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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Bold move for sure, and makes a ton of sense. The Bills need weapons on offense and McCoy is a great weapon. Kiko's role was not at all clear on this team, and let's face it, most of his stats in his rookie year were very early in the year. The Bills have depth on defense, were just fine without him last year, and can very likely fill any depth needs at LB in FA.
  2. And was certainly right about McCown, but Cleveland upped the ante beyond what the Bills found reasonable. We will see if they go after Locker, but I am still calling no way on cutting Manuel. Makes no sense.
  3. Lucky 5 game streak with far better numbers than any other time in his career. I would be shocked if he could sustain anything close to that for a season. He just is not that good. Good to hear. Personally, I hope he goes to Cleveland.
  4. My point is that Locker has had plenty of time to prove himself, has not, and offers no upside to Manuel that I can see. So why would they cut their own guy 14 games in for someone else's mistake? Makes no sense.
  5. Sorry, but not buying this. No way they cut Manuel for some scrub like Locker.
  6. "Delusional self importance". Now there is something your qualified to talk about.
  7. I would be shocked if Bradford could be had without a first involved. It would probably take this year's second and next year's first. Would St. Louis take EJ plus this year's second? Even if this were the case, it would be a huge risk for the Bills. No question that Bradford has the ability, but I would be very uncomfortable with betting so much on a guy who is one hit away from a wheelchair. He has had three season ending injuries in the last 5 years. If I were a betting man, I would not bet on him ending that propensity, especially since he was never that mobile to begin with. EDIT - Based on the latest news - never mind.
  8. I would not mind seeing the Bills take Petty in the draft. I would prefer they get someone who could make a more immediate impact in Round 2, but I found Whaley's comments at the combine interesting. He said (paraphrasing) that he would prefer to fill their holes in free agency so they are in position to take BPA in the draft. We will see what happens in FA, but if that logic holds, I would not be surprised to see them take Petty in Round 2, assuming he is still there. They need a QB to develop, while they need the best FA they can find to compete with EJ/back him up. Tuel ain't it in either case.
  9. Yes the Patriots won the Super Bowl because of Alan Branch. Please. Did you watch him play last preseason? He was flat out awful. If he has turned his attitude around good for him. The Bills did not miss him at all, and he was a very minor contributor to the pats at best.
  10. Urbik and Chris Williams are both likely candidates. They may want to take a look at Williams in camp given he was injured last year, but I think Urbik is done.
  11. I want the Jets to have Foles as well.
  12. A battle of wits between Blount and Lynch would be a short contest indeed, ending in a scoreless tie.
  13. If this were actually true, he is even a bigger idiot than I thought. Does he actually expect anyon to believe that crap?
  14. I tend to think you are right about Brees, but just speculating that given NO's cap issues, Drew's huge contract, and their terrible performance last year NO may be thinking of retooling. It would assume they had a plan on a draftable QB of course. They need lots of help. That team was awful last year.
  15. Some on this board have maintained the Bills will look to make a big splash with a QB. I do not think they have the ammunition to trade up without a 1 this year. Trading for a quality veteran whose team is looking to move on would be logical. The is likely to be someone in that category and perhaps even someone not currently thought of. Kap or Rivers, possibly Manning make he most sense. What's about Brese?
  16. Revis would cost far more than 12 - 14 mil. More like 17-20.
  17. Agree with this. Hughes leaves a much bigger hole than people are assuming. The smart move is to resign him and devote other FA money to OL, RB, and TE. Also consider Searcy is a free agent and they are going to have to deal with Dareus soon.
  18. I guess we will see, but my bet is PR. Perhaps I am too cynical but I just do not like this guy and this smacks of the kind of shallow, self promoting thing he would do. Happy to ultimately be proved wrong.
  19. Cousins lack of ability made it hard for him to succeed. You would think after the Rob Johnson fiasco Bills fans would be more critical of one or two game wonders like Cousins. He came in when RGIII was hurt two years ago and had two good games. He has been awful since, despite extended opportunities to start. He is every bit the 4th round draft choice he was. Maybe a competent back up someday, but not a starter and not a better option than EJ. Major pass on this guy.
  20. I could not agree more. This is not a pressing need and there are numerous others. I would rather see available cap space spent resigning Hughes and Searcy, and bringing in some real talent on the OL. Thankfully, this is just speculation on Schefter's part, no doubt fueled by "inside info" from Revis' agent trying to pump up his value.
  21. Exactly. The Pats will set up some low level employee to take the fall, take a slap on the wrist from the NFL, and move on. Then Belichick will continue to find creative ways to gain an advantage, sometimes barely within, and sometimes outside of the rules. Neither Billy or the Golden Boy will get any on them.
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