (1 mile from Lake George) we decided to stay home this year. The kids got older, the drive seemed to get longer, and lately we have been rushing back Sundays to catch the Airshow at Jones beach. This year, we will be taking the weekend off, leaving for the airshow saturday from our dock around 10:30 am meet up with freinds, tie up and catch the show, the show ends at 3 pm, so we wait for the drunks and idiots who want to rush back, we will BBQ on board and head back around sunset. If the weather is good, we do a replay for Sunday as well.
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