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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. One of the reasons is that baby-boomers are still working and paying into it. The problem occurs when they need the money and the population paying for it is not significantly larger than them. Also, their life expectancies will crush the system. The only money I want from SS is the GD money that was stolen from me. Effers.
  2. The source for this info is NPR, but the story is about how tonight's debate is really just a chance for the candidates to give a few speeches while standing in the same room. What a shame we can't expect more from our politicians. And who does the story blame for the debate structure: the two parties. God forbid we see the candidates without their marionette strings attached. The debates should go the way of the conventions. Away. They serve no purpose. debate story
  3. It was a little satire. Thanks for an actual serious reply though. When I need help with my biotech classes, I'll post questions on here.
  4. In the same game Talley(maybe someone else) killed the receiver way early to force the INT in overtime.
  5. Show by a series of equations the energetics of phosphorylation of ADP by phosphoenolpyruvate. Limit your responses to doing my work for me and not digressing.
  6. Who dismissed Kerry for being uninspiring? Not me. I just said he was uninspiring as a public speaker, and he is. And who called you a "name." I made an observation about your character. Actually, you did say I was a neocon, so you did mention a party... But I know you can't handle the facts, so forget about that. Public speaking and charisma, for a politician, are actually important. Are you not capable of accepting that? Thank you for citing a source. It's the first time I've seen you do it. I agree with this entire paragraph, except that I never found Bush particularly engaging as a public speaker.
  7. At least do me the courtesy of getting my political orientation right, and not ASSUMING what it is. I (gag!) voted for Gore in 2000 you presumptuous, condecending know-it-all. And I wouldn't vote for Bush if he was the last man on the planet. Here's a morsel for you to think about: you can be critical of a Democrat and not be Conservative. Really. It's possible. Try to think outside the two party box. Independent thought is refreshing.
  8. Wow- talk about shallow. I gave my impressions of how he was received, and he was not received with that much enthusiasm. And he is NOT a good public speaker. Or charismatic. If you think that doesn't count for something, you're nuts. Clinton's popularity was due in large part to his charisma. Would you rather I posted about the non-substance of Kerry's "I'm no dubya" speech? I purposefully ignored that part of the speech because there were no new items in it. I only commented on the thing I thought was interesting, i.e., that he's not stirring up much support.
  9. Good post. This would be worse than Fluti/RJ though, because no one here would be defending Bledsoe (how could you?!?) My only complaint about the injury is that IF the Bills suck this season (and that seems like a possibility), I'd like to see Losman start for the last 5-6 games just to get the jitters out of the way for meaningless games.
  10. I didn't see this entire thing- I had other things to do, and he was really really dull. I can't believe the Bushistas haven't put out talking points about how he's less charasmatic than Gore. I definitely thought Gore was more likable.
  11. I was at Drexel (in Philly) today running some errands. Kerry was on campus making a speech so I stopped to hear him for a bit. He was doing his usual I'm no dubya, the world hates us, x million people now without healthcare, growing income gap, etc. It really struck me how little he stirred the crowd. No one seemed moved, and people were pretty disinterested in him-- they gave obligatory cheers for the Bush insults and whatnot, but it was matter of fact. It's a reflection of that horrible feeling all the Dems (who will admit it) seem to know already: Kerry sucks, but at least he's not Bush, and that's all they can say. For those who don't know, Drexel is in the city, about 10 blocks from the commercial center city area, and its campus runs into (and shares city blocks with) the University of Pennsylvania's campus. The students are not in session yet at Drexel, although they are at Penn. Seemed like a mostly student crowd.
  12. I am not sure what your problem with my quote is. Adams is saying that the happiness of people is the end (Read: GOAL) of government. He is also saying that happiness of the individual is the end (Read: GOAL again) of man. And that the perfect government is one that achieves these goals. He says nothing about individual happiness and anarchy in that quote. He also does not say that "individual happiness brings the end of man completely," as you say. In that sense, you may have confused the definitions of "end." He's talking about the end as goal, not termination. He is not saying that happiness terminates man, as you interpreted it-- he's saying happiness is man's goal. Anyways, the ENTIRE letter, famous for its foreshadowing of the Constitutional foreshadowing of our government's structure is here. Adams letter
  13. Transcript from dailyshow.com JON STEWART: Well Stephen, what do you think is going to happen now at CBS News? STEPHEN COLBERT, Daily Show Senior Media Correspondent: Jon, there's got to be some accountability. Dan Rather is the head, the commander in chief if you will of his organization. He's someone in the ultimate position of power who made a harmful decision based upon questionable evidence. Then, to make things worse, he stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, choosing instead to stay the course and essentially occupy this story for too long. This man has got to go! STEWART: Uh ... we're talking about Dan Rather...? COLBERT: Yes Jon, Dan Rather. CBS is in chaos, it's unsafe, riven by internal rivalries. If you ask me, respected, reputable outsiders need to be brought in to help the rebuilding effort. STEWART: ... at CBS News? COLBERT: Yeah, at CBS news! What possible other unrelated situation could my words be equally applicable to?! Now people need to be held accountable. The commander in chief, the vice president, the secretary of defense, the national security adviser -- everyone at CBS News needs to go! Jon, I can tell you, Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave. STEWART: Walter Cronkite is still alive. COLBERT: Not according to my sources ... at CBS News.
  14. Richio runs for cover when confronted with the facts? That's his trademark move. To the person who asked if I was joking when I mentioned Republiucan-run NPR, of course I'm joking. That's the point- they spent a pretty good amount of time today bashing CBS, and if they are doing it, what liberal media outlet is ignoring it?
  15. Good. I look forward to lowering taxes, decreasing federal spending substantially, reigning in the authoritarian DOJ, rebuilding relationships with other countries, and getting the government out of my personal business. Oh wait- the Republicans haven't done that during the last four years- guess I have no reason to think they'll do it in the next four. Maybe in '08.
  16. UGH! Please get better soon Losman. We need something to give us hope late this season.
  17. Buchanon has been very critical of the current administration. It's disgusting to see what the Republicans are willing to let Bush get away with, and how easily they turned their back on principle. But look no further than this board to see the people lining up behind Bush.
  18. Does the same hold true for the Swift Boat Vets for Innacuracy?
  19. OK. If he does that, it's an issue. Rather seems like a moron here- assuming he got advice about the illegitimacy of the memos. The only story here is that a news anchor may have made a huge job-ending mistake (I understand he's leaving soon anyway). The memo itself is much ado about nothing.
  20. Good point. Except that BF is an equal opportunity critic. And hasn't posted anything on the discussion RE the ANG service/memo except to say it's stupid. Try again.
  21. Totally different. The judge's "judgment" error is part of the game (like when Andre Reed stepped two feet out of bounds and Reich found him for the TD in the Bills/Houston game- he was ineligible but the ref. didn't see it/chose to ignore it). An easily correctable non-judgment error that was not made *during* the routine should be corrected. Imagine if the computer that averages the scores made a miscalculation. That's a technical glitch, not a judgment mistake. This was the same. Hamm is a poor sport. We all know he didn't win. Still, he'll keep his tarnished gold like the punk he wasn't when he worked so hard to earn the silver.
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