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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. 5 in one game, and 5.5 in the other like 13. Not very consistent.
  2. Good, it was a dumb signing anyways. This team will never use a pass catching RB. ST players are too valuable to this regime to have a roster spot for.
  3. I can't be the only one that really wouldn't care for a Chandler Jones signing?! The injuries and age concern me. Not to mention, his production isn't all that great on a consistent basis. \ Just let the young kids roll.
  4. Holding out hope that only reason he is on team is because they have to wait till 4pm today for a trade.
  5. Adam Caplan is not a source. Zero percent change this had any real substance. Much like the Watt rumors last year.
  6. lol, they play two totally different positions.
  7. The joke around the locker room is that he has a back of a 90 year old. The guy can barely get up when he ends up on the ground, which is pretty much every other play.
  8. Dont see the point in this. I would have rather spent the money on the O line and roll with the RBs we have.
  9. No he didn't. 3 tackles for loss and no sacks. No pass break ups or INTs. Get rid of the name and actually watch the player
  10. Brown really struggled this year and has chronic back problems. I'm not sold on him at all. He spends way too much time on the ground. Not good for a guy with a back injury.
  11. Are they? How can anyone confidently say that?
  12. I'm scared about the O line. Get Norwell.
  13. Is there going to be a thread for every FA signing?
  14. Ehhh, play has really dropped off. Hoping for the best, but kind don't see this ending well.
  15. 2.5 million seems high for a guy that played like 5 games in a 3 year career. Is the market really that ridiculous?
  16. Why? He isn't very productive anymore.
  17. The savings was needed, but opens up a huge hole. Not to mention, Brown has back issues. Need a starting guard and a very good back up RT now.
  18. Beane will drop the ball for another off season.
  19. A bad look for Coach Boeheim. Some dudes should have retired years ago
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