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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. I just tried, its too big, anyone want to host it?
  2. They probably had a swarm of hits since it was posted, I saved a bmp of the losman jersey because you just knew that would happen.
  3. I agree, the three breasted Mercurians would kick butt if they were allowed to enter.
  4. I would think that if Henry had a knee problem, we collectively would have heard about this. My sense tells me that this little nugget was planted by TH's agent or a team looking to acquire TH's services cheaply. I don't buy it.
  5. 'nother round of heartfelt prayers are on the way!
  6. You and your family are always in our prayers
  7. I agree, they will replace you as soon as they find the right person. I tried to negotiate a 1 year severance package with guaranteed bonus should that occur and they hesitated. I told them I knew they would be letting me go as soon as possible, and they tried to say they were shocked that I would even say such a thing, In reality, I spoke with someone after I left and they were already looking for my replacement, and just wanted me there to bring him up to speed. Go now and enjoy the new start.
  8. Are you kidding? Saint is having the time of his pitiful, miserable life. "Bad Saint bad! Lick those boots clean you sniveling little worm" Poor guy, I hope you let him off the leash once in a while.
  9. Does that mean that Mary will not be having surgery till next week? Likewise is she no longer home and resting, but in agony at the hospital? Is everything off by a week? Please clear this up, Mary's health depends on the mojo provided by this board dammit!
  10. Mildly? Like you do anything mildly? Like using a hammer to crack open an egg, that's our Ann
  11. Yeah, what happened to the three hours of begging.....or foreplay, whatever you call it
  12. Ohh I thought that was an impression of what its like to have little one under foot,
  13. I see that you have given up your cult like following of Mr. Mexico, on to bigger and better things?
  14. Good to hear Mary is on the mend, Have fun tonight at the Booster meeting, can't wait for the details!
  15. I can't say that McGahee will sign now either, I honestly don't see any advantage for him to do it now, but maybe Clayton's and Tennessee's feelings are that TD isnt going to let Henry go till we at least try to get McGahee signed for an extension. Think of it as a 1 year insurance policy against a holdout this year, nothing more.
  16. Locking up McGahee would be the optimal move for the Bills at this juncture, holding onto Henry until we have him signed to a new deal is the point Clayton alluded to.
  17. Excellent point by Clayton, I also get nervous with a reconstructed knee (fingers crossed) but Locking up Willis should be a #1 priority for this team. Although I am concerned about getting him up at cap friendly rate, Rosenhous will stretch it for as much as he can, and usually likes to use the holdout as a leverage tool, Hope Tom Donahoe can get it done before it becomes a major issue.
  18. No, they just do that for you, "King of All Things Cretin"
  19. Fried Bolgna Sandwiches are restored to the concession stands, My lagacy will waft through the stadium for years to come
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