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Matt in KC

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Everything posted by Matt in KC

  1. Yeah, I just happened to have a ski mask in the trunk....
  2. 1. Sopranos 2. ER 3. 24 4. Lost 5. Star Trek Enterprise (I was raised on old Star Trek Episodes) Law and Order just fell off my list...
  3. I love my Panasonic FZ10. It has a big Leica lens (12x optical zoom) It's 35mm - 420mm, meaning moderately wide-angle to very telephoto. It has a nice burst mode where it will take 5 pictures in rapid succession, then write them to the disk in the next second or two. It has a built in memory cache, so it does not make you wait for the card to take the next picture. The price has come down to around $400 since there is a more recent model out there now. The battery is great - - lasts about 2 hours if you use it non-stop, and charges in 90 minutes. SD memory card. Here's a link to the most comprehensive review page I've ever seen (just stumbled accross it). The guy is pretty critical, but is obviously waaay into his cameras. http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/panasoni...iew/index.shtml
  4. The problem with the algorithms sites like this put together is they treat one reciever's catches the same as another. Yes, Evans had more ypc, and I'm sure a higher catch to drop ratio. But, that was against the 2nd tier DBs in the league, while Moulds was drawing the top defenders, and more ofter drawing double teams. Evans performed better relative to the expectations of a second reciever than Moulds did relative to the expectations of a #1 WR, and I'm sure had better stats in many categories. But, this is a far cry from proving Evans was better than Moulds.
  5. I hope we keep Pat, and let Jonas go. My opinion is inextricable from my estimate of the salary each one will demand. I really think Jonas will make a mind-numbing salary next year. Pat, on the other hand, may be affordable because of his age. And, he sounds like he'd make some concessions to stay in Buffalo (for his family, business and to play w Sam). I firmly believe that Pat has been instrumental in making our D one of the best in the league. If he leaves, who will join the rotation with Edwards and Adams? Will Adams be as motivated as he is now next to his buddy? Even if he is motivated, will the communication be as good? will someone else really be able to clog the middle like Pat has? I believe Pat will be a much better value, though 3 years from now, Pat may be done, while Jonas is at his peak.... I hope to see a 2 year contract for Pat, and expect to wish Jonas well in his next job... somewhere in the NFC.
  6. I already gave a nice sum for disaster relief. I think anyone that can afford to fill their truck's gas tank each week won't feel the $50 payoff too much. If the hurricane's hit him last week, however, I'd tell Steve to hold onto his money.
  7. Parking lot pet peeve: anyone who doesn't yield to pedestrians (not that pedestrians can't be idiots too). I also can't stand the people who park beyond the end of a row as though it kept going, when there isn't really room for cars to get by in both directions. Driving pet peeve: I hate anyone who hits their brakes less than 3 seconds after cutting in front of me. The worst will cut in, hit their brakes for no reason, and then accelerate.
  8. Well done. I would really have respected that. Since I'm here typing: What he SHOULD NOT have said: "It's MY team, all MIIIINE! *insert evil laugh here* I love to torture the Bills fans - - it's the only reason I came here from New England. Bob Kraft is still slipping me money on the side to do what I love *another evil laugh here*" ..sorry, I think I'm still coping with the loss....
  9. Uh... which side is his blind side? (Note: this is kind of a trick question)
  10. O-Line play and coaching, and Special Teams also need to be mentioned. I agree Evans is a very good #2 receiver. Remarkably productive for a rookie. Moulds does still have more yards than Evans, though Lee has a higher YpC and more TDs. He's really fun to watch. I'm excited to se him develop over the next few years.
  11. I'd say anything better than an embarrassing loss to the Steelers (say 20 points, or a Bills team that visually quits trying) means that this season was a success. I big loss to the Steelers backups means we've taken a step in the right direction this season, but maybe there's some merit to the questions about our ability to compete with really good teams. I fully expect us to play a tough game and win this Sunday.
  12. Thanks. I'll check it out. BTW, I think it's http://www.radioparadise.com/ (not .org)
  13. I agree with your point. It sounds like an excuse to me too. Certainly if Indy lost their Edge, it would be a huge blow.
  14. Because they are the best teams, playing the worst survivors... though I don't think this influences the argument either direction. I wouldn't have any issue with resting players who don't need the experience. Give your backups some valuable experience.
  15. I'd rather they were playing a sub .500 team like the Panthers.
  16. Steve, I see you're back on the board, so I'm bumping this back to the top as a reminder.
  17. Since the preseason posts are lost... or at least inaccessible, I thought I'd post a reminder that Stevestojan bet sfladave1 $100 that the Bills would allow more than 40 sacks this year. I got in on the action for $50. The details were: Less than 40 Sacks (according to NFL.com) sfladave and I win More than 40 sacks Stevestojan wins 40 Sacks = Push Bets payable via Paypal. While it's still close, I'm feeling pretty good about the Bills giving up 5 or fewer sacks again *gulp* the top ranked defense. At least the Steelers are only eighth in number of sacks (we're 6th).
  18. That was really bizarre, and downright dangerous. (Go ahead, get a running start and take one free whack at our QB from the blind side!) All I could think of is that he must have been 100% sure the snap count was later and the play must be whistled down due to a false start by his teammates. Even so, you don't let a DE run unimpeded at your QB, even if the play is dead. Either that, or he was having a spiritual epiphany of the level that might make him spontaneously retire. Or he should have been brought into the lockerroom immediately for neurological (or psychological) tests. Bih-zarre.... I think, at very least, he might not be active for the next game, to send a message to his teammates.
  19. At the start of each game, I crack open a nice cold Sam Adams (and keep them coming if the defense is doing well). So far, so good.... Somehow though, if I find myself on a TiVo delay (buffered), I feel like I have been taken out of the mojo-pool and am no longer influencing the game.
  20. I agree with you; it's irresponsible and unrespectable to raise the issue without cause. But, to suggest that all the people writing for NFL.com and ESPN.com are journalists is pretty funny. I too am suprised someone hasn't thrown this out there to unscroupulously grab a a little spotlight.
  21. I'd love for the Jets and Broncos to both lose, and the Bills win. We'd be the 5th seed in the AFC, and three teams would make the playoffs from the AFC East, which is remarkable. It will be nice to see some AFC East stories if this scenario plays out. With 36 wins so far, the AFC East is already showing everyone it is a tough division.
  22. Is it just me, or does it seem like /dev/null has been posting A LOT recently to anyone else?
  23. In-Division ties: 1) Record 2) Division Record 3) Common Opponents 4) Conference Record ... This changed when the league changed to the 8 division structure and standardized so many of the common opponents within a division for each year.
  24. The next tiebreaker is common opponents, which we would win. Also, for multiple-team ties, you settle all in-division ties first, so we'd knock the Jets out.
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