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Everything posted by ChasBB

  1. Well, I liked Edwards from the start, so I know your question is not directed at those like myself. Edwards' decision making ability was evident from the get-go. He has a quick-release like Dan Marino used to have and doesn't take a lot of sacks. He's accurate and just needed more playing time. That said, I also think Losman could probably perform well under Turk. I think Fairchild takes some blame here. I just have this to say -- it's a helluva lot better debating the qualities of Edwards/Losman than it was debating the qualities of Flutie/Rob Johnson. I really feel we have 2 guys who can lead this team to their first playoff appearance in many years. I have complete confidence in both players under Turk. Even Hamdan looks great.
  2. Wilfork on Losman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3POT8n2Qk3g Pollard on Brady: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAFtx5emWyk These are not the same. The intent to injure is clear in Wilfork's lunge for the knee while Pollard's simple attempt at a takedown, while producing the same result, clearly was without intent to injure.
  3. I took a brief stroll over on the Pats' board (patsfans.com) to see what they're saying and it's amazing to me that some think it was a dirty hit. It was NOTHING like Wilfork's hit on Losman. To watch the replay and say this was a dirty hit is absurd. Likewise, to watch the replay of Wilfork's hit and say it WASN'T a dirty hit is ALSO absurd. The double-standard continues.
  4. Merriman won't be of much use to his team when the remaining strands of his ligaments tear and his career is over. If he really wants to help his team, he should get his knee repaired and add some years to his career. He could be a game away from never playing football again. Some call it heart -- and it is, I suppose, but I call it short-sighted.
  5. There are SO MANY positives about this team. A new OC who isn't afraid to let his players show off their talents doing what they do best -- someone who will take input from his players. An OC who will be on the sidelines during the game. 3 capable quarterbacks, a mostly experienced O-line -- talent all around in the skill positions. A defense with key additions. Great special teams. There's a LOT to look forward to this season. It's time to put the sideshows truly off to the side and focus on the SEATTLE SEAHAWKS. Go BILLS!
  6. Well, you have to give Merriman credit for having heart, but is playing with 2 torn ligaments very intelligent? If he loves the game so much, he would serve himself better to get his knee repaired so that he can add more years to his career. To continue as he is doing, he may be playing his last few games ever.
  7. lol. I don't yet understand it, but I also will choose for now to accept that the Bills know what they are doing with this move.
  8. Well, I really hope that the Buffalo brass has good reason to do this. I like Brandon. I like how he has stood up to Peters' holdout. However, this just seems vindictive to me. Again, perhaps I am wrong and perhaps the Bills organization knows something the rest of us do not know, but why the knee-jerk reaction? Why not at least see how the surgery goes before putting him out for the entire season? Let him have the surgery and then make the decision in a week or two to see how his knee responds. It just doesn't make sense to do this so quickly and it does seem almost spiteful. Perhaps his knee has gotten progressively worse and he really is concerned about injuring himself more severely if he doesn't opt for the surgery. Also, wasn't the decision made AFTER consulting with team doctors? Something just stinks about this whole situation and we may never really know the behind-the-scenes reasons for all of this.
  9. We already have the best punter in the game in Moorman who already knows how to handle the winds at the Ralph.
  10. I agree. We are not going to get any love from the media. Of course, we were coming off a 7-win season in 1987, too!
  11. This game reminds me of the home opener in 1988 against the Minnesota Vikings. We knew the Bills were better, but they hadn't proven it yet. Losing had become such a bad habit and we knew they just had to go out and PROVE they were indeed better. Well, they DID. They beat the Vikings that day 13-10 and went on to a 12-4 finish atop the division and started a lengthy era of winning football!
  12. At what point would the Bills go after his signing bonus money?
  13. Does anyone know where Jason Peters hangs out in the off-season? Does he hang out in Fayetteville, Arkansas where he played his college football for the Arkansas Razorbacks or does he hang out in the town he played high school football in (Queen City in Cass County, Texas)? If you look at the radar for Gustav, you'll see that the center of circulation is currently right over Cass County, TX and Queen City, TX is currently under a flood warning as per www.weather.com. If he still has family ties in Queen City, perhaps he is here with family.
  14. I agree to a point. The local Buffalo media probably does not have a budget for something like this. However, you'd think an organization like ESPN -- which appears to have a virtually unlimited budget -- might be able to track him down. Maybe it's just not as big of a story to warrant it.
  15. Good point! This has occurred to me, as well. You'd think someone, somehow, could track him down to get a quote from him -- even if it is only "No comment". Forgetting sports for a moment, investigative journalism is a lost art, in general. All of the major networks just spew out press releases from governmental resources in Washington and don't bother actually finding and reporting real news. Just plain lazy journalism.
  16. Well, at least he made practice squad anyhow.
  17. Yes, in addition to referees having to remember two sets of rule books for on-the-field -- one for the Pats and one for the 31 other teams, now league officials must remember two set of league policies for off-the-field issues. Must be a lot of work for them to remember all these rules. It sure would be easier for them if they just applied all rules and policies equally to all 32 teams.
  18. Exactly! It's irrelevant. Of course a guy like him is not going to trash anyone. He probably said something nice about the '07 Dolphins, too.
  19. Be nice if the Bills could get the Evans deal done. Would send a message that they will deal with players who are here. But seems to be taking a long time to get that done. Anyone know what's taking that deal so long? Evans risks injury every time he steps on the field, so would just be a great gesture for Bills to get this thing done.
  20. Ummm, I've seen a LOT worse on this board for dumbed-down comments. Anyhow, I get your point that a good player is a good player and not easily replaced. However, as good as Lee Evans is, he's not Randy Moss. Jason Peters is tops at his position just like Randy Moss is tops at his and to replace him without skipping a beat is not realistic and I think that's what Parcells was saying about Jumbo Elliott and is more applicable to Peters than it would be to Evans. Don't get me wrong, Evans is very, very good, but Peters could become a perennial All-Pro for many years and is not easily replaceable.
  21. Many of you are forgetting that you don't just go out and replace a left tackle like he was a water boy. Just as a reminder, I'll copy a quote that Bill from NYC made in a previous post: " Jumbo Elliot, a great LT, suffered a long term injury during a game. At the post game press conference, a reported asked Parcells "if he plans to get a LT to replace Jumbo Elliot." Parcells immediately lost his temper. He asked the reporter to tell him exactly how he shoud do so, and said, "Should I go to the Left Tackle Store and pick one up?" " I think that sums it up. A guy like Jason Peters doesn't come along every year. He is a special talent. He needs to get himself into Orchard Park and start working with the team and eventually the team will reward him.
  22. I still like this quote from Jason Taylor in 2007: "He’s probably the best left tackle I face this year ... He’s a big, athletic guy who is strong and moves very well. He’s got the size. He does a lot of things well. You don’t see him get beat a whole lot. He’s equally as strong in the run game as he is in the pass game. I think he’s a helluva player.” I really hope the two sides can come together to figure this thing out.
  23. Peters' refusal to talk just shows his immaturity. Maybe he does deserve to be the highest paid lineman on the Buffalo Bills or perhaps even the league, but he's forgetting one thing -- Dockery & Walker were free agents and he's not! They earned their right to shop the open market and pull in the big offers by HONORING their old contracts until they were free and clear. Brandon has offered to discuss a new contract. What else does Peters want? Does he want Brandon to knock on his front door bearing gifts and beg him to return?! He's got to come into camp. I think Brandon will make good on his stated willingness to discuss a new contract, but this silent treatment is not going to work out well for him if he continues with it.
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