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Everything posted by ChasBB

  1. Yes, we did get a little spoiled by the Super Bowl years. Can you believe the wildcard game against the Houston Oilers in 1993 DID NOT EVEN SELL OUT!!! We had become so spoiled by two consecutive division titles and two consecutive Super Bowl appearances that getting into the playoffs as a wild card was NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I hope we never get like that again. What we wouldn't have done for just one wildcard appearance during these past 8 seasons! Enjoy the victories. Don't demand perfection. Just ask for honest effort. Be happy to have one of the most storied NFL franchises right here in Buffalo!
  2. I received a reply from YouTube BillCody1960: "Sorry, I don't have that one. It may be tough to find that game because while the game was a sellout, it did not sellout 72 hours before kickoff and the game was blacked out in Buffalo. I remember listening to the game on the radio. Someone in Florida would have to of recorded that game."
  3. 26-0 win-loss record during his junior & senior high school years! Amazing!
  4. His handle is actually BillCody1960 His user page is http://www.youtube.com/user/BillCody1960 I sent him (her?) a message with a link to this message on this board to check out. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll have it.
  5. You are correct. I guess I was thinking after the close scrape w/the Raiders that the Bills would take the next opponent seriously and thus destroy the Rams and possibly leading to overconfidence. However, I can't see the Bills overlooking ANY opponent this year -- they seem highly focused. And you are right -- Cards bad case for a trap game.
  6. I agree -- it was a selfish act by Peters. He could have made his point equally as well by showing up about 2-3 weeks sooner than he did -- it still would have sent his message while not putting his team at a disadvantage. But it's done. Apparently the coaches think he's the best option because he's still starting.
  7. We will crush the Rams by 30 points. That WILL set up a trap game with the Cardinals.
  8. We need Roscoe. Seems Trent can find him just fine this year. He may not be the go-to guy each week, but he's a dangerous player with the ball in his hands as both a receiver and a punt returner. Fortunately, we do have other talented receivers and other talented returners, so I think the Bills will get by, but to toss him aside as though he was just some sort of 2nd-rate player is just wrong. The guy is a playmakers and playmakers win football games.
  9. I would have liked to see him held out until the Oakland game to just practice the first 2-3 weeks. Well, that didn't happen and so what's the point in pulling him out now? Not that you are suggesting this, but there's no point in this. Peters was essentially allowed to use the first few games of the season as his personal training camp. While this was probably not the way to go about it, it's done and Peters will ultimately be better for it. By tossing him in there, he'll be more valuable to the Bills in the upcoming weeks than he would have been sitting on the bench. He WILL get better as the year goes on. And, what, a guy -- even a pro bowl selection -- can't make a mistake? I've got news for you -- he'll make more. And guess what -- pro bowl players on other teams will make mistakes, too. You are asking for perfection and that is unreasonable.
  10. I disagree with the premise that we even need a veteran wide receiver -- I think we have good experience at the position. However, even if there was one available, there are other teams in much greater need that would snap him up -- like Seattle who has lost something like 6 receivers, I think, to injury. We'll be fine. I think the passing that we saw during the 2-minute offense on Sunday will become more common as the weeks go on.
  11. I do appreciate your argument. Last year's success is no guarantee of future success. However, the Marlins were completely disassembled after they won the World Series. No such thing happened with the Patriots. Yes, I do believe they are weaker this season than they were last seaon -- mainly because of Brady being out, but also for the reasons you state, as well -- a year older, a tad slower, etc. However, this is still a Belichick-coached team and that guy can out-coach a LOT of good coaches. They'll win some games simply on the inertia of winning 18 straight games. Winning has become a habit for them. I respect the argument that they are weaker, but I don't at all agree with posters saying they are "done" based on one bad performance. I can still remember losing 20 straight games to the Dolphins in the 70's -- that really sucked big time. And, as it stands now, the Patriots have defeated the Bills, what, 9 straight times now! My point is until we actually BEAT them, the posters saying they are "done" may end up eating some crow. Buffalo has to prove it on the field when they face the Patriots head-to-head that they are the better team. I'd be very happy with a split this season just to break that 9-game streak.
  12. Sorry, but I agree with the pundits. The Pats are still the reigning AFC champions and until they are "dethroned", they are still the team to beat. For cryin' out loud, they won 18 straight games last season. Suddenly, they're crap because they lost to the Dolphins!? I don't think so. The Dolphins had many close games last season, so it's no big surprise that they were capable of this. The Pats were due for this. They probably even welcome it -- imagine the ridiculous pressure of trying to repeat a perfect regular season? It would be unbearable. With this loss, the Pats might start enjoying to play football again. This is still a dangerous team. Until the Bills beat them, they haven't.
  13. In general, I think teams are pressured to succeed more quickly and seem less interested long player development plans. I don't know if this is due to free agency or what, but it just seems like most teams do not patiently bring players along any longer. Young players just get tossed in and either sink or swim.
  14. Reminds me of Sabres starting out w/10 wins a couple of years ago and people with signs saying 82-0! Anything is possible, but highly unlikely they'll finish undefeated. A division championship and a 1st-round bye would be great, however. Still gotta beat the Patriots. Just because the Dolphins took them out doesn't mean it's a given that the Bills will do so. If we can at least split with the Patriots, that would be great.
  15. Nice additions! Hard to think of them all for sure.
  16. I basically just followed official stats, but valid points.
  17. Some Great (relatively modern) Quarterbacks Records as Starters Early in their Careers (& how long it took them to reach double-digit wins in the NFL) ... Joe Montana (49ers): 0-1 (1979) 2-5 (1980) 13-3 (1981) Peyton Manning (Colts): 3-13 (1998) 13-3 (1999) John Elway (Broncos): 4-6 (1983) 12-2 (1984) Steve Young (Bucs & 49ers): USFL (1984) 1-4 (1985) (Bucs) 2-12 (1986) (Bucs) 2-1 (1987) 2-1 (1988) 3-0 (1989) 0-1 (1990) 5-5 (1991) 14-2 (1992) Ken Anderson (Bengals): 0-4 (1971) 7-6 (1972) 10-4 (1973) Jim Kelly (Bills): USFL (1983-1985) 4-12 (1986) 6-6 (1987) 12-4 (1988) Dan Fouts (Chargers): 0-5-1 (1973) 3-8 (1974) 2-7 (1975) 5-8 (1976) 2-2 (1977) 9-5 (1978) 12-4 (1979) Dan Marino (Dolphins): 7-2 (1983) 14-2 (1984) Tom Brady (Patriots): No Starts (2000) 11-3 (2001) Joe Theismann (Redskins): CFL (1971-1973) (Lost 1 Grey Cup) No Starts (1974) No Starts (1975) 3-2 (1976) 4-2 (1977) 7-7 (1978) 10-6 (1979) Terry Bradshaw (Steelers): 3-5 (1970) 5-8 (1971) 11-3 (1972) Bob Griese (Dolphins): 3-7 (1967) 5-7-1 (1968) 2-6-1 (1969) 10-4 (1970) Brett Farve (Falcons & Packers): No Starts (1991) (Falcons) 8-5 (1992) 9-7 (1993) 9-7 (1994) 11-5 (1995) Roger Staubach (Cowboys): Naval Commitment (1964-1968) -- was drafted in 1964 by Cowboys 1-0 (1969) 2-1 (1970) 10-0 (1971) Warren Moon (Oilers): CFL (1978-1983) (Won 5 Grey Cups) 3-13 (1984) 4-10 (1985) 5-10 (1986) 7-5 (1987) 7-4 (1988) 9-7 (1989) 8-7 (1990) 11-5 (1991) Troy Aikman (Cowboys): 0-11 (1989) 7-8 (1990) 7-5 (1991) 13-3 (1992) What a turn-around for Manning & Elway in a single year! Took awhile for Fouts, Moon, Young, & Theismann to break into double-digit wins (and even Farve & Aikman for that matter, too). Of course, Moon tore up the CFL! Surrounding cast, of course, also has a LOT to do with a young QB's progress & success, but certain QBs seem capable of single-handedly making the players around them look better and I think Trent is one of those guys. Trent Edwards: 5-4 (2007) 3-0 (2008) -- Double-digits in '08?!?! So far, Trent is a bit ahead of the curve it seems for young QBs!
  18. Absolutely! He did nice work on those plays. He'll be fine this season.
  19. I'm going waaaaaayy back for this one: 1972 Buffalo vs. Miami -- Mercury Morris fumbles, Buffalo recovers -- play ruled dead by offical, but clearly was a fumble in replay. Probably cost Buffalo the win and helped Miami with their "perfect" season. Anyone else remember this one?
  20. Remember how Thurman Thomas wrote "Super Bowl" on his shoes in training camp in 1990? It inspired his teammates to think big! That should be the goal. Will it be reached -- who knows, but the Super Bowl should *always* be the goal.
  21. Evans also must consider security. If he sustains some sort of a significant injury (God forbid), then he risks losing his big contract. So, I think it makes sense for BOTH parties to come to an agreement in the near-term.
  22. I disagree. I think Trent can truly be a great one like Joe Montanna. Of course, gotta win some Super Bowls before making that comparison, but I really think he's got the whole package. Just got to keep him healthy and keep a good strong cast around him and the team has a bright future.
  23. Good article! I thought that no mention of Mitchell was a glaring omission, but otherwise pretty good.
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