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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. They had an incredibly tough time scheming guys open, no question.
  2. I mean HOLY HELL lamenting the fact that you’re up against the cap and can’t afford a premium receiver when you just blew a second round pick on a pass-catching running back… THIS GUY.
  3. Are you new here? The only surprise was that @Tipster19 didn’t start the thread.
  4. “It starts with me, I need to do a better job finding players the coaches can work with and who can make an immediate impact helping us win games. And I need to do a top-down review of my scouting and pro personnel staff to make sure we’ve got the best people and processes, because we’ve fallen short. And I need to be better at making sure that the coaches and scouts are on the exact same page about what kinds of players we need, because those lines of communication haven’t worked as well as they should. And I expect to make changes in all of those areas and to be held accountable if I don’t succeed in doing so.” IT’S NOT THAT HARD TO DO
  5. I think we just need to burn another 2nd on the pass-catching RB position, we'll get it right eventually.
  6. If folks think the Bills' running game was bad last year - Tampa's was abysmal.
  7. It made zero difference. The game was over within the first 3 minutes.
  8. Arians thinks the filters make him look even pinker.
  9. If Joe Brady leaves to become a (better than Dorsey) OC, it makes sense. As I said elsewhere I'd also see if Bruce Arians would be willing to come as a senior offensive consultant. He probably doesn't want to leave the warm weather (the Buffalo wind is bad for keeping a cigar lit).
  10. The only heat Beane seems to be feeling is from the "social media film critics" who have him all irked. He sounded similar to Kim Pegula when she told the BN that the fans aren't privy to all of what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to the Sabres and that Botterill wasn't going anywhere. They fired Botterill a few weeks later.
  11. Agreed. But a lot of that is on Allen. Look at that first clip, the first play of the game, Allen doesn't even bother to check the defense pre-snap (part of that is because Dorsey takes too long to get the plays in). Had he surveyed the defense he would've seen they were taking away McKenzie and would've pumped to him and then fed Motor on the dumpoff to the backside which could've gone to the bloody house.
  12. Hire Bruce Arians as a senior offensive consultant. Let him teach Dorsey how to build a deep-passing offense that still protects the QB and gives him options and outlets.
  13. Allen and the playcalling are a close second. Here's another analysis with no paywall: https://www.footballoutsiders.com/film-room/2023/lou-anarumo-cincinnatis-defensive-wizard
  14. Certainly was a big part of the program (but not all of it). Dawkins and Saffold simply did not come ready to play, period. I know Beane would be critical of that comment because apparently I'm just a social media film critic, but it was clear as day those two were stealing money on Sunday (and most of the season).
  15. Unfortunately it's going to take being lapped in our own division for the owners to do anything proactively about it - they're going to give a lot of rope.
  16. I have always strongly suspected that Brandon Beane has several drawers full of perfectly-folded white socks.
  17. It’s not that they don’t value WRs, it’s that they don’t trust their ability to evaluate them. They (think they) understand defensive evaluations and have had a lot more success there. The scouting department is rotten to the core and needs to be thoroughly rebuilt.
  18. What an absolute disaster of a PC. Not as bad as Whaley’s “I’m not privy” face-plant but damn close. Beane fitted his neck for the guillotine today. Shocking lack of accountability and an insult to the fans who understand there are multiple ways to build a winner.
  19. The press conference seemed aimed at lowering expectations. That ain’t good for Beane’s job security.
  20. He can throw himself under the bus. Personal accountability, which is usually something he's good at. His scouting/pro personnel efforts have been utter garbage and have done very little to help the team compete post-2018.
  21. Yep. This was always the most likely outcome and it's how most conservatively-run teams operate. Unless Frazier decides to retire or transition to a league administrative role, I don't see any real changes coming.
  22. Yep - the problem is the front office more than coaching. The drafts have been bad; incredibly, pro personnel scouting has been even worse. ONE value free agent (DaQuan Jones) in Beane’s entire tenure. ONE.
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