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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. We are lucky to be down by only 7. 3 points against the 20th ranked defense....
  2. I just cant get mad at the defense. How motivated would you be to keep playing your heart out when you know that the offense wont support you at all. Its just pathetic. 3 points....
  3. Luck isn't better than Fitz at this early stage in his career... He is straight up his master
  4. It is almost comical the lack of respect for the deep ball by opposing teams. They can send the house all day if they want
  5. Are you serious? Ryan Lindell needs to be cut if a 51 yard field goal is not an option.
  6. We deserve to lose, if only because we continue to put Fitz on the field. It should be 14-7
  7. Fitz missed him. The Dickerson just dropped one. Offense looks like **** out of the gate
  8. I'm not talking about any specific game here. This is just overall Fitz now vs his first year and a half. I don't know if it was posted on this thread or another, but his completion ratio for balls in the air over 20 yards is almost comical
  9. But how does the arm completely go away? He was at least close on his deep throws a few years back. Now, it's almost comical
  10. As a Bills fan, I always want to see the team win with the players they have. Unfortunately, the players we have don't alway live up to that. I've been as critical as anyone around Fitz and his inability to find that extra something to close out games. The guy just seems to do just enough to lose. With that being said, what exactly happened? When he got his contract extention, I remember being perfectly okay with it. Here's a guy who would make some mistakes, but was absolutely making all of the throws. Remember the infamous SJ drop against the Steelers? That was a perfect deep ball that I've never seen Fitz throw since. Remember the Oakland game last year? That guy orchestrated every single one of those drives and was moving up and down the field at will. The Ravens game from two years back, he was throwing bullets into coverage that only our guys could catch. Was he perfect, no? But could he make the throws and get it done...usually. Now, unless it's a crossing route 15-20 yards down field, it seems like Fitz has no chance of completing a pass of 10 or more yards. It's all YAC for him. When is the last time he his his guy just running deep? We know we've tried. Every single infuriating 3rd and 2 reminds us of that. And the problem is, they aren't even close. They are terrible throws. I just don't understand what happened. I want him to succeed, I do. But I'm honestly surprised that teams play cover 2 against us with our complete inability to throw deep. This isn't meant to be a bashing thread. I could even care less about the int against the Pats at this point. Eli throws INT like it's his job and still finds a way to win. Mistakes happen. It just seems like he lost his ability to do the complete job
  11. Man, don't know how I forgot that. I guess my memory just filled that in for me. All I remember is the disturbing two pager
  12. Not to shed spoilers, but they are following the book pretty well here. From that perspective, highlight below to see what happens in the book: the governor's daughter has been with him for a while and he keeps her locked up in a room. Some know about it, but they also know how sadistic he is and wouldn't dare do anything about it. He's absolutely bi-polar and nuts. As for her teeth, I can't remember, but he also had things under his shirt on his arms that prevented her from biting her. As for the phone call, yeah...Rick loses it. He's goes through a spell where Lori is calling him on the phone. He even carries around just the receiver. I was really wondering how they were going to portray the prison segment. The way Lori dies in the book is much worse. She has the kid and both are fine. However, the governor invades the prison and Lori runs from him while holding the baby. The governor shoots her in the back and the bullet kills both her and the baby. It was a pretty intense scene.
  13. Thank you D for bailing out this putrid offense. Why can't both sides shows up to a game for once?
  14. Anyone else comparing this drive to last sunday? See if a rookie can do what Fitz couldn't...
  15. Take your sweet ass time there Fitz and still miss the blitz. Why not just take a knee
  16. I do not understand why the dolphins dont just let the bills wr run free downfield. Once they get 20 yards, Fitz cant hit them
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