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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. And it’s too bad - I’ve been thinking that loading up on TE playmakers might be a smart strategy this offseason. They’re cheap relative to other assets so you can play some cap arbitrage; they offer scheme versatility that Dorsey likes; defenses are getting smaller; and personality-wise, they would fit Allen’s style (his teammates refer to him as a tight end because he’s All Ball, kind of half professor half meathead). Fill the offense with tight ends and speed on the outside and see what happens. That said, Parham is a real JAG.
  2. Cincinnati the past two seasons. Philadelphia last year. San Francisco. What are we doing here?
  3. Folks here don’t like to admit it but the Bengals’ threadbare FO has been running circles around OBD for several offseasons in a row. They consistently find value and quality in free agency.
  4. This thread is a participation trophy. Geez Louise, all Beane has done so far this offseason is fall forward. We’re congratulating him for executing restructurings that were necessitated by years of bad contracts? For finally signing a young guard and a speed receiver after some of us have been banging our heads against the wall about these needs for years? For not paying the high price Edmunds cost because Beane waited to lock him up until he priced himself out of range? I like McGovern and Harty a LOT but young guards and fast career special teamers should fall from the sky in free agency and the draft and Beane had to make up ground and possibly overpay to finally land them.
  5. Lol with the botched attachment and everything. It’s Clown Day at TSW.
  6. Could be certain players and coaches weren’t invited and Waller was keeping it on the DL…
  7. HE WAS INJURED LAST YEAR This thread is full of some of the legit dumbest takes I've ever seen, anywhere on the internet.
  8. Another solid signing. McGovern buys Allen 1-2 more seconds and Harty gives Allen someone who will be open downfield with that extra time. Glad Beane sees the holes in the roster the same way I do.
  9. These responses are a bit over the top for a guy who suffered a serious neck injury last season.
  10. He's going to a pretty physical, smashmouth division, especially if Rodgers leaves Green Bay. And as of today they don't have a lot of protection for him up front. Good luck Maine.
  11. Draft Hendon Hooker in the 4th.
  12. Really solid signing here - good start.
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