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Everything posted by silvermike

  1. God knows we can't have a guy like that ever reach the playing field - but what about keeping him around as a minimum, #3 guy, on the theory he'll mentor JP well from the sidelines?
  2. You could have at least taken Bledsoe and Losman off that list..
  3. I'm not sure, but I think this thing is a scam. It's a gut-instinct. Anyone know?
  4. Yeah. You have no idea how pissed I am at Art Shell, Dan Reeves, Don Shula, and Marty Schottenheimer for doing us the disservice of letting us lose all those Super Bowls. I'd much rather go out in a blaze of glory on my home field versus a rival then even play for the title match. The Eagles are the poor man's Bills. Let me know after they get to three more titles.
  5. Can't they at least agree to some rule that for every season that gets cancelled, the heads of the Union and the Owners both have to quit? See if we can get down to Tom Golisano negotiating with Jay McKee or something.
  6. To Wade's credit, he was a fine DC for our system, never had a losing season, and got 11-5 our of an 8-8 team and 8-8 out of a 3-13 team. Still, I can't shake how much of a waste he's been. Also: Kenny Irvin.
  7. I really hope this doesn't happen. While I'd appreciate the re-uniting of the Marshall Connection (I just like MAC teams), it'd be hell for the AFC East again.
  8. I think there should always be a low-round/UDFA kicking around training camp. Some guys just don't show up on radars, then once they've got a pro coach talking sense to them or a decent blocker or a reliable receiver, they suddenly bust out of nowhere. If they're no good, well, it was that or Dylan McFarland. If they're good - somewhere between the next Frank Reich and that New England guy - you've got something that's helping your team.
  9. Easterbrook all the way - the best X's and O's commentary, I think. Everyone else is personalities and stories, I like how he breaks plays down to their parts. Football TV needs an ex-coach who's willing to look at film more like a coach than a casual fan.
  10. Seriously, guys, can you get McRibs where y'all live? I've been hankering for one of those for like, 4 years now. It's around, just not at the local Mickey D's.
  11. To McNabb's credit, his three TD passes were three more than Peyton Manning managed to put up against this defense. Only Rothlisberger and um, Feely, managed to come out of a Pats game with a win this year, and some high quality guys went down. McNabb got beat, but what QB wouldn't have last night?
  12. I don't know, I thought it had potential, but they really came out flat. The alien and the goldfish are pretty un-funny, and there was very little of the title character. After a good Simpsons, it just seemed flat. Maybe put that one back in a little longer.
  13. The best example is 24. Nuclear bombs, virus-ravaged bodies, bloody torture scenes. But of something goes really bad, Jack just says "Damn it!" I mean, come on.
  14. Just a quick question : To those who oppose gay marriage, can you give me a multi-sentence explanation why?
  15. I really dislike the term activist judges. Part of the purpose of even having a judicial system is to protect the interests of the individual against that of a majority. Basically, there needs to be some system allowing you to do unpopular things. The courts struck down anti-inter-racial marriage laws a few decades ago, and it went against the will of the majority. Brown v. Board of Ed is another case. Segregation was popular, because it imposed the will of a majority on the minority - it got trumped by equal protection under the law, just like this. Legislatures can NOT be trusted to protect any minority or any individual. That's why we need courts.
  16. To clarify the law - it can only go as high as the top court in New York state. It's an issue of the NYS constitution, so if it flies in Albany, that's the end of the story. I believe there's one step in between - Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Superior Court, maybe?
  17. A lot of it for Detriot is a reward from the league for building a new stadium. If we announced plans to build a huge dome, mostly with public money, we could probably weasel a big one out of the league. But it'd cost $600 million.
  18. If anything, I think Law and Seymour have proven that anyone is replacable. They're Pro Bowlers, legit superstarts, and their backups shut down Harrison and Bettis. The X-Factor is Brady, but that remains to be played out. I don't think they're in cap crisis just yet.
  19. There HAS to be some provision in this deal that's contingent upon the return of the National Hockey League. Newark's really not that far away - people certainly come from the city for the airport, and even just Newark Proper is probably not too much smaller than Buffalo.
  20. Somehow, I only managed to get tickets for Bills-Bears games. I can't get to too many games, but I convinced my parents to take me when I was little to our 35-20 game (record team attendence!) in 1991, then a Cade McNown/Shane Matthews team later in the 90s and finally, our OT win in 2002. It's really odd.
  21. I mean, here's the thing: What's the worst that could happen? I mean, I can imagine a strip club being somewhat unseemly in your neighborhood, but you get over it - there's on on Hertel and Voorhees for crying out loud, and it remains a pleasant, residential neighborhood. People don't come out of strip clubs and molest children, at worst, they come out and spend money at local restaurants. Like any other kind of nightclub. And if you're worried you can trust your husband/father/son with one of those things around, well, deal with that in your family, not with the government.
  22. I looked at their website (It's not on the top ten searches for "ABA") and it seems like there are plenty of smaller markets than Buffalo involved in this thing - we should be able to keep a few thousand people at the games. And Rochester will have a team, so we can't fail where they succeed! www.abalive.com Uh, the website includes a link of how to reserve a market for a future team.
  23. "There's a line between right and wrong," Pulse says. "And it seems like anymore nowadays that line has got all jumbled up." I don't know - I think devoting your life to photographing people coming out of a nude juice bar is probably on the wrong side of the line. I mean, seriously...GET A JOB. Hair Salon owner? Maybe you should put some more hours in down there.
  24. Can you run that Guiness Chili by me? That sounds like an awesome idea.
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