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Everything posted by RichStadiumGuy

  1. I just wish I could afford to live the way I'm living!
  2. It's in this one. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/news/2022/10/15/bills--new-stadium-talks-deadline-pushed-back-to-december BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The deadline to complete negotiations for the Buffalo Bills to build a new $1.4 billion stadium has been pushed back to at least December in order for the state to finish the environmental impact study. The new deadline, moved for a second time over the past six weeks, will be 30 days after that study is received, according to a joint statement Friday from the Bills and state and county governments.
  3. This is on the 190... not the 90. WKBW loves being first but accuracy is far from their strong point.
  4. Gotcha... I thought they were referring to THIS event... my bad I guess. Apparently that first cup of coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet here!
  5. Have you got a link to back this statement up? I'm curious on a couple of points here... 1) Why would the "NFL" be investigating something that happened between two CFL teams? 2) How exactly do you PROVE that somebody didn't say something?
  6. While on the subject of business signs I see the Ide family in Rochester changed the name of their car dealerships to just "Ide" now from "Dick Ide" which it was for many-many years. I'd imagine it wasn't a whole lot of fun going through school with a name like Dick Ide!
  7. When I was very young we lived on Bailey Ave just around the corner from Delevan. There was an Amigone funeral home right near there on Delevan and a Dietrich funeral home almost next door to us on Bailey. We had relatives from out of town come to visit one summer and when my uncle walked in he said... "what the hell is wrong with you people around here? There's an am I gone funeral around the corner and a die rich funeral home next door." They had arrived late at night and the "t" was burnt out on the Dietrich sign.
  8. You might want to check out some of Rochester's finest too with training camp being at St John Fisher again this year.
  9. Thanks for the Welcome Augie, if they discovered anything of significance between the late 60's and the mid 80's I hope they fill me in on it cuz that remains a pretty blurry time frame. As far as hitting you up for any IT stuff is concerned don't worry... I'm a retired "IT Guy". And finally... I've been lurking here ever since the lights went out at the old BBMB so I'm pretty familiar with life around here... I had a list of names compiled for my Ignore list before I signed up (you're not on it by the way!)
  10. Thanks... that probably has no bearing on the issue at hand but thanks anyhow in case it does! I registered to join the fun here and I've been waiting for six weeks now to receive my "Approval email"... and it finally arrived this morning!
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