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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. Shoulda had a couple lookers like Steven Tyler and Mick Jagger, eh? THERE ARE KIDS ON YOUR LAWN!
  2. Update on meta pets? Or did you dump it like everyone else seems to have done? Is OTW now a pump and dump posting board like the old Yahoo stock boards?
  3. Two points. One. Maybe he really wants to make an impact. 5 HC positions are open right now. Think the black candidates chances just increased since yesterday?Me too. Two. I suspect Flores will get offered lifetime Pina Coladas in the islands money to go away.
  4. The “We deserve Irv” posts support my solution SDS.
  5. Jesus bury this thread. The conspiratorial lunatics that started it are thankfully all gone to their safe space. Let's leave them there.
  6. The copyright Infringement lifetime sh!t-chievement award goes to... no real drama here...B-Man of course.
  7. My third vote in this thread @SDS. I am leading all contenders. And my plan is 100% the most equitable.
  8. I thought you said you were done with me. Pulls string, Jim dances. Studying me is a good use of your time. Pretty sure this will be my last response to you unless you make an splash into the sh-tposter game.
  9. Proof? By making this sh-tpile higher by one post, you have contributed to the greatest thread at PPP. Your sh-tty post contributes to my masterpiece!
  10. I'm not sure what you get out of life either. To be fair, I think this is the first time I've ever seen your name. If I make a study of your posts here at PPP, am I likely to learn something important about what motivates you to post here?
  11. Guys who are proud of a "signature PPP line" = sh-t-tastic! That's you buddy. This sh-t's for you.
  12. Guys Chef's age will get this troll reference more: I mean, he will get that the above is a troll. He won't get that he's the monkey dancing to our organ grinder. He says I'm engaging in elder abuse by attacking him. Meanwhile I get that crusty old heart pumping just a little more. He should be thanking me. His cardiologist even sent me a gift basket.
  13. Sorry daddy-o, I'm not keeping score. You're just an old guy who always takes the troll bait. What can I say? I like pulling your puppet strings. Nice work though bringing up football on a football board for a team you don't follow. He doesn't follow the Bills but has 50,000+ posts on a Bills message board. Senility set in more than 50K posts ago for him.
  14. You're kind of dumb for someone who should be older and wiser. I'm only bigoted against you, you old codger. Now go catch an afternoon nap, read some Reader's Digest, and trim your bunions.
  15. Let’s argue art! Someone will definitely win.
  16. No chance. Next year it won’t be Hyde but for the balance of this season it is.
  17. Says the fish on the line. No worries, I'll keep throwing you back into the water.
  18. Welp, you are that stupid. He got asked about his first hand knowledge of something and refused to answer. The journalist probably will ask the party chair the follow-up but the fact that a guy who literally signed his name to a fake electoral slate, which is probably criminal, won't answer tells you something about the sh## he's gotten himself into. Hoffman has gotten himself into the sh## before though. He's not too bright.
  19. They need to consistently generate about 80 yards a game in non-Josh runs to make this a massive weapon. Glad they are doing finally able to deliver. I have always loved Josh under center. So much better for the running backs and harder for the defense to guess what is happening.
  20. It's not hard to hook Jim. Old guys get locked in loops.
  21. No. It's just the thing that bothers you. Enjoy your time talking politics on a football board for a team you don't care about!
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