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Everything posted by ChasBB

  1. Yep, whining=no respect winning=respect Once we take care of some good teams over a long haul (more than just 4 games), the respect will come.
  2. See Dwight Drane's translation on p. 1 -- I thought he nailed it pretty well.
  3. Airplane: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-xHPU6NulM
  4. Thank you Colorado State! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  5. On weeks when Buffalo plays out west or mountain time zone, I wonder if they start their practice sessions later in the day so that their bodies get used to performing later in the day. Since the game starts at 4 PM EDT, I would think that they would want to do their hardest practicing at 4 PM EDT, as well.
  6. You're right! I'm sure the Patsies were not saying to themselves last year that they wish they had played Buffalo without half their roster on IR. I retract my earlier remark. I think my main regret is that the Bills won't have the same opportunity the Chiefs had to put Brady out.
  7. I totally agree with you. I wanted the Bills to play against a Brady-led Patriots team and defeat them -- our best against their best.
  8. Good points, but the decision to fly home between is the only sensible option. This isn't like the Cards hanging out in the east coast and going from Washington, DC to NYC. The distance between St. Louis & Phoenix is 1500 miles. Better just to be home and practice in their own facility, be with their families (for those with families) and then make the trip back out again. The Cards staying east didn't work so well for them and I don't think it would have worked so well for the Bills, either, to stay out mid-west/southwest.
  9. I don't think you read my message carefully. I'm NOT suggesting he CHOOSE to not be a valuable commodity on the FA market. That would be foolish. What I AM saying that an INJURY might make that a reality. Let's say he has a great year, but gets injured in week 16 -- serious enough to harm his FA value. If he has a long-term contract with the Bills and can be healthy again the following season to play, then he is protected. If he gets hurt, teams will take a chance on him, but maybe not at the price they might have if he was 100% healthy. The choice Greer has is to take that risk. Then again, we don't even know if the Bills are talking with him anyhow, so it may be a moot point. He could agree to an extension with the Bills for just SLIGHTLY less than he might get as a FA and then not have to worry about staying healthy this year. Injuries are a reality of the game and players must take this into consideration at all times.
  10. Cowboys have a loss, but thier opponents are also 3-12.
  11. The Bills don't have to match what he would be projected to get in free agency -- just come close. If they get in the ballpark, then that would be enough to get him to sign and not take the risk of getting injured and not being a valuable commodity on the FA market. Buffalo has got to keep some top players -- can't always be expecting the next guy to be just as good as the last. Now, that may be true in this case, but the Bills need to keep some high-talent experience on the team. I'd like to see them make an effort to sign Greer. Defense wins champinships!!! Go Bills!
  12. Very well said. They'll improve. The O-line will put together a solid 60-minute game soon.
  13. Yes, it's funny how a reputation sticks even after the problem has subsided. Reed made one very nice catch last week just as he was being hit. A lot of receivers would not have made that catch. Totally agree with you on Hardy. I don't understand people's impatience with him.
  14. Totally agree about Reed. Really glad he's on the team. I wouldn't say "Who needs Hardy" because they need his size in certain situations and he WILL become a big contributor as he matures, but Reed is extremely valuable to this team -- and he's a good downfield blocker, too, and ticks people off (e.g. Raiders' Wilson). Very valuable.
  15. Shouldn't the Bills be talking to Greer like they are talking to Evans about a new contract?
  16. Some serious logic flaws in original poster's thinking. Never is losing better than winning. The 1st tie-breaker is wins -- period -- don't matter against who.
  17. In addition to physical tests and intelligence tests, I think some sort of "self-motivation" test needs to be included in the screening process. Williams and McCargo were both 1st round picks. It's amazing that they cannot make themselves competitive given their physical skills. Something along these lines -- not necessarily these, per se, but something like these: http://www.myskillsprofile.com/tests.php?t...CFQuH1QodZgMFFg http://ezinearticles.com/?Self-Motivation-Test&id=835660 If the Bills are going to invest millions of dollars into a player, then spend a few bucks to find out what makes them tick!
  18. Tune the national media out -- they mean nothing! This will not stop, so may as well get used to it now. When we beat the Cardinals next week, it will be because they are still recuperating from their 10-day trip east. When we beat the Patriots later this year, it will be because they didn't have Brady. When we beat the Jets later this year, it will be because Farve is past his prime. When we beat the Chargers this year, it will be because they had to fly east. When we beat the Broncos this year -- well, the media will think of SOMETHING. When we win the Super Bowl, it will be because of SOME external factor. Who cares!? Just win. Go Bills
  19. No question about it. All of those injuries was awful, but the silver lining is that the Bills are very deep this season in several positions.
  20. Yes, great to have both. I really wish people would stop playing the comparison game -- Lynch vs. Jackson, TE vs. JP, etc. blah, blah, blah. TEAM -- that's what we have and it's great!
  21. I think moving one regular season game per season is a smart business move, but I hope it ends there.
  22. It just doesn't seem to be in Trent Edward's makeup to allow himself to take an opponent lightly. Probably all good teams spew out the same cliché about taking every opponent seriously, but I think the Bills truly believe it. I think Buffalo might be the exception in really taking this cliché to heart. I'm still amazed that Trent went 26-0 during his junior & senior high school years as a starter.
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