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Everything posted by Blackbeard

  1. Move up and draft a known, will-be #1. Rookie deal. movin' on up.. movin' on up.. to the top.. to the top..
  2. Phillips was a decent player. What i loved about him was the juice (no pun intended) he brought to the line. That nasty dog in him. Best of luck to big jordan
  3. Well, i think to regroup a bit. We need to restock with young legs, etc. Kinda part of the biz. A package deal sending him elsewhere for another player and a draft pick may not be a bad option. Younger and cheaper is what were up against. I predict our LBs will be nasty this season. Can't wait.
  4. Interesting idea I doubt we get much return draft wise, so i'd think they'd package him in some sort of trade idea. We did operate above average in his absence last year. AND, hes getting older.. I bet Beane is kicking tires on it.
  5. It was directed at Beck, not you. Listen, enough snarkiness. Me included. We're all upset we lost Diggs, some more than others. I do feel a bit bad about the way the fans are casting him in such a negative light.. which i believe is brought on by the media unfairly. That is the crux of my beef here. Its just way more upsetting to see the way Allen, who has been nothing but a peach, be trashed by NFL fans, albeit mainly as jealousy that he's not theirs.
  6. Beck has shouted out WAY more insults and condescending tone than the sum of all the other posters in this thread. I challenge you to reread. Regardless, i still believe the media is more than 95% of Diggs' issues. And a LOT of fans are buying that. aka drinking the kool aid (note: the term "drinking the kool aid" is not an insult. Its an observation as to whether one believes another is being manipulated or persuaded.)
  7. And news flash: were not arguing whether DIggs is an admirable player etc. We're arguing about whether he's being done unfairly by the media.. which you posted a long list of items where he apparently gave them fodder. Which i disagreed with as him being a passionate player and all spin. So which is it? He's admirable but a diva? Your words and posts in this thread are murky at best. not sure you even understand the argument at this point at all.
  8. Just more of the same from you. Holier than thou. More insults. More lame attempts at trying to look "smart" and "clever". And a few of your statements aren't even accurate as to whats been posted in this thread. Talk about putting words in mouths. Before you argue, at least pick a side. Don't waiver back and forth .. back and forth. I get it, "winning" (which is clearly on your ego driven agenda) is easier if you are wishy washy. And before you say, "where was i wishy washy", it's because you're attacking me for not buying into the media hype surrounding Diggs.... but then in the same breath go an about how you don't think hes a diva, etc. So which is it? And if it is indeed that later, why are you arguing with me? That's right. You just like to argue to hear yourself.
  9. My point, in sum as you didn't read the thread, or maybe didn't comprehend it, is the Diggs thing is overblown by the media. To which, you argued against. You cited all the iffy times we saw him blow up on the sidelines, etc. To which I see that as a firey competitor. Then i'm putting words in your mouth and whatever else you are blabbering on about. Agree to disagree, although you've gone back and forth on yourself numerous times, i still don't know WHAT your thoughts are or whether you just like being a contrarian in general. Honestly though, you come off as a complete d bag who thinks way way too highly of himself. And yes, i am a practicing attorney for the last 15+ years, so i am well schooled in what an "ad hominem" attack is. But very thankful for the condescending lesson. Work on the ego. Go ahead, i'll let ya have the last word
  10. Laughable. Clearly you don't understand my position or just didn't read the thread. As thought, you just like to argue and hear yourself talk.
  11. Last word Get over yourself bro. You really aren’t as important as you think or try to come off as. First it’s Diggs does all this “stuff” on the sidelines. Then it’s he didnt stay for media (no surprise). All trying to agree that he’s toxic etc. THEN to go on and recant that you never said hes toxic etc. Make up your mind. it’s clear you get off on arguing in that it makes you feel important. Not the first time I’ve been thru this with you. then your arrogant comments. Your ego is your character flaw.
  12. Good lord. you don’t like Diggs. I do. have a good day pal.
  13. So all of that, which is HIGHLY debatable, makes him a diva and toxic and above reproach?! Lmao. Everything you stated shows a competitive professional football player. Do you work for MSNBC?
  14. Telling someone they are being manipulated by the media isn’t making a thing personal. Calling someone a mrs is. Tad different. Either way not sure I care. got it sally? (Done to affect your “irony meter”) ps cliff notes next time plz. I work.
  15. No need to make it personal. If you cannot see the twisting, morphing, skewing, altering, adding-to and manipulating the media has done to to tarnish Diggs' rep and is now doing to Allen, just for the benefit of getting likes and hits, I don't know what to tell you.
  16. Where did he provide anyone with anything? Youre drinking the cool aid as well. He has kept his mouth shut and not responded. Just like anyone else probably would with half a brain. "Cryptic tweets"??? Cmon man. He's got a life OUTSIDE of football. You do recognize his life doesn't revolve around pleasing you on the field, right? And "attention seeking"? Where is he seeking attention? You're deluded by the media. THIS IS THE ISSUE!
  17. Very possible. Very! Youre definitely right. Both can be true. But where i pause on the whole "toxic diva" thing is that 95% of it is media driven. Allen has it even worse. He is criticized by just about everyone outside of the Buffalo Bills fan base. And its mainly out of jealousy of talent. A LOT of that can be said about Diggs.
  18. My "idolization" of Diggs. Laughable. Why do you say that? Cause i spoke the truth about him? He was a STUD on this team, and anyone arguing that has ulterior motives, has just plain hate in their heart, is blind, or didn't watch the last bunch of seasons. Also, touching on your "point" of Diggs' "behavior": you seem to missing the FACT that the MAJORITY of his "behaviour" was contrived by a seething media. Plain and simple. Same way Allen is constantly taking a beating from the media as well. All unwarranted. You fans are WAY overly critical and drink WAY too much media cool-aid. The guy played his ass off for us, never missed a game (correct me if i'm wrong) and legitimately gave a backbone to an otherwise sally team. Those are facts. Not "idolization" friend.
  19. Just more of the same BS. Cherry picked stats. Please note: LAST 10 games. The Bills definitely should've made Shakir WR 1 last season!
  20. I'm 45. I don't care how old you are. Your actions are childish. Get well soon.
  21. Just more of the same. Blah blah blah kid.
  22. Just the fact you mention how much he makes as a basis to take all the unnecessary heat is proving more of my point. the guy was nothing short of amazing during his tenure here. And you are STILL bitching about him. And you wonder why he’s glad he’s gone, if that’s accurate.
  23. In all honesty, I’d probably despise this fan base too. Diggs is: a diva. Toxic. Drops passes. Overpaid. Argues with Allen. on realty the dude gave us some AMAZING plays and excitement. He was a freakin stud here. this fab base is brutal sometimes. Not surprised him or Davis are bitter. You think they don’t read social media?
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