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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Man, you guys, talk about "locking on" did you watch the replay of the Corner interception for a TD? It seemed like Palmer (v.2) couldn't stop looking at his receiver from the moment they broke the huddle. It's like he owed him money or something.
  2. Your two cents are worth a lot more than you think, Pilsy. ...but at the very least we got 4 cents off of your post.
  3. Punch, the mere fact that you know who the Rutles are shoots you into superstar status, in my opinion. ...don't let it go to your head.
  4. I had a thread about 6 weeks discussing my search for jerseys for my groomsmen. I ended up with 2 companies on DHGate and I honestly couldn't have been happier.
  5. I scanned through the next few days for the NFL Network and I believe the Monday night showing was the only showing of the Bills/Bengals game, and the only preseason game this week that was shown only once on the Network. ...try all they want, they are not going to be able to keep this Bills offense a secret for long.
  6. A lot of people talk about whether the Cardinals picked up the phone to coax Kurt Warner out of retirement. Well, if that's the case why don't we pick up the phone and call Brad Butler? Frankly, the long and the short of it is that the guy was considered a team leader when he went down last year and was a very underrated right tackle who was starting to get his due around the league. Brad, be active in politics all you want, be here's 5 million bucks to come back to the right side of our line for just one year and possibly (POSSIBLY mind you) see the playoffs for the only time in your career.
  7. I actually know for a fact, but I cannot reveal my sources, that Wood really wasn't even injured last year, that it was a cover-up. As it turns out the U.S. military had a top secret program where they sent Wood back in time to go kick Hitler's ass...which he did...and it is being kept top secret. The reason why it worked was because there was no real breach of the time line. We still didn't find Hitler in the bunker according to our current records, but trust me, the US knew where he was, sent Wood back there and he went old school whoop ass on mein kampf and there was nothing left of the SOB when he was done with him except a bills logo pounded into his bloody uniform. ...oh, and for the record, it was the standing red buffalo.
  8. I like Brown a lot, but it is so completely what dog said above. Remember, they can't just sign him the have to cut somebody and put him on the active roster. At this stage for a guy like Brown, that is asking a lot. Teams just might as well draft a guy in the 7th round next year and not worry about it this year.
  9. I actually really like the "dress blues" that we have, I just wish they would correct the seem stripping between the pants and the jersey, since obviously the original intention was the blue pants with the white jersey and blue jerseys with the white pants. That being said, is there a person on the planet that likes our current road white unis? ...yeah, didn't think so.
  10. Just for the record, this Bills board has spent a lively 5 pages in less than a day discussing the merits and worth of the Jets starting QB. ...just sayin.
  11. Those expletiver expleviters can go expletive themselves. Seriously, I'm bummed about this. I was going to either stay up and watch it, or watch it during breakfast.
  12. Question: After I get home from my sister-in-laws on Saturday night should I; avoid football and watch a movie, go to bed a little early and watch the game live on NFL Network at 2 am, or just plain watch other Saturday night football and see how the bills game turns out before investing time in the wee hours of the morning?
  13. Honestly, I love this guy. He makes the game, and following it, just that much more fun.
  14. Man, after my vote it is essentially 12-12, positive to negative. Some of you are truly dedicated Bills fans. I love the Bills and will cheer for them, but I don't know how many of you are able to stay so optimistic. Hats off to ya.
  15. SD, i could be wrong but I don't think we traded down to get McCargo. If you read the post I was responding to it had to do with trading down and still getting a player you want and then some (Bufcomments suggesting we could have gotten Ngata and Whitner by trading down), which is what the Broncos did. I believe all we did was trade up to get McCargo. Again, I might be wrong, but even if I am that was my point. Oh, and for the sole purpose of making Captain Caveman happy...GET'ER DONE, BUDDY!!! (not really)
  16. Ahhhh, you're talking about the old trade-down-get-Ngata-and-possibly-trade-up-slightly-and-get-Whitner trick! ...yeah, that just would have made Marv's head hurt a little too much, soooooo no. (EDIT - Even if people don't like the tebow pick by the broncos I do respect - as you probably do, too - the wheeling and dealing they did to do it...way beyond our FO) Regardless of how good he would be for us now, as a Bill, I think I could forgive about 13 bad picks the Bills have made if we just would have gotten Ngata.
  17. Well, other than what has been stated above and, I am not making the biggest defense here, but to be fair Allen was always going where Shanahan was going and I'm pretty sure regardless of what they thought about him all the money in the world was not going to drag Pioli to Buffalo. I love the Bills, but I also understand that given our circumstances (Owner, lack of talent, location, market size) only a certain number of players and front office personnel would consider coming here.
  18. I didn't mind us passing on Leinart in the draft, but I would have preferred we got Ngata instead of Whitner. That being said...it does make me feel a little bit better that we didn't waste a pick on this guy. At least (it looks like) Whitner will be here this year.
  19. That is some pretty interesting stuff, BC, thank you.
  20. The game is blacked out locally, but will be shown on Sunday night on channel 7. However, if you check, there is a chance that it will be shown on the NFL Network after the game, but possibly before the showing on Sunday night. ...or at least I hope so. EDIT: yeah, 2 am on the NFL network.
  21. You, me and a few others. I didn't hate the Lynch pick b/c Peterson and Willis were gone but I would have loved this guy as our ILB for the next 10 years.
  22. I Agree. Metz, I would love McKelvin to start, as well, but Florence has just plain out played him. It doesn't mean McKelvin has problems, just that Florence has showed up.
  23. Man, that article and this thread were all sorts of win. Thanks, BB!
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