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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I never stated this. You're getting lost in your own semantics. I said this current team is not winning more than 8 games without Allen. You attempted to twist my words and create a strawman argument. An unfortunate problem for you as I am significantly smarter than you.
  2. Semantics aren't going to get you anywhere. McDermott was lucky to reach 9 wins in 2017. Just like Jauron was lucky to reach 13 wins in 2001 (but he won them!) .
  3. Love Josh, but he is wrong here. The media didn't blow up anything. The HEAD COACH HIMSELF said he is "very very" concerned.
  4. Having 8 new starters means that it wasnt the same as Rex's team. This isn't a difficult concept.
  5. Agreed. This has the potential of a very disastrous season. - Von coming off of an ACL - Hyde coming off of a serious neck injury - Poyer coming off of a year he was consistently banged up AND showed signs of decline I truly question whether Von will be toast. Its one thing to come back from an ACL when you're in your mid 20's. But 34? Different ballgame.
  6. Barry averaged 4.2 ypc in the playoffs. Thurman averaged 4.2 ypc in the playoffs. Except Barry had crap for an offense and Thurman had the best offense in the league.
  7. With a bit of luck, any coach can win more games than they deserve. Dick Jauron once won 13 games in a season. He went 13-3 with the 2001 Bears. McDermott needed a moderate amount of luck in his 2017 campaign where he backed into the playoffs with 9 wins. Luck such as facing a Miami team without their starting QB on the last game of the season when we needed a win to have any chance.
  8. No, he didn’t take Rex’s team anywhere. If I recall correctly we had something like 8 new starters in 2017 than 2016. And we backed into the playoffs because of a miracle by the Bengals. If Josh Allen goes down, this team doesn’t win more than 8 games.
  9. Which is what I have always told you. It’s the Josh Allen show. McDermott is just along for the ride and occasionally screws things up for Allen (like 13 seconds). Insert any coach - Jauron, Rex, whatever - onto this team and we will still make the playoffs with Josh Allen.
  10. I love when a reply proves the post it quotes. lol. Bitching about bitching.
  11. No. Implied probability is not the same as probability. Probability is a measure of the likelihood that a given event will occur. Implied probability is the probability of an event occurring as implied by the odds given on that event. Because implied probability uses the odds given to calculate, it becomes a recursive (or circular). The Chiefs at +650 does not means the Chiefs have a 13.3% probability of winning the Super Bowl. It means that at +650, oddsmakers feel most comfortable hedging bets at the 13.3% mark.
  12. lol. Yes they do. The “some of us” you mention just B word and complain on repeat about other posters who are bitching and complaining. Guess what? At the end of the day, it’s all bitching and complaining.
  13. You’re right. They would have to sell Hulu.
  14. Don't worry, I won't bother with the extremely simple math he needs done. I always know when a poster is beginning to flail when they don't even quote me anymore. They want to get the last word in, without me seeing it. PS... https://streamable.com/e62m91 .
  15. Yes, and Disney could buy Netflix. lol that is not how it works. I don't understand why you keep pontificating on processes that are not in your wheelhouse. B2B acquisitions are not simply made in cash like you purchased your 2007 Chevy Malibu. They are made through debt and equity financing. Either in whole or in part (like how Disney purchased Hulu at a 70% stake). Netflix is in a speculative bubble right now, which is the only reason their market cap is (artificially) inflated at the moment. Literally only 3 months ago their market cap was $130B (below Disney's). In 2021 it was as high as $300B. Again, it's wall street. Not the size of the company. Much of this is a misrepresentation of the facts. Disney is not hurting for cashing or attempting to scrape pennies into the till. Again, they profited nearly $30 BILLION last year. Which is 6x what Netflix profited. Why would Netflix stock holders want to be purchased by a company that profits 6x more than they do? Is that a serious question?
  16. No offense to Thurman, but he can’t hold Barry’s jockstrap.
  17. His vision and ability to cutback were just incredible. The anti-Singletary. Thurman would have scored on this play, instead of getting 2 yards.
  18. Surely you see the problem here… I thought there is “lies, damn lies, and statistics”? Why are you using statistics here?
  19. You didn’t finish the sentence. ”I’m sick and tired of seeing my team in the playoffs after finally acquiring a franchise QB that we waited for for 20 years, only to watch the coaching staff fall short repeatedly”
  20. 7 seasons. This is McDermotts 7th season. But most of them won that Super Bowl BEFORE year 7. What your stats actually show is that coaches who won a Super Bowl were given a longer leash and therefore had a longer tenure with the team. History shows the complete opposite.
  21. We all have our talents and downfalls
  22. If they've already filed theirs, I think we know what tax bracket they're probably in
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