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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Excellent point by Clayton, I also get nervous with a reconstructed knee (fingers crossed) but Locking up Willis should be a #1 priority for this team. Although I am concerned about getting him up at cap friendly rate, Rosenhous will stretch it for as much as he can, and usually likes to use the holdout as a leverage tool, Hope Tom Donahoe can get it done before it becomes a major issue.
  2. No, they just do that for you, "King of All Things Cretin"
  3. Fried Bolgna Sandwiches are restored to the concession stands, My lagacy will waft through the stadium for years to come
  4. No, different homepages for the PCs in my office and home
  5. It could be worse, what if the winning bidder owned some websites like: "Crackwhore.com" "IdidGuff34timesandI'mdoinghimagaintonight.com" "Ilovepoop,com" "Touchthesetheyarereal.com" "wannafck?.com" "Dooo-me.com" the list can go on
  6. Before seeing the article, I checked ebay for the ring, found his golf clubs that had been confiscated and sold at auction to compensate the families. Maybe thats how this was found. What is the minimum bid? Anybody interested in it?
  7. Sounds like it, are you lonely? Miss your buddy?
  8. There were even questions as to whether he had a wife and kids according to one post I read.....
  9. Without getting too political, I googled his stuff, many beleive he is ulling a publicity stunt. No hospital was cited, and in some websites, they said there was no substantiating evidence that the assault occurred. Keep a look out, but it may be a scam
  10. I suppose its better than using em as chewing gum...
  11. 23 bucks an hour to fish for the ever elusive "Coney Island Whitefish". A boneless fish found under and near the boardwalks of the tri state area. Is it a catch and release program?
  12. I have had more than 1 beer, but lately as I get old I find that Labbatts has started to make me break out lke a 16 year old. I now go with Labbatts light when I can find it or or Miller light. Once in a while I come across this beer which is awesomeexcellent beer
  13. I saw a picture of him recently and he did look kinda weakened. I hope he is just enjoying his retirement.
  14. There WAS, apparently it rosened, anyway, welcome
  15. I am sorry for your loss, it will get better. We had to put down our 15 year old right before Christmas, and it was the toughest 2 or 3 days of our lives. But when it was over, we ended up remembering him as he was in his prime. The good days of a dog far outweigh the bad parts at the end. Congrats on your graduation,
  16. Makes me uncontrolably angry since the one girl looks very similar to my daughter. How demented is this guy that he would snap on a coupla 8 year olds. I don't want to hear about an insanity defense, and lets put to rest the "rehabilitative amosphere" of a prison. Sorry, this guy steals oxygen, don't waste the time, money or food to house this guy for trial. He admits he did it, just end him now, with perhaps a few stabs to the eyes for good measure.
  17. Up In Niagara Falls, The Press Box on the corner of 4th and Rainbow Blvd (I think) It was near the convention center. Best burgers in the world, unfortunately they closed a few years ago due to tax issues. I miss that place so bad. Hand made burgers, great basket of fries, and the place was jammed. You had to walk into the kitchen and hand in your order, the lady would make em while you were talking to her. It was like walking into you moms kitchen and asking her to make you a burger. ANy Niagara student has to know this place
  18. He is already signed with the Isotopes, but good call, he was accurate from 75 yards!
  19. Mcnabb says we can go without TO Should be an interesting summer in Philly. Maybe Drew Rosenhaus might want to rethink his stance?
  20. He has accepted the position as the anti-christ, "stay tuned"
  21. Hopefully Rosenhous will get stonewalled here, and learns a lesson. Interesting how he does it to the teams that are counting on a particular player and look to be contenders. Does Drew have any holdouts on SF? or any backups that are holdouts?
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