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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. I'm sure the Bills had a good feel for what they could get for Moulds prior to telling him to go out and look for someone wiiling to trade with. For all we know, the Bills' felt they could only get a 5th for him, so supposedly they were asking for a 4th, watch teams offer a 6th; figuring they could then settle for a 5th. When you look at the entire NFL, there a few big trades compared to other sports. Most either involve situations like Moulds where a player wants out for whatever reason, and you take what you can get as the other option is releasing him. The other situation is occasionaly you'll get a young player in the early cap friendly years of his contract that for whatever reason quickly wore out his welcome with a team. In that situation, you usually can get more as the player is still young, and has a cap friendly contract that you can live with. Two examples of that were Bledsoe and Price. In both cases teams were willing to give up more to be the exclusive bidder as they were getting into a good financial deal for a at least a couple of years. (actually with PP, we may have kept him anyway) Moulds isn't young and has a contract that had to be redone by team signing, so usually not going to give up much for player.
  2. Nope, not hte way it works. The Bills will still take a cap hit for his un-amortized signiong bonus which I believe is around $5 mil. So we'll still have a $5 mil cap hit this year for Moulds.
  3. Young just seems to be the perfect canadate to be a college wonder an a bust in the pro's. He hasa somewhat unconventional deliverey, uses his legs alot. Those things can work great in college and the guy can be labeled a winner. But it just doesn't cut it in the NFL.
  4. I've been saying all along, you don't get rid of JP until you are certain as to what you have. If you're already certain he's no good, then his best trade value would be now, since if he's not any good, he will end up being the 3rd string and then his value decreases. Now, people (other teams) haven't seen enough of him to say for certain he's never gonna be any good. That being said, this whole thing could be nothing but rumors and the Bill's have no intent to trade him. But if they do, then I'd have to believe there are alot more locker room issues with him than anything else as 8 games insn't enough to determine if he can physically and mentally compete in the NFL. And by trading him now, you can try to convice other teams it is more of a thing of "not being Marv's guy" and that's why you're dumping him. The longer it waits the less his value would be.
  5. Three years ago we had enough money to sign Milloy in September. I think Moulds will be treaded after the draft for a pick in 07. Since next years, may even get a 3rd rounder out of it.
  6. I think you might see happen to Moulds what happened to Henry last year. We end up right after the draft trading him for a pick next year. Up till the draft, the benefit goes to the buyers as the Bills are working against a deadline and would want to get a pick for him so in theory might take less. After the draft, then the Bills can wait everyone out, so then may get a little higher pick in return.
  7. Plus Beldsoe wasin in the early cap friendly years of his contract. We didn't have to pay the bonus and his base salary first couple of years was reasonable.
  8. Remember they got a third round for Henry for the following year. Typically a draft pick one year out is looked at as one round lower, so essentially was the same as getting a 4th rounder for Henry. Henry also had a reasonable contract which benefited both the team getting him, and was reasonable for the Bills to keep if a deal wasn't worked out. A 1st rounder would be great, but I doubt it will happen.
  9. I think it's great too. Can watch the early game and be done by 10:00. As someone else stated, likely 10:15 game will involve west coast teams. It's like college basketball Big Monday. Last game starts at midnight. Doubt many people on east coast watch it.
  10. You have friends with eyes that are saying what you want to hear, so therefore they know what they're talking about. For every person who supposedly know what they're talking about, there's another person who states as I believe, "we don't know what we have in JP. 8 games isn't enough to tell!" The odds are in your favor of being right as over 50% of top name QB's never suceed in the NFL. There are 32 teams in the NFL and probably about a dozen top shelf QB's. Considering how hard it is to find one, you don't want to give up on one before you're certain. People are critizing the Bills for not going after Bree's. Funny though how he totally sucked his first two years so bad that San Diago used another #1 pick on a QB. So here you have all the people in their front office couldn't tell that Bree's was going to improve, but you and your friends are alot smarter and can tell over even less time that JP won't succeed. And that was only after SD other first round failure Ryan Leaf. So in less than ten years they've used 3 1st round picks on QB's and next year, they may be worse off than they were last year with a total unknown in Rivers. The article quotes: "there’s a lot more Jim Druckenmiller’s roaming the league than Jim Kelly’s" Well there also are alot more first round flops than Jim Kelly's so who's to say any of those three will be any good. In fact I'll guarentee of those three, Leinhart, Young, Cutler, at least one of them will be a failure. The problem is today, you just don't know which one. For every person stating the Bill's should take Young, someone else states how he's a flop waiting to happen.
  11. Rather than go to 18 games, you first might see them go to two bye weeks to give an extra week of TV $$. If I recall the ydid that for one year.
  12. Agreed we need a good beer drinking QB with some meat on his bones. And wash those beers down with some wings.
  13. Well actually here in Buffalo it's been the opposite. We've gone through four QB's in the past five years, RJ, DB JP, & KH In all the cases, it was determined the QB was no good and we'd go to the next guy and the problem would be solved. Well we still seem to have the same problem. So maybe the problem is the line. I think that needs to be addressed first. Having said that, I'm not too concerned where we are right now on the line. Sounds like this new center is an improvment over TT. So inside you have CV, Fowler and Preston. I think that's better than TT and BA last year. I also think JP (the lineman not the QB) will be better with a year under his belt. (and that is a big belt to fill) Particularlly I think he needs to improve his run blocking quite a bit. But there's promise and the only way for him to improve is to play him. There really weren't any stud LT out there to begin with so I'm OK with going with MG there for one more year and draft a LT in the second round. I've heard/read this years draft doesn't have much 1st round off line players, but a number of good ones should be there in Rnd 2. So go with MG for one year and let this guy step in at LT in 07. I also would still keep looking for maybe a better guard than DP if he's out there as a free agent. I also would rather sign a guard rather than a tackle as typically the guard will come cheaper. But befoe I'd spend that money, I'd want to make sure the person truely is a step up from what Preston might give us.
  14. No wonderthe Bills signed him. He'll be a natural here! Hopefully that will improve??
  15. From what I've heard/read, besdies Fergerson, there isn't any first round tackles in the draft, so I'd prefer the Bills take a tackle in the 2nd round, let him sit and watch his rookie year, and start Gandy. He didn't do terrible there last year. Then sign a good quality FA guard or center. To me that makes more sense as a guard comes alot cheaper than a tackle. Then inside have CV, Preston and FA and DP plays whichever position FA doesn't play since he can play guard or center. The other tackle is still JP
  16. Thats true, but the problem in the NFL is there are 32 teams and about a dozen top QB's. So you need to hang on to someone a little longer at the QB position to make sure they don't come on late as the alternatives are limited. As was pointed out Brees was a total bust after two years, and he played more. At least this new guy, Nall is it? also has upside. With Holcombe he's as good as he's ever going to be. He's smart, but no arm. JP needs to make better decisions, but it's tough to do whe nrunning for your life.
  17. Well the other part of it do these guys want to go back there old team? Thats was what happened with Spikes. Cinncy could have matched the offer, but Spikes asked them not to. (probably kicking himself fro that now)
  18. So using your logic, if I had a million dollers in the bank and someone wanted to charge me $900,000 to mow it, I should do it no questions asked cause I have the money and can afford it. Whether I'm getting good value doesn't matter. Yes the Bill's no question can afford to cut JP, but does it make sense to take a $3 mil cap hit or to keep him and pay him his $1.5 mil contract? If you keep making moves, giving up on players prematurely, and taking on their cap hits, you'll never get anyplace. It's very easy to say JP is a bust, as on average 2 out of every 3 QB's fail, so the odds are in your favor if you state he'll fail. It really is funny how people said the Bill''s should have gone after Brees, the same guy who was a total flop his first two years. Menawhile We have people who know JP is a failure after 8 games.
  19. Did they say anything about Boston to Rochester?? I had heard a few months back that was als orumored to be a new route. Maybe they decided on Buffalo instead??
  20. But if Moulds is willing to accept less, then again why not just wait for the Bills to dump him and sign him for whatever amoount you were going to renegotiate to and be done with it?? The only reason I could see if it were some "off beat" team that Moulds likely wouldn't go to as a FA, so by trading for, eliminate that issue. Maybe a Cinnci?? But again if Mould doesn't really to go there, he can refuse to redo the contact. So again, don't see much a reason for a team to trade for him?? Couple that with the post stating the Bill's just cut Moulds, may make this treat obsolete in less than an hour. But was fun while it lasted.
  21. Defences don't respect either KH or JP. Put Manning or Brady back there and they would respect them for a time. I certainly think we'd be better with either of them, but I doubt they'd be leading us deep int othe playoffs. I'd even go one step further and state that if either of those players had been with the Bills for the past five years, ever since we've started ignoring the lines in the TD era, I'm not sure either would ever have improved or grown enough to earn the respect of defenses. It wouldn't surprise me, if we had drafted Brady, to now be talking about what a bust he was. I may be pushing it a bit with that statement, but I do think at this point in their careers playing in Buffalo all these years with this team, they'd be closer to a bust than to the HOF.
  22. Two things hurts EM trade value. Teams know we likely will release him anyway, so they'll just wait us out. And as soon as we start talking trade then teams know for certain he's not in our plans, so gives them more reason to wait us out. Secondly his contract is not worth picking up in a trade. Yes, by trading for him you gain exclusive rights to him as opposed to competing for him if he's a FA. But at $7mil, not likely worth it. You could probeably sign him for $7 mil including a bonus spread over a minimum of two years even if you decide by next season he's a flop. You trade for him, unles he agrees to re-do his contract (which I think he might) he's a $7 mil hit
  23. And bringing in Schaub makes us more set. He's just as unproven as JP.
  24. It may also have been that JM made that comment a year and a half ago when JM first got here. He watched MW and said wow! But at that point, he didn't yet realize how soft the guy is. Plus physically, that statement may still be true. He may be as good as anyone he's coached WHEN he wants t oplay.
  25. It may be an open competition, but I have to believe it's JP's to lose. You know what you have in KH, a smart player, understands the game, but has no arm to speak of. JP has the potential to improve, so unless the gap between them is huge, I think the Bills would be crazy to start KH as he isn't the answer. The only reason to start KH is if you're ready to give up on JP.
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