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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. I don’t know if it’s a problem. We likely have our starting 2 CB’s next for next season in Benford and Douglas Im not sure why you put Taron on this list. He’s an important part of the defense and I am certain he returns at slot CB next season. I’d also bet Hyde and Poyer are both gone, which means they need to find 2 new safeties. One idea had been moving Benford to safety but think he’s played too well. I don’t see them valuing Damar as a starter. Buffalo probably has room for one decent free agent signing. I would love to see them sign Kyle Duggar from NE to fill one of these spots but not sure what $ he will command. The biggest question make is Tre White. The Bills will want to give him every chance to comeback but reality and his contract probably say to move on
  2. This isn’t that far off… Tua is a good QB, but in the class of QB’s that need a lot of pieces around them to be successful - I think it’s Tier 2/3. So much of the offense is wisely built around Hill. Not just passing but putting him in motion helps the run game significantly.
  3. This is a major stereotyping but I do think he has the “wrestler” mentality. I had several friends like this in HS. Polite and soft spoken but also very serious and discipline about training and focused on a single goal - wrestling. Almost militaristic. Not people who fool around. And with this training and success came a certain confidence/arrogance that, if they needed to, they could whip anyone’s ass. In many cases, it was probably true I think this is where he might come off as narcissistic. Interesting point from the Dunne article - one player noted he almost needed to be this way with young team - but maybe not with a more veteran one.
  4. He will most certainly see if he’s salvageable….as a backup QB to the rookie they draft
  5. You’re right…he’s not anywhere near the top of the list for win percentage. My bad
  6. This entire message board is assumptions. What’s your point Mickey? You mean the record that shows he’s the winningest coach in Bills history. Sure seems by his record that he’s “blatantly” not a good coach.
  7. Meh, no one would care Josh wins that game and everyone is pumped he beat KC. No one is saying “buuuuut, the defense couldn't stop KC on the final possession.”
  8. FWIW Dunne recently wrote a new article about the McDermott controversy and his retort is understandably defensive if not a little salty, as throws a bit of shade to Bills reporters. And it wasn’t personal between Dunne and the Bills then….it clearly is now. He goes out of his way to defend himself, stands by every word and mentions no one has denied what he reported. He throws a few jabs at people who criticized the series (Chris Brown/Steve Tasker/Eric Wood CBS - Romo, Nantz, and Wolfson) and praises the outlets who supported him. There’s no one from Buffalo except the WGR hosts who praised him (Jeremy, Joe, Schopp & Dawg) He also takes a pot shot at the Bills org for letting Von Miller play. Of course you get the whole “But…but…but..it can’t be a takedown because there were also positive comments” that his supporters LLLLLLOVE to bring up any time someone questions the article. The most fascinated dig IMO was at his fellow journalists. First he says everyone in the local Buffalo ignored the content in the series for fear of the angry mob or the team and they instead waited until McDermott spoke to report anything. Then another shot to not only the local media - perhaps beyond as well. He accuses them of sitting on negative stories until a coach, GM, or player leave town. He calls not reporting this information “cowardly” and that NFL coaches and GM’s should expect criticism. The most interesting quote is here: “There are reporters doing extremely good work — don’t get me wrong. But most, by and large, don’t view something like this worth the hassle or headache. The trend has been obvious in the 13 years I’ve covered the NFL full-time. Given the choice, most would rather not become embroiled in the Twitter/X crossfire for 48 to 72 hours. Threats aren’t necessarily fun. If that paycheck’s rolling in regardless, hey, why anger the mob? Why invite a wave of insults and threats” He finishes by says he’s going to take an “old school” approach to reporting and that won’t consist of “15 seconds of players dancing at practice.” My takeaway, Dunne is unapologetic and defensive and feels somewhat slighted that no one in the Buffalo media had his back. He also doesn’t seem to like the criticism he’s received by the Bills organization - an odd take considering his series essentially….criticized the Bills organization! With that being said, I think Dunne is a tremendous writer and storyteller. But I do think he included some personal jabs at McDermott from disgruntled sources that weren’t necessary and became the bigger story than any of the news he broke. Also he talks about reporters being afraid of the Twitter mob, yet he chooses to share these comments behind a paywall only. We all have opinions. Or Josh could have scored a touchdown in the final minute and ten seconds with 3 timeouts to take the lead as often usually does.
  9. I thought as the game went on, Von played a little better which gives me more hope for the future. I will say I was extremely discouraged when I saw his first few pass rush attempts. On one play he lined up on the right side and tried to beat a tackle and RB around the edge. They simply pushed him so far down the field he went out of frame and never returned. It was a really bad rep.
  10. “I think you're making a helluva lot of assumptions here.” (Then proceeds to retort with a helluva lot of assumptions himself!”) Considering how passionately you defended Dunne your response isn’t surprising. I think you failed to read or understand the part about conversions. The only way he earns is people signed up for his newsletter. I’m sure some did, I’m certain it’s not nearly the “load” you want to assume. Yes he got a lot of publicly when the story broke about 9/11 but really nothing else in the series. I would imagine it hasn’t resulted as many new subscribers as you would think. I think people read the lede about 9/11 but I’m certain Sean McDermott isn’t scandalous or interesting enough for the average Joe Six Pack non-Bills fans football fan to pay $8 to sign up. Plus the story is essentially dead a few days later. Now let’s talk about the audience who WOULD pay $8. There is no way that you objectively can that the reception among Bills fans as a whole is positive. It’s not just the Bills fans. Sal Capaccio, Eric Wood, Steve Tasker, Chris Brown, and Tim Graham all categorized the article as a personal attack. Check Ty’s mentions. He is getting hammered so hard on Twitter/X he essentially stopped tweeting. Out of 10 Bills fans, I’d be willing to estimate that 7 have a negative opinion of him. A SMALL to moderate group of Bills fans supported Dunne - but many of these were already paying him $8. Go back and read the thread where you @Scott7975 and @PBF81 were begging people to read the article. Most were hellbent about not giving him a meager amount of $8. Even after I read the article and said it was interesting, no one gave a *****. They didn’t want to give him their “load of money.” Look at the engagement in his recent Substack posts compared to some of the older articles. On his newest post about the response from McDermott, the engagement is a tick higher but nothing crazy. Shouldn’t the engagement be much higher? Also I check the live thread he started last night. It’s filled with about 10-15 people mostly talking about the Packers game. Like I said, previous subscribers. So again, I’m sure he picked up new subscribers but I’m also pretty sure he alienated the fan base he was trying to attract and built a reputation (right or wrong) among that fan base as a guy who writes “hit pieces” That’s why I feel overall this was not a net positive for Tyler and that his calculated approach backfired on him. Anyone is welcome to disagree
  11. Yes…especially if the Bills can’t beat Dallas Sunday . It’s a huge game, no doubt It’s not… if the Bills lose Sunday they still have an 83% of making the playoffs at 10-7. But yeah, I’d much rather win the division and hope it doesn’t come to 10-7
  12. As advantageous as it might be, it’s never good karma to cheer injuries. Karma has a strange way of working out
  13. I think he might ok as a coach but he won’t go anywhere without roster control and he’s proven he’s been bad as GM. He also doesn’t seem to have the “pipeline” of good young assistants that he used to. Look at his OC’s he consistently hires coaches he’s worked with in the past. They love Jerrod Mayo. He’ll get a serious look. Maybe Dave Ziegler back as GM? Depends how different of a directions Kraft wants to go
  14. This would be consistent to what has already been reported. He’s very stoic and serious about football. He background is wrestling so he has that disciplined, soft-spoken, scrappy mentality. I think the criticism of his “process” is warranted this year especially when it comes to closing out games. I also think some of it unwarranted like blaming his for the offensive struggles If Dunne is rooting for any storyline this season.. it should be this one. It would do wonders for his business
  15. I’ll go a step further - I think Dunne saw this article as on opportunity to grow his subscriber base in Buffalo but it did the opposite. Dunne knows that Buffalo and Green Bay are his most fertile areas for growth. He also has the most connections having lived, worked and covered both pro teams. What Dunne was saying about McDermott from a football standpoint echoed what the majority of Bills fans were saying…McDermott: - is to blame for :13 - meddles in the offense - refuses to accept blame - is wasting Allen - sucks in clutch situations My guess is that Ty thought the majority of Bills fans, already upset with McDermott, would latch onto his article and think “ugh this McDermott is so horrible.” They’d subscribe and share the article, maybe gift subs for the holiday season. This is why I think he went in so hard on him, to say he’s not only a bad coach but also questioned his character. Almost like a scathing article on a political figure like Trump or Biden. The more dirt the more the detractors love it. But the opposite of this actually happened. Fans, players, and the media read the article (rightfully IMO) as a character attack on McDermott. They might not want him as a coach but he’s shown he’s a decent person. I think it also pissed off the team like “he’s a hard ass coach, but he’s our hard ass coach!” As for Dunne, I don’t really think it got him the acclaim wanted. His peers praised him but he was already highly regarded. Many news outlets picked up on his article but the story didn’t have legs and I’m doubting it led to many conversions. I don’t think he’s loving the scrutiny either, as he’s been keeping a very low profile on Twitter. Not really basking in the glow of controversy or having his ethics questions. In the end, I don’t see Dunne hurting his reputation with the football community at large but I he did some damage among the fans who would play $8 that are arguably more important.
  16. There was intent behind the WR versus KC. Brady was setting the defense for a big shot to Gabe downfield late in the game. He was WIDE open but Josh rushed a bit and missed him electing to throw a 50/50 ball to Kincaid. Plus as someone mentioned, Diggs dropped a few screens, the last one which could’ve really hurt the team
  17. Under Brady the Bills ran a few RB at TE leak patterns. I would assume a “real” screen is coming up. As far why the never run them, I never understood. Could it be that Josh isn’t comfortable? This isn’t a new issue. We asked the same question under Daboll and later Dorsey. I seem to remember that back in 2018, Josh taking off and getting the ball short to a Chris Ivory was one of their big plays
  18. He leaves a LOT to be desired. Actually the entire Special Teams unit leaves a lot to be desired. Unless they do something really big during the last part of the season, I’d expect some shakeups into next year
  19. 100%. The second you cheer injuries on a rivals team…take a guess what happens to your team next? I think this is kind of like a DaQuan Jones injury for Miami but on opposite side. He’s an important piece on their defense that often goes under radar and likely won’t be easily replaced.
  20. Oliver and Floyd are the best defenders on the team.
  21. I know and you mean but think Brady has done a much better job of scheming players open than Dorsey ever did. KC game was tough but the previous 2 weeks looked better. Every pass in the Dorsey offense looked so freaking hard. As far as the WR screens, Tony Romo said exactly that. They were setting the defense up for that play all day long but Josh just missed Gabe. That’s on our QB
  22. This reminds me when Zay Jones’s old man would threaten to fight fans on Twitter. He often apologize the next day 🤣 but TBH I feel for parents of pro athletes. It has to be hard knowing how hard your son works and watching them overcome obstacles to live their dream, only to be trashed by strangers on the internet saying he sucks. It does come with the territory though and if that was me, I’d stay away from social media like the plague. Nothing good will come out of it. Her point is correct, Josh missed Gabe on two open touchdowns. But fans also aren’t incorrect by mentioning that Gabe needs to be more of a factor in the offense on big games. Tough situation.
  23. The WR’s last season weren’t that much better of a unit either. Actually you might argue Rice is better than JuJu. They are dropping more balls but also not getting separation is a big problem. MVS and Watson are basically deep threats that never catch a long ball. I think Kelce is either hurt or he’s slowing down a little. He’s still good and putting up good number but doesn’t seem as dominate as he has been the past few years. I think that’s made it easier on defenses. If Pacheco can get healthy it might make sense to give him more carries. He is a beast
  24. Start respecting your teams , then. Most of us don’t use or care for the term “Billsy”
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