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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. All white provides better visual contrast for the QB against darker backgrounds. The stark difference in helmet colors (white vs KC red) helps recognition as well. It's a scientific fact. 😉
  2. Here's a radical idea. NO backup QB! We can save at least one gameday roster spot that way for a real punter, so our elite holder only has to come out with Bass. Josh will be fine! 😳
  3. Nothing says click bait like [Misleading Title] !!
  4. Nope. Will never feel sorry for a guy who's won 6 Super Bowls. Not gonna happen.
  5. Does wanting to reach through the interwebs and cold #### some posters on TBD count ?? Otherwise.... No. Fights like you describe over any team are the most ridiculous and asinine thing to do. Who wants to fight me??? 🤪
  6. One double move on McKenzie and Hill would be gone. Guaranteed! I like the outside the box thinking, but in this case.... stay in the box, it's safer!
  7. As far as his abilities as a referee? No clue. Just hope he's not a trollop or a floozie - or worst yet - one of THOSE hussies!
  8. Actually all 3 are virtually interchangeable - it's all about those pesky casual sexual relationships.
  9. I think he behaves in a disrespectful or inappropriate way and may have many casual sexual relationships. Whoops - wrong Hussy. my bad. 😉
  10. 4-0 now when I don't predict the score. So.... gotta keep it going!
  11. Seems to be a lot of laws about balls. Not sure if that's a good band name, book title or some social issue....
  12. Unless you REALLY need to go - or when the offense is at the line.
  13. You had me at ... "Yes, I know. This is a reach."
  14. OMG I just bought a whole row of tickets off social media!! You mean those are all no good ???? 😳 Ooops, didn't turn off the sarcasm button. 😉
  15. SlimShady ... our uni man!! 👍 Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Are you sure you can really confirm all that? 😉
  16. Run backwards. This will completely confuse the defenders and they will become so flustered and disoriented, they will stop defending ... THEN run the right direction ... all the way to the endzone. Should work every time!!
  17. But my clutch bag is 5" x 7" - dammit!!! 🤪 Good reminder info for folks tho. 👍
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