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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Where in here is the Nazi amplification? This seems mostly directed at the ADL, which tends to paint any point that doesn't paint Judaism as perfect as antisemitic. It's the SPLC wearing yamika. Do you think what the Jews are doing in Gaza is good for the world?
  2. Here, read this and then let's discuss tomorrow. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/25/bidens-claim-that-trumps-tax-bill-gave-companies-reward-offshoring-jobs/
  3. You aren't entirely wrong here, but I have a few things to take care of before I can give you a full reply. Thanks for the reasonable discussion.
  4. Lol, fair enough. My day is going great, tks for asking.
  5. I am not surprised that you have no idea. Listen, I work for a company. Those tax cuts incent keeping business onshore and gives my company the ability to pay me higher wages and bonuses. It also makes it possible for us to invest back into our business, creating opportunities for new revenue. That increased revenue and salary are taxed. Good talk Tibs.
  6. Is this a question? A statement? Which tax cuts do you hate, Trump's? Many of them are set to expire next year, do you think Biden extend them if he wins?
  7. Disagree, and I find this post offensive. As a former bartender, a good Old Fashioned is much harder to make than mixing Countrytime and water. She is FULLY qualified to run a lemonade stand.
  8. We need to cut national spending across the board. Pols on both sides have been shameful with our nation's coffers, and it's time to fix it, as it's not sustainable.
  9. Dude you think everyone right of you is a Nazi, you are personally diluting the term. I will say that I hate the viewpoints of actual Nazis, but respect their right to free speech if its not directly promoting physical violence. Chomsky had a good quote about it, IIRC.
  10. I guess Q is better than Ole Adolph. But why hate the guy because you disagree with his politics? Yet you consume the bejeezus out of his platform. These childish left and right wing purity tests are really damaging our country.
  11. Touche! Actually on the train and my autocorrect changed whose to weird.
  12. What a weird thread, why are you hating on the guy weird platform gives you do much of your content?
  13. Many of them repetitive posts. You are right, this is the way.
  14. That's where all of these grass roots groups end up anyway, so what's the difference?
  15. I challenged you to do first hand research on gay pron and report your findings, ya dufus. Or are you a bigot who hates LGBTQ? I am kidding, obviously. To your point, I am curious what the rate of what qualifies as pron to MFL in the school libraries falls along the straight/gay lines. If I had to bet it's disproportionately weighted toward gay. But maybe not? Who can even answer that question?
  16. Come on bro. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=Idiot&author=BillStime&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy
  17. Why don't you do some deep research on. the topic for a few months and then get back to us.
  18. I don't personally disagree with, but I can understand why someone would.
  19. I have to imagine that there are medical reasons some kids shouldn't be immunized as well.
  20. Lol buddy, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you get the point about the "defending silence" nonsense, but just don't want to own it. All good. As for the libs of ticktock woman, she got ambushed and failed a bit. But think about when our sitting President had to give up his first run for the office because he got caught plagiarizing his political speech. Which is a bigger fraud? You don't have to answer, I think we both know the truth.
  21. https://nypost.com/2023/10/18/trans-uk-butcher-given-20-years-for-sexually-abusing-child/ Where is Taylor when you need her?!?!? This happened last year and the silence from the libs on this board is DEAFENING. Do you see how stupid these posts are amigo?
  22. This is my point, fergie. Step away and take a breath. Then when you are calm, try and go back and read your posts from a neutral position, you'll see what I mean.
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