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Everything posted by RTW2012

  1. Do you want a Suh or not? You sound unsure.
  2. I think guys who are still free agents on August 29 aren't going to be holding out for a huge payday if someone comes knocking on their door.
  3. It's the fourth preseason game. Odds are Fitz and most of the starters sit. Plus, Fairley has been out all preseason recovering from foot surgery, and is likely to miss the season opener.
  4. Got caught with "pixie dust" at the border.
  5. Is this team you're assembling in some sort of senior league? Moulds and Adams are 38, and both retired 4 years ago. Schulz is 42 and hasn't played in 10 years. Marv just celebrated his 86th birthday. He's got time on his hands; maybe he'll coach.
  6. Except Ralph never said this. All we know is the team will be sold. That is it.
  7. Oh, really? I didn't see any palm trees in these pictures. Pray tell, which ones are you talking about?
  8. Another gem of a post generalizing Bills fans.
  9. Actually, Johnson was the man 5 years ago, in 2006. He's 31 now. RBs seem to have a shorter shelf life nowadays, which makes drafting them high in the 1st round a fool's errand.
  10. I've been following the NFL for a long time, and I've never heard of coaches coming to an "agreement" before preseason games. Maybe when they used to do those scrimmages, but not preseason games. Anyone ever hear of such a thing? The article the OP is referring to is here. link
  11. Some draft previews mentioned red flags in the character of Lynch prior to the 2007 draft. Those turned out to be well-founded.
  12. Didn't this guy Moran have some other scoop a year or two ago that had everyone's panties in a bunch. Anybody remember that?
  13. The Bills traded Marcell Dareus to the Jets for Aaron Maybin?
  14. I've always been skeptical of the "NFL hates Buffalo" conspiracy theories, but if this is true Goodell has definitely crossed the line. I know Buffalo was mentioned as a possible landing spot for Vick, but anybody know how seriously the Bills pursued him?
  15. You're right. I understood being on an active roster to being on the 53-man roster. This guy does a better job of explaining it. My link Basically you can't have been on an active roster for 6 games. If all of your games were in one season, then you can't have more than 8 games on an active roster. However, this guy says the rules are different for 3rd QBs; their games count whether they were active or not. So, according to that, Levi is not eligible. This is from last October. It's possible the rules have changed with the new CBA.
  16. No, you have to be on the 53-man roster, which he was for 13 weeks. Whether you were active or inactive on game day makes no difference. He has one accrued season of NFL experience, and is therefore ineligible.
  17. Brown is ineligible for the PS. He was on the 53-man roster for 13 games last year.
  18. The sleeve stripes are parallel with the sleeve hem. The problem is that modern uniforms have no sleeves, plus the material is very stretchy. The stripes tend to ride up, giving the look of being slanted.
  19. I suppose the Saints will now say they would've given a third for Evans, if only Buddy had called them.
  20. Well, I'm old enough, and I vividly recall that the Bills were actually thought of as a team on the upswing, not universally picked to be in last place in '88. In 1987, Bruce was first team All-Pro, Conlan was defensive ROTY and 2nd team All-Pro, Bennett was a dynamic addition and I believe runner-up to Conlan for ROTY. Plus the defense had solid players like Bentley, Smerlas, and Talley. The pieces were in place for a dominant defense, which they were in '88. Offensively, Kelly made his first Pro Bowl in '87. Admittedly the Bills' running game was suspect, with Ronnie Harmon proving he couldn't be an every-down back. Drafting Thomas in '88 was a risk, considering his previous knee injury. Going into '88, the team had alot of potential, and there was concern whether they could turn the corner and become a playoff team. So, while going 12-4 was somewhat of a surprise, it was not wholly unexpected. And in no way were they universally picked to be last in the division. A better analogy would be the '99 Rams, who everyone had picked last, especially after Trent Green got hurt in preseason, or the '06 Saints, coming off their disastrous post-Katrina '05 season.
  21. Sane people did not want to bench Kelly for Reich.
  22. Can you imagine this guy returning punts? Regardless of how fast (or slow) he runs, how many guys would it take to bring him down?
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