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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. I'm not going to put the cart before the horse and start wishing for different HC candidates before McDermott is fired. If we took a consensus of posters, McDermott is surely gone. But I'll still believe it when I see it when it comes to be Beane and/or Pegula making that call.
  2. Fitz is surely making way more money for way less work doing Amazon commentating and commercials. He said he briefly considered coaching but didn't want to commit to the rigorous schedule of a coach at this point in his life and then Amazon came along. Zero chance he'd take less money and more time away from his family, giving up the gig he has now to be a positional coach.
  3. I'm not saying it's okay. Just that it's how he operates. And it's bad enough that he does it. But then he does it too long. Coaches around the league will sit a guy for a few plays or a series. But that was like 3 series. That's ridiculous. Furthermore when you're not consistent with it. Like I was saying, I felt Davis letting the ball hit him in his hands and bounce to the hands of the Broncos was just as, if not more, egregious. Yet he was on the field for the next offensive snap.
  4. That's just how McDermott responds to those kind of plays. I knew when it happened he was going to make Cook sit for a while. It's his MO. My issue was that I felt Davis getting hit in the hands and dropping it leading to an INT was a bigger infraction. And he was out on the field the very next offensive play. If you're going to punish Cook for his infraction, logically Davis should have been punished as well.
  5. That may be the worst play Gabe Davis has ever had. I've defended him in the past. But that was absolutely f'n brutal. Good news is fans that want him gone will probably get it after that.
  6. Priority Free Agent level - Damn. NFL.com was not a fan. Falls in line with most of BB's Draft Picks though. Dude seems to consistently make media consensus reaches to prove his genius.
  7. Not really. We lost Tre, we traded for Douglas. Even with Benford down for this weeks game, if another injury were to happen - it would be Cam Lewis up first. Even if we did claim this guy, with him coming into McDermott's Defense not knowing the playbook midseason, you best believe Josh Norman and Ja'Marcus Ingram would still get called up before him after Cam Lewis. Not opposed to putting a claim in for the guy. But Benford probably isn't a long term injury and we did fill White's roster spot with Douglas already. This guy wouldn't be seeing the field this season unless there were catastrophic injuries across the board.
  8. I don't think he's washed. He was playing at an extremely high level before the injury. And there has been small visual improvements over the past couple weeks. Yes, he missed the tackle. But before that, he wouldn't have even been in position to do so. He's also gotten some pressures leading to others getting there which he hadn't been doing. Returning from an ACL on Defense is rough, as we saw with Tre last season. And I feel like we're seeing small improvements in his game quicker there than we were with Tre. The issue is just getting back to full health and getting in the groove. I don't know what the answer is there because you don't want to give him too many reps before he's 100%, but on limited reps - it's difficult to get into a groove as a Pass Rusher. He's had a total of 104 snaps over 5 games. That's really not much. Hopefully as they ramp him up, he'll get more comfortable and play better. It seems they've been saving him for the playoffs, but that's far from a given right now.
  9. I think it's mostly Dorsey, but I also think McDermott is a part of the problem. Daboll did what he wanted and would let Josh do what he wanted. He and McDermott reportedly butted heads and didn't get along. Since Dorsey has taken over, the edict to keep Josh more in the pocket and banging him over the head to be more careful and run less is 100% McDermott driven, in my opinion. Where Daboll would do whatever was needed to be done and let the reigns off of Josh, Dorsey is more of a yes man to McDermott. And I think he's having a lot more say in the Offense and what Josh should and shouldn't be doing than ever before. I don't have any firm evidence to support my hypothesis. But I do believe Josh isn't as free under Dorsey as he was under Daboll and that's part of the problem with the Offense.
  10. We can complain about McDermott all we want and come up with reasons he should be fired. It isn't going to happen. He just got an extension this Offseason. He and Beane are tight. We went from the laughing stock of the league to a perennial contender under this regime. If you think Beane is going to fire him after one bad season where we had our Defense decimated or that Pegula is going to step in and reset the team back to what it was when he came in, you're kidding yourself. If anything is going to happen, Dorsey will take the fall and they'll find a new OC. It's going to take more than one year of missing the Playoffs. McDermott will have to lose the team, chief among them Josh, and have at least 2 bad years in a row before anything happens.
  11. Yeah, he has a 32.5 million dollar dead cap hit to cut him after this year. That combined with the fact that he's only 1 or 2 DE's we have under contract and 1 of 3 D-Lineman overall - he's not going anywhere. The soonest we can move on is after the 2024 season. Before then, we're paying more money to move on from him than we would be to have him. And we can't afford to pay money to create more holes. Especially in a position that is pretty much barren to begin with.
  12. No one's taking on his contract for what he's produced the past couple seasons and giving us a pick on top of it for the 'privilege' of doing so. We'll likely stick with him for next year as Kincaid's backup and the occasional two TE set and then use the out in his contract in 2025. Only way we're moving him is if we eat most of his deal and get little to nothing in return. In which case, why bother?
  13. McKitty was a 3rd Round Pick in 2021. A Florida State recruit from IMG Academy who transferred to Georgia in his final College season. Quite a bit of pedigree for a Practice Squad prospect. He was released on Halloween. Beane must have liked him in the Pre-Draft process and wants to see if there's anything there.
  14. They miss Tre White so much that they had to bring in two Tre's.
  15. They did state it was innocent until proven guilty and that it was a hard decision for them to make. I think there was more than just the pressure from media and fans that went into it as well. The fact that he knew this was going on and didn't say anything about it was also a factor. But the bottom line is they couldn't play him with what was going on. And they couldn't get an exemption. So they would have had to use 2 roster spots on Punters until he was cleared, without knowing if he would be. And you just can't do that, especially at the Punter position. Regardless of his name being cleared by law enforcement, as long as the civil case is still open and it's still hanging over his head, no one is going to give him a shot. If he played a more important position, maybe. But he hasn't gotten an opportunity because this hasn't fully gone away yet. https://www.kpbs.org/news/public-safety/2023/09/15/judge-denies-matt-araizas-request-to-hold-rape-lawsuit-trial-next-month Now... if Sam Martin continues to be hot and cold and if Araiza's trial is completed with a not guilty fully clearing his name and being done with everything and if Araiza wants to come back here - maybe they would bring him to camp next season. Because there is an Out in Sam Martin's deal after this season. But that's the soonest you'll see it, if ever, @Buffalo Barbarian https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/sam-martin-12447/
  16. They couldn't. Since the incident occured before he was Drafted, the only options they had were to keep him a rostered member of the team or cut ties. There was no option for an Exemption from the league.
  17. Here we go again with this. There was a MASSIVE thread about it when this news dropped months ago.
  18. When I mentioned he'd stay in that range, I was talking about the week in which you pointed out that the other games hadn't played out yet. To that point, he was in the range of top WR2's. My point in discussing Davis is that when it came to WR2's around the league, to that point, he was producing at as high or higher of a level than most of the league. I thought about mentioning Davis as one of the roleplayers going forward but over the past couple weeks, the offense has run almost exclusively through Diggs, Kincaid, and Shakir. And quite frankly, pointing out ANY positives about Davis around here is grounds for hostility and insult slinging. Now me not mentioning him is grounds for it too, I guess. You wanted a different high end 2nd option? One has presented itself in the performance and rapid growth of Kincaid. You wanted to go away from Davis? We have. Davis is a total non factor now. But it's still not enough. We're still harping on an upgrade from Davis - who is at most Option 3, more like Option 4 given the usage of Shakir. And that's where I mentioned the goal post moving. We now need an upgrade at option 3 or option 4, even though the discussion was consistently about needing a 2nd option - which we have now. The core of pass catchers is not the problem. The problem is the lack of run blocking, the lack of pass blocking, and the playcalling. It's not the weapons.
  19. Jackson played with his hair on fire last night. Probably the best game I've seen him play. I think it was an anomaly, but still, a really odd time to have this take.
  20. Absolutely. The goal posts keep being moved by posters. Pre-Draft it was that we needed a solid #2 option. We Draft Kincaid, a WR who's only technically a TE. Then it was "well, we can't rely on a Rookie". Over the past 2 weeks, Kincaid has emerged as that #2 option and has been playing very solid. Now it's "not addressing WR is a fail"? So you're saying we have an Elite QB, but he has to have not 2, but 3 stud level options? 2 isn't good enough now? Most teams would kill for a Diggs/Kincaid 1-2 punch with a solid roleplayer, as Shakir has been out of the slot the past couple weeks. Mahomes has Kelce and....? Kelce and Roleplayers is what he has. We have the talent. It's Dorsey and the OL (can't run block, can't pass block) that is failing this offense.
  21. No one's taking on Knox's contract for the mediocre play and give us a Draft pick for it. Even if we eat a bunch of the salary, the return that we would get would be less than a 4th. And in that case, we might as well keep him as TE2 and be rid of him after 1 more year. I think with the way Knox has performed the past couple seasons, most teams would rather spend a Mid Round Pick to get a guy who has the potential to be better than him and have him under a cheaper Rookie deal for 4 years. Both of them have an out after 2024. Before then, you're paying big money to not have them on the roster. Might as well keep them for 1 more season and have them be situational or backups and then be rid of them after that. Miller has a 32.5 Million Dead Cap hit to release him after this season. He's also 1 of only 2 DE's we have under contract and 1 of 3 D-Lineman period who are under contract. So why would we take that down to 1 DE and 2 DL total and pay money to do so? Even if you think he's washed, you keep him as a situational guy like Bruce later in his career. Getting rid of them just for the sake of getting rid of them and putting us in a deeper hole to do so makes no sense. Ride it out for 1 more year and if neither are performing well, just don't feature them. In Knox's case, put him behind Kincaid. In Miller's case, if he never returns to form, put him behind Rousseau and (hopefully if we can re-sign him) Floyd. Agreed. The only way Tre is back is if we release him and he comes back under a new contract. There isn't a restructure that can be done to his current deal that would make the gamble that he is at this point worth not freeing yourself of that deal.
  22. Tre has an out after this season. Given our cap situation and him coming off of an Achilles following coming off of an ACL, he's as good as gone. Maybe they tear up the contract and bring him back under a cheaper incentive laden deal. But that contract will be terminated. As for Miller and Knox, they don't have an out until after next season. It doesn't make sense to pay more money to release them than to keep them for one more year. In Miller's case, he's one of only 2 DE's we have under contract following this season. Hell, we only have 3 DL total under contract for 2024 and beyond. So he's not going anywhere. And at least with him, there's a case to be made that he's still recovering. It hasn't been a full year since his ACL injury. He's also been making small improvements week to week. He has been getting some pressures and was in position to make the tackle last night. Something we weren't seeing when he was first activated. We'll need to bring in a number of D-Lineman after this season just to fill the roster. Makes no sense to create an even bigger hole there and pay extra money to do so. If he truly is washed, you just make him situational going forward. Knox just is what it is. I think it's obvious that when he does return, he's going to be behind Kincaid in 11 personnel (or at least I hope we stay in 11 and don't go back to 12). He'll back him up 1 more season and then we can get out from under the deal. But yeah, long story short - Tre will (or should) be gone. Miller and Knox will be here for one more year. It doesn't make sense to get rid of them when it hurts the cap more to do so.
  23. Pretty much. One season of missing the playoffs after everything he's done and just getting an extension won't be enough. They'll get a new OC and Dorsey will take the fall. Maybe there will be pressure on McDermott to let that OC have total control over the Offense. But it will take a TOTAL collapse, him completely losing the team, including Josh Allen, before McDermott goes anywhere. And that won't happen this season.
  24. Doubtful. They just gave him an extension. Beane and McDermott are tight. They'll blame injuries and Dorsey for the poor season. Maybe Dorsey goes, but McDermott going is just wishful thinking from some fans. Beane won't fire him after one bad season following an extension and Pegula isn't going to step in and make that call for Beane.
  25. As soon as I saw him miss the tackle, I knew the board was going to lose their crap. He is getting closer. He wouldn't have even been in position to make the play before. He is getting better pressure. Like others have said, he's not even a year removed from a Torn ACL. And I have seen small improvements week to week. Should he have made the tackle? Yes. But it's more disheartening to me that he was the only one in the area to do so. Feels like in this Defense, if one guy is there and doesn't make the tackle, it's going to be a first down. Yet when we're on Offense, there's multiple defenders around our ball carriers at all times. We're losing in the trenches week to week and it's costing us these games.
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