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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. Don’t attack your own team, even when they say socialist things? Are you conservative or are you just a sheep following guys like Cruz?
  2. Trump and Biden aren't responsible for this mess dumbass. See above dumbass #2.
  3. It's only been 2 days. He may have wanted to do in 2 days but 2 days or 2 weeks is still nothing to take a national capitol. And Russia is by many reports still moving forward reinforcements while Kyiv can't get access to more supplies. I do suspect Putin underestimated the lack of internal support for this and external unity against. The America First rally last night featured "Putin" chants and a speaker applauding Russia in his introductory remarks for MTG but most of the world is solidly against Russia right now. He has tanked his economy for a long time (or until at least an Operation Valykrie deals with him and someone more sane takes over). This move appears so far to have been a queen-losing blunder in the 4D chess many here at PPP claim that he plays.
  4. It was idiocy when attributed to aoc and “makes sense” from Cruz? Show out your team colors.
  5. Oh crap, I'm sorry. I attributed that quote and the cheering crowd to AOC and some socialist dems. It was Ted Cruz at CPAC.
  6. Heard worse ideas than actually singing about peace. Nice little bit of class warfare there too.
  7. You wouldn't see a Republican saying big business sucks at CPAC. They at least get the importance of business.
  8. Are you a man? You'd press charges for that little thing? I don't have any issue with firing him.
  9. Back to the topic then. Is there any good American who agrees with this? Can you imagine that in America a room full of people applauded this statement? "Big business sucks! Big tech, big Hollywood, big universities [are] fundamentally dangerous."
  10. We should relegate anyone who says crap like this to the looney bin? I bet some would give it a standing ovation. Communists amiright?
  11. I bet she wouldn't have the guts to say this to a room full of true conservatives.
  12. You don't agree with her? I bet a lot of people admire that she said it and would give her a standing ovation.
  13. "Big business sucks! Big tech, big Hollywood, big universities [are] fundamentally dangerous." WTF is wrong with AOC? Does she not understand that big business has played just a little role in her ability to rise to the level she's at?
  14. It means that China said Russia should talk to Ukraine about ending the war so it could look good. And that Putin also wants to look good so he suggested the neutral (cough cough) location of Minsk. It's theater.
  15. So the war is America’s fault for not preventing it. That’s where your mind is on invasion day. Putin does enjoy this board, I have no doubt.
  16. The price of gas is because Biden is president...not because Putin has been banging the drums of war and now started one. Got it. Good thread to bring that up in if it's just a random observation. You don't have to support Biden. Vote him out in 2 years. I certainly hope he loses to pretty much anyone but Trump. But blaming America for this war is absurd.
  17. Updating: Italy also won't do it. The problem with all sanctions is that they take time to bite. Biden is right that it takes time to see them working regrettably. Russia is "OK" for now. Coward. Own what you said and maybe attack the real bad guy. Russia started a war today. Your reaction is to attack America. Sad.
  18. Blaming Americans for this? Nice work Deek. Blaming Americans for Russia starting this war is ridiculous. Don't hide behind your BS citing facts without judgment. You are looking at this and blaming America for this. Reassess what it means to be an American.
  19. Germany won’t do it. Maybe not building nuclear power plants was a bad idea?
  20. Your knee jerk literally--in the moment--reaction to a war started by a nuclear powered evil regime...is to blame...I almost can't believe I'm going to say this but here it is...you're blaming an American for this? You might want to take a little time to reassess yourself. By all means, take your complaint out at the voting booth in 2024 but Jesus dude. Putin is proud of you BillStime. Sit this one out and let the grown ups talk.
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