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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Good to see that she is getting better!
  2. Unfortunately, the NFL media machine has already been primed to show Mike Vick as the posterboy for the league. The NFL is looking for a dynamic eye-catching player that sells jerseys, hats and all the other stuff to non-NFL fans. Having a freak of a player can bring in new fans which is in the best interest of the league. ESPN is caught in the vice between reporting information detrimental to the designated poster boy, and being a cheerleader for a good portion of their programming material for 6 months of the year.
  3. I just hope the placement of the potato salad is in the appropriate location, we don't need any more altercations over potato salad positioning.
  4. Best away game I had was in 1989, at the Jets for the season finale. Somehow a freind got us 4 tickets to a company box, all food, drinks, beer included. It was freezing cold well below -10 degrees. The Bills kicked the Jets all over the place 37-0. At halftime as we were sitting in the private box, I saw a few Bills fans in the empty seats, I asked the guy who owned the box if I could invite them in, he said why not, most of his guests had left by then anyway, I walked down and brought these frozen guys in. As they warmed up they thanked us and told us that they were the owners of Gabels and (I forget the other bar, something on Elmwood). The box owners daughter had been rooting for the Bills since she was going to Buff State, she immediately befriended the new Bills fans since they were offering free drinks for us since we rescued them from the cold. The best part was that the box next to us had many of the Jets wives in it. Everytime the Bills scored I was going wild and getting nuts in our box, and I could look over into thier box and see them getting upset, they were saying goodbyes to each other since they knew some of the wives wouldnt be around next year.
  5. What's the matter Moe? Step on that rake one time too many?
  6. Great news Congrats to the whole Astrobot family!
  7. Our condolences to you and your family. You and your family are in our prayers.
  8. The new owners who purchased it several years ago reconfigured the house so no one would recognize it anymore. The eye shaped windows have been changed and roofline and gables have been squared off. It no longer has the same exterior appearance. Kinda sad
  9. If you want to try a different place for dinner or lunch try Jekyll and Hydes in the village jekyll and hydes Also in the area is McSorleys an old ale house Mcsorlys This weekends weather should be pretty good too.
  10. I wish we could all pool in for that, only corporations can own teams now (exception Green Bay). Go for it, but hurry, Ralph isnt staying on terra firma forever, I love him, but he is getting up there.
  11. Looks like 2002 was the first year. I'd love to try the traditional recipe competition, but Im not crazy about giving away my recipe.
  12. Great news, congrats to you and the new family. They look great!
  13. I was watching the game at home on Long Island with my wife and a few friends. When it got to halftime, I got off the couch and announced that I was going to go pick up some suits for work. I headed to Syms and heard the interception to open the second half, I got the suits and as I was driving home, I heard the first TD, getting closer I heard the second. I was afraid to break the Karma that was created, so I sat on the front porch, while they turned the TV so I could see it, they passed beers through the window to me and I watched the remainder of the game, freezing my butt off on the porch. The lady across the street (RKFAsts Mother in law) is from Batavia, after every score she would open her door and scream, she knew why I was on the porch and wanted to make sure I stayed put.
  14. I agree with John in Minn, leave it alone, its a reasonable post. I agree, it wasn't that much doom and gloom as we usually see with Rudy. It's a reasonable query with possible outcomes for EM with reation to cap strategy and player value.
  15. Frank Perdue Passing Services to be held on abed of rice, with a tangy lemon sauce and fresh greens. RIP Mr Perdue
  16. Do you currently have a pair of gloves in the glove compartment of your car, and if not, why is it called that? Shouldnt it be called the insurance and registration compartment?
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