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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. The zoo has never appealed to me. A bunch of people also going are thrilled about it though. I have a new baby and have been cooped up for a while now. So this really is meant to be a sleep, drink, have good time and unload kind of trip for me
  2. Heading there for a contest I won through work with one of my boys. We have free time at night and want to get into some trouble. Anyone from there that has ideas?
  3. Word it however you want. If this guy as good as people believe he is, then we will only be renting him. If you think he will be better than Levitre, then he'll command even more money and you think we will spend it then? Somehow I doubt it.
  4. Considering the opinion of Guards at OneBillsDrive, why take a guy at 8 when we know that we'll just let him walk in FA in 5 years?
  5. This is my overall feeling as well. We are looking for a #2, not a second #1. I'd rather give Pettine a guy to play with on D with this pick who can make an impact immediately. To me, the perfect solution would be: Trade back, get defensive player mid 1st, qb with 2nd, WR with other 2nd from trade. From there, G, S, LB's
  6. Rules of the game - Post your favorite memory of the player listed on the post above. Then, list another player for the next poster. The point is not to trick people with random players who only participated in one game. If you can post a video, then so be it To begin - Nate Clements I'll never forget the hit on Tom Brady as he rolled out and Nate hit him so hard his helmet came off. Everyone in the room lost it and the stadium went nuts. The whole team was fired up after that and it was a strong first quarter. Unfortunately, that was pretty much it for that game. But still, just the kind of hit that really started Nate's dominance that led to his next contract. Next Player - Cornelius Bennet
  7. I'm seeing more and more mocks with us taking Patterson, WR Tenn with our 8th pick. I don't deny the need for a #2 WR, but I'm reading way too much about this kid that scares me. I get the size and speed and you can see it on tape. But I think a top 10 first round pick should be an immediate impact player like Julio Jones or AJ Green were. Many of the scouting reports I read say he is the best of a weak class, catches with his body, and will only go high due to lack of other options. I have no idea about him. Anyone out there know more about the kid that is game for taking him at 8?
  8. I disagree, respectfully. I think they really do think Searcy could be the answer but they are looking at some day 3 guys now for competition. The guys they are looking at appear to be 4th-6th round talents, which I'm completely cool with.
  9. If you get a chance, they did a great segment on nfl live on ej. It was good and interesting.
  10. Who did he pick for us in round 2?
  11. Just saw this. It's amazing how things work out sometimes. Anyone know why? Contract, play fallen off?
  12. Kids, adults, professionals... Motivation is motivation. I seriously doubt he hung the banners and called it a day. I'm sure there are plenty of other messages being put out their and tactics to accompany them. You can see from some of the player tweets that these guys are excited. This guy got the job and has had success for a reason. We aren't nfl coaches nor do we work with nfl personalities. We have no idea what works and what doesn't. All I recognize is that it's something different and we need different
  13. Dibs, good research. I'm never going to look into a post that much, but glad you did :-) I wonder how much of the cash to cap strategy is also being used by other teams now. I say it because, if you remember, I few years back there were teams almost at the cap and still signing out huge contracts. Yes, it bit them in the ass down the road. So I wonder if we are starting to finally see teams learn their lesson
  14. Two more 1 year deals today and a 2 year deal. Just saying...
  15. I stand by my original prediction of 5. I'm wary of it, but I think you will see a lot of trading up from teams in the top 10 of the second round moving up to the back half of the first round. Regardless, by the 12th pick in the 2nd round, I expect the following to be gone: Geno Barkley Manuel Nassib Bray or Glennon
  16. Just watched two full games, including his most recent bowl game, looked just fine in the pocket. Kept his lead foot forward and stepped into the throws he could. I watch the games against ranked teams and bowl games
  17. I have to say that I finally watched some game footage on this kid and I may actually be a believer. Kid is huge and is capable of making all the throws. The highlights of the Clemson game does a really good job of showing him off. Now, I know that these clips don't show the bad passes, so I don't what his consistency looks like, but from a size, speed, game and experience, and ability to make the throws.... Looks good to me
  18. Ah, there you are. It's been too long
  19. I'm surprised there hasn't been any complaints from the NFLPA yet around the way Free Agency has worked out so far. For starters, let me clarify that I don't know what's going on and I have no real opinion of why it's happening. However, I can't remember a Free Agency where so many players took 1 or 2 year deals. We are seeing players who were getting 5-6 mil a year just a few years back take 1 year vet minimum deals. I know that some teams are in salary cap trouble, but that doesn't come close to explaining it. Yes, there are some players who've cashed in. But I look at who is left out there and is there any reason to believe that these guys won't get the same 1 year deals? The only thing I can think of is that the players can't get the massive contracts they are looking for so they are willing to try and take a 1 year "try-out" and get it next year. But at the same time, I'm surprised that the NFLPA hasn't said anything to implement that all the NFL is colluding together with deals being offered. Again, I'm not saying that's the case, but I've seen them complain over less. Overall, I think it's great for teams like the Bills who have a lot of holes to fill and will continue to be able to pick up impact players for cheap then make the call next year if they are worth extending. But again, just haven't seen this in a while
  20. Damn it, you're right. Cut him now before anyone notices!!!
  21. I'm not saying this is my choice, but I am definitely feeling Manuel will be a Bill after the draft. Every year since Nix we draft a guy that, in hindsight and looking at pre-draft meetings, looked obvious. Manuel is getting that treatment. Could absolutely be wrong and I'm okay with it, but I don't think I am
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