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Everything posted by gmac17

  1. please add cleveland and tonight asap.
  2. I couldn't agree more. I'm annoyed right now but I'll be able to go to sleep. After Dallas sleep was not an option.
  3. it is definitely one of the top 2 movies ever in which jon voight plays a football coach. http://www.genreonline.net/Second_String_TNT.html
  4. seems a bit of a stretch to me to think you can not only go online, but go to a football message board and not find out who won. So now we can't post things like "brees looked incredible today" or "how did the bengals blow that game??!!? stay offline....
  5. wow, he broke a record that 90% of yankee fans didn't know who owned a year ago.
  6. that show is online - it is fascinating to listen to - you get a real feeling of how everything unfolded for people.
  7. saw it on tv as i got up and thought it was a small plane, but got a call from my sister while i was in the shower and she said "are you watching this". And I said "yeah, a plane hit the tower" and she said "No...another one crashed into the other tower!". I'll never forget the moment she said that and the shock that hit my whole body as it all set in. That day and week was a blur. My wife (gf at time) was in NYC and it took a few hours to get in touch with her. I probably knew 100 people who worked in the city, and the entire week was a flurry of emails / websites listing who was confirmed ok / rumors about people etc. All sorts of misinformation and rumors going around. Everyone on the street was dead quiet, polite and friendly for weeks. have a friend who was a few blocks away when one hit and the one thing he says that sticks in his mind is the whine of the engines on the plane when it hit - it wasn't like a plane landing where it is "coasting" in for a landing and relatively quiet - the plane was going fast and the engines were making a ton of noise.
  8. horrible situation for her and her family.
  9. have him sit around the locker room playing video games and eating hard boiled eggs.
  10. summer camp was a great experience for me as a kid. I will definitely send me kids to one.
  11. not sure if it has been mentioned in this thread already, but I always find the vick argument interesting in that one of this franchises favorite sons has been rumored to have some domestic abuse issues in his past. (besides OJ...) . Nothing official, but some regular and consistent stories from back in the day. I don't know the last time I've heard anyone mention anything about that guy being such a horrible person. btw, i think vick is scum.
  12. typical liberal response - "please don't do it again. I'll even pay for it for you" sorry, had to get that in it's a tough call either way, but maybe you should have sat him down and made him watch some horrible movie.
  13. i love getting resumes from people with email addresses in them like sxybklyngal28@yahoo.com really people? You can't spend 5 minutes to get a new free email to help you get a job?
  14. Big bust in NJ today, including the Mayor of Hoboken who was taking $5,000 bribes from the trunks of cars in diner parking lots. I've been involved (volunteered) for a few Hoboken political campaigns, including helping the opponent of this guy last month (he beat her (reform candidate) by 160 votes). We tried to tell everyone he was like this...... http://www.nj.com/hobokennow/index.ssf/200...ed_for_tak.html
  15. are you willing to spend $10 on a cab, or $2 on a subway ride 10 minutes outside the neighborhood?
  16. genesee street on the east side. Some wonderful architecture, and friendly faces.
  17. on the subject of interviewing - i'll throw my $.02 into the ring on the best bit of interviewing you've heard in a while.... The #1 podcast in America - Adam Carolla. 5 days a week he has someone different on - frequently comedians, sometimes other hollywood types. The thing is, he has them for about an hour and does a VERY good job of getting them to tell their stories of how they "made it". And along the way he tells a lot of stories and does his signature ranting. He says he likes the podcasts because on radio you only get a few minutes to talk to someone and it is always the same, but the long format you can dig in. If there is such a thing as "the perfect mix of toilet humor, insights and interviewing" - he has it nailed. I'd recommend listening to the recent jimmy kimmel podcast or one of the Andy Dick ones - very interesting. Some good hollywood gossip comes up sometimes as well. It's on his website , but is easier to get through itunes.
  18. some random thoughts ** 50 million americans may not have coverage, but I wonder how many americans really need some sort of care but can't get it. I bet the difference between those numbers is huge. ** I know someone who died while waiting 4 months for heart surgery in Canada. In the US they would have had the surgery asap. ** There is no easy solution to the problem. I went to a GI dr who went and had me undergo a 25 minute procedure to the tune of $13,000 on my insurance. His practice owned the testing facility, so you have to wonder how many people do they send to have $13,000 procedures who may really not need it, but who they said "just for good measure let's do some tests..."
  19. awesome article about him.... http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_8558
  20. thanks for making me visit that link. classic.
  21. here is the BG flutie article... http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/n...ead.main/123916
  22. Ingredients: 16 oz Elbow Macaroni 1/4 Stick of butter 3-4 Eggs 1 giant box of swim meet tomatoes Cooking Instructions: Boil Elbow Macaroni until soft. Drain as needed. Place Noodles in frying pan with 1/4 stick of butter and cook on low until half/most noodles get a crispy brown outside. Stir throughout cooking time so as not to have the noodles stick to frying pan. Next add the 3-4 eggs and stir so as to scramble them along with the noodles. Dice tomatoes and put into dish. When they are thouroughly scrambled and the noodles nice and crisp it's chow time Serving Suggestions: You can add some garlic salt or pickle juice for extra flavor upon finishing cooking.
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