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el Tigre

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Everything posted by el Tigre

  1. Is that thing for real? I thought it was a joke.
  2. It sounds like you were watching the Diaz-Shamrock fight. Nick Diaz aint no scrub.
  3. Thinking about buying it. Would like to hear some opinions on it. Thanks
  4. Thanks. Like I said,I wasn't looking to start an argument. I'm a gun owner myself. I've always wondered how the 2nd amendment was interpeted to include modern guns. Now I know.
  5. Not trying to start a big constitutional argument here,but I have a question. How does the 2nd amendment guarantee our right to keep modern guns when the guns that we all own,shotguns,semi-autos,revolvers,didn't even exist when the Bill of Rights was written?
  6. Have you watched the kid play? His hands are unbelievable. He catches anything near him. He would have looked great in any system.
  7. Why do you think this mock is so bad? Crabtree wouldn't be my pick but if he turns out to be another Larry Fitzgerald,which I think is possible,it would turn out great.
  8. That's an interesting idea. With all the budget problems cities are having right now,we may see something like that soon.
  9. I think we have one huge hole to fill without Crowell. IMO,Cato June would have been the ideal guy to sign. Keiaho could probably do OK,but he's not the playmaker June is. Junes coverage skills could have made him a difference maker in this D. Now we have to spend a draft pick on a LB when we have so many other needs.
  10. I think way too much is made over how "well spoken" somebody is. Sometimes genuinely good people are looked down on just because they don't have the best communication skills. On the flip side,some of the biggest bastards around are smooth as hell when they speak.
  11. Really? I don't know where you keep your guns,but I doubt that I could get to mine in time if I was surprised in the middle of the night by an armed intruder. I have kids so I keep mine in a locked steel cabinet in my closet. By the time I got to them I would hope my dogs would have scared them off. The bad guys would have to be pretty slow to give me enough time to get my gun. I really feel my dogs are a better deterrent and therefore make me feel safer than my guns.
  12. I have a few guns,and have had them for years. When I was younger I got a feeling of safety by having them with me. But as I got older and lived a little I've found that most of the times that you would think that the gun would be your protection,it's not. That's because of the element of suprise. I've had a gun stuck in my face and it was probably a good thing I didn't have mine with me that day because it just would have made it worse. You usually just don't have time to pull the gun in most situations.
  13. Yeah,you're probably right. I just get a little heated when I talk about Peters. He's had these work ethic/attitude problems with his coaches going back to his college days. That's one of the reasons he wasn't drafted,even though he has outstanding athletic ability. Buffalo picked him up off the scrap heap and invested lots of time and money and helped him get to this point where he's worth millions. And he has repaid them with this behavior. And it's totally consistent with the way he was in college,the guy hasn't matured one bit. I just think if the FO gave him a new,long term contract,we would be going thru this again in a couple of years. I think the guys a bum and he should be traded.
  14. I've never heard anybody say he is the best tackle in football. What they do say is he has the athletic potential to be one of the best. Unfortunately,because of his attitude and work ethic,he probably will never live up to that potential.
  15. Peters is a lazy,selfish POS. Always has been. Trade him to the highest bidder.
  16. There's talk that the nations #1 dual treat QB recruit,Russel Shepard,may be moved to WR. He's been getting reps at WR this spring and Les Miles hasn't been too impressed by his throwing ability. I hope he stays at QB. IMO he could be better than Pat White if given a chance.
  17. In a couple of years I don't think anybody will be missing coach Carr.
  18. I agree,it's definitely over the top. Sounds like they're making this their own version of a"win one for the Gipper"type thing. Florida players will be hyping each other up yelling "remember The Promise!" or "lets win one for Saint Tim!".
  19. I've caught a couple of those spiders at work. I work at a produce warehouse and we run across them every now and then in the bananas. The first one I caught I brought home to show to my kids,thinking it was just a small tarantula. We kept it for a couple days in a terrarium and fed it beetles. When it was at a cool temperature (like at my work) it was very sluggish,but when it warmed up the thing was scary fast and aggressive. My son decided to research it a little on the internet and we found out we had this deadly spider in our house. It's actually pretty easy to tell it from other types of spiders as it has 2 large red or orange fangs that identify it. We ended up giving it to a serpentarium here in town and they positively identified it. I don't bring them home anymore.
  20. What makes you say he's a douche bag?
  21. ESPN is my most watched by far. Next would be some cable networks like History,Discovery,Big Ten and National Geographic. I don't care for sit-coms or political crap,so I watch very little of the major networks or news channels.
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