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Everything posted by BillsFooteball

  1. Also can someone who knows more advise what is Hamlin’s strength. I understand not going to replace all pro Hyde. Yet multiple times a game (I know he forced fumble last week) I say to myself if Hyde was there then that doesn’t happen. To me either would have speed or excellent tackling. What I see is slow, poor in coverage, poor tackling. Or is that he’s a good tackler but consistently takes poor angles
  2. I never feel like a game comes down to just one play. But if bills lost last night then a strong case could be made that Cam Lewis single-handedly cost the bills 2 wins
  3. Now that the bills have playoffs locked up and an excellent chance of winning the division it comes down to matchups. Still to be determined whether bills will be 1,2, or 3 seed. With that said I’m going to assume one of the wild cards will be ravens or bengals. For the last 2 wild card spots likely between chargers, dolphins, jets, patriots. I’d take the patriots and dolphins making it for best potential matchup vs bills. Chargers if healthy are dangerous. Jets defense is so good and matchup well against bills. I’ll take bills over pats or dolphins
  4. Miami is a good team I’m very pleased with the win. Allen lit them up and I loved to see it. I want bills to win every game by 30 points and my heart would appreciate it but it’s not going to happen. First place 11-3 love it. Now next week if we win last second last FG against bears…another story. Happy for win but matchup wise that should be double digit W
  5. Have to pull for bucs on this one. Best interest for the bills always. Root for a miserable game by Brady but a bucs win.
  6. Can’t both sides be right on the Edmunds argument regarding his play. I’ve gained a lot more appreciation for him this year. He’s had some real solid games but last night was not one of them. I do feel overall you see the difference when he is out of the lineup. At the same time would he be worth say top 5 LB pay? I’d vote no
  7. Any given Sunday right but if there ever was a guarantee win you’d think this is the game. Texans are the bottom of NFL as is then of course let’s add in no pierce, cooks, stingley today.
  8. 9 out of 10 times I feel it’s the right move. Last night with those conditions end of the game I would have went in for score. Understand it’s a chip shot but I was concerned. Now that’s over and of course got the win I’m happy to admit it I was wrong
  9. I’m assuming this means Brown was not elevated to active roster this week right?
  10. Very possible. But then they can win the last games 3 of season (packers, patriots, jets) and we get to hear “the hot team nobody wants to face in the playoffs!” 😆
  11. With injuries this year this season has definitely made me appreciate players that I have not in past. Most notably Edmunds, Morse, and Dawkins. For the players I already greatly valued that even sky rocketed more this year. Players like Hyde or Poyer. Could also mention Oliver and Milano. I expected significant drop off in talent but Jaquan Johnson, Cam Lewis, Queensberry, Vanrotten have made so many game changing negative plays to actually cost this team games. Hamlin has been underwhelming to me but there have been a handful of solid plays.
  12. Most complete drive of the season. 96 yards, 9 minutes off clock, ends with a TD. Sealed the game.
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