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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. There's more at stake here than whether Ukraine is a model democracy, but thanks for your input Comrade.
  2. Germany is in a precarious spot being so dependent on Mother Russia's Oily teat. I sh--t on this board. You sh--t on America.
  3. We will see. The Blue and Red folk here are not currently encouraging but they are also not, thankfully, an accurate cross section through society. For people to think this war is a Red or Blue issue is another Putin victory.
  4. Grow up and stop being a disgusting human being. This isn't about Trump or Biden. Try being an American for a change. See above.
  5. A ton. Show was a debacle, not because it deviated so much. It just sucked. They took hard sci fi and made the main character into a palm reading sorceress. TErrible.
  6. Nice thread. Putin starts a war. Posters here attack the president. Irv is right. PPP is a mess.
  7. I didn't see anything you said to me Dr. And as to Turk, I called him out for telling everyone how great he is. That's all. He won't share what he does, even his long buys that he says he makes. So I think he's well exposed, but I see the predictable crowd rushing to his defense.
  8. Uhh, I'm not against crypto hoss. But I enjoy that the person who has figured everything out--how to make huge money in the market--something millions maybe hundreds of millions of people and computer AIs have tried to do...graces us with his presence to tell us how great he is. He sees what all these others cannot and he's here at OTW! That's the comedy.
  9. It's good to see that Big Turk on the Bills message board figured everything out and is better at trading than the people who get paid millions to trade. A one in a hundred million talent in our midst. Just ask him: He claims he made $20K (!!!!) last month alone! This thread is comedy cold.
  10. I’m with you on considering firing but hopefully the police and DA have higher priorities that prosecuting him for assault for that little thing. I’ve been kissed harder than that.
  11. As an old guy, I am in full support of old guys. Oh no, a lawyer insult after a naked internet flex that you refuse to back up here. We're done. You like it DrDawk!
  12. It's so flattering that people are talking about me behind my back! Thank you to my anonymous fan club. That's not creepy at all. Back to you though, you laid out your D for measurement A lot of people think it's easy and never put the time or the hard work into learning and honing their craft and just do it Willie Nillie. That's not me. If I go into something I am all in. I learn everything I can about it, I put the time and effort into it and I study it as much as I can. Then I test out what I learn, make mistakes, refine it, go back and test it out, make different mistakes, not the same ones, and continue until I make fewer and fewer mistakes. And I am a quick study in pretty much anything I do. I have good instincts with this tho...even from the first time I started I was able to see and identify things pretty quickly and while I made a lot of early mistakes, a lot of what I thought would happen did happen. I didn't have the full understanding of the market makers and the whales manipulate prices in crypto and how to detect it most times like I do now...crypto operates with different rules than the stock market does. But once you know those rules you can make money far more rapidly than with stocks. You seem to not want to back that up on here. All talk. I'm just trying to keep your heart beating Jimbo.
  13. You make a lot of triangles, Ws, and Ms on Twitter. Not interested in being your 450th follower and you filling my feed with posts no one comments on. Tell us when you make your LONG buys (when it's going up, right? Am I doing this right? Buy long when it's going up?) right when they happen. Just do it here. You spent two paragraphs telling us how brilliant you are. Just asking for proof. Let's see it. Make a resume right here at OTW. And no, one list of trades, who knows how filtered, is not proof. Nor is a spreadsheet with numbers adding up to $19K. (I guess that's supposed to wow me?). If you feel the need to brag, bring the proof. Or don't. Your call. I would feel 1000000000000x more confident in @Chef Jim managing my money than following your tips, and he can't stand me!
  14. Why not tell us your trades as they happen? That would be the real flex. Wait a sec, wait a sec. Let me get a pen and paper.
  15. Cool story bro. INTERNET FLEX level up!
  16. Are you trying to set a Twitter record for posts where no one responds? Again, record your predictions here. Flex up bro!
  17. I bought Google at $12/share, am writing from my yacht in the USVI, and look like Brad Pitt. Maybe you missed where I said show your trade activity right here in this thread as you make it. Anyone can anonymously claim they made money after the fact. Tell us your next big move when you make it, not after you allegedly make it. Flex up bro.
  18. Every gambler talks about themselves in the same way. Record your transactions here in real time and let us see your positions as they take shape, not after the fact in paragraph form. TBBIlls—what happened to BTC to 90K (measured in USD of course) by November? ALGO down 50% since this time frame to today. Updates?
  19. The B stands for bowel. Sh-t-tastic work buddy! 13 out of 17 thread streak (at least!) you cranked out today. Save some strength in your wrist from all the action you gotta give yourself later because we all know no lady likes an unemployed man.
  20. I do want to commend you on your timing here. This post coincided almost perfectly with the peak for Metapets. Now that it's lost 75% of its value in 6 weeks, you still long?
  21. Nope. I will treat morans like Tiberius the exact same way I treat new posters like you.
  22. Cool. I was taught to take a joke and have thicker skin. But to each his own old man!
  23. Aww Simon you remain as sweet on me as ever. Maybe I already am but I get the joke? Been posting here since about 97 or 98 after all.
  24. If you don't get this Tweet, don't worry: It gets you.
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