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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I feel like in years past Free Agency started on March 2nd at midnight. Teams couldn't negotiate before that time, even though deals would magically get done right at midnight. We even made jokes about Buddy not even being awake and missing out. But this year, all teams can start negotiating this Saturday but no one can be signed until the 12th at noon. Did I miss something here? Also, I see all these posts about Kruger or Ellerbee but it looks like those two could be the hottest names on the market and I believe Nix already said not to expect them to jump right in when the period opens. On another note, I think this will let Levitre see what's out there for him and give us a small window to not have him signed out from under us. Either way, I'm just curious
  2. Crap, now who do I hate on the team? Especially if Fitz isn't the starter anymore. Why don't these guys think of me when they make these decisions? Potential top 3 future scape goats: 1 - Leodis (If he stays and actually plays corner) 2 - Fred Jackson (for taking carries away from CJ) 3 - TJ (for his stone hands and high draft pick) Honorable Mention goes to Mark Anderson if he doesn't earn some of that money
  3. Sandcastle apparently is a prima-donna. Apparently, it's all about being primetime and wearing hats. I don't know if we have a place for him and his ego. With that being said, if we can pull off the Skelton trade and still snag Sandcastle....CHAMPIONSHIP!
  4. I'd be all on board for this if we are certain that he can be an immediate starter at LT. Moving Glenn inside to LG for Levitre or RT would be good. My only concern with this is that I would expect them to go QB with their second pick. With Nelson walking and them saying they need a TE. I'm afraid that 4 of their 6 picks will be offense and defense was the worse unit on the field. Hopefully, the will spend some money and plug the holes on defense in FA and allow the above draft strategy to work out
  5. Ah, so you're the guy who starts spectator delays. Good for you! And that's strange, because I've actually been all for Geno to the Bills. It was his abrupt drop off in performance that concerned me. Also, thank you for the correction. I was really afraid no one was going to understand what I meant after such an error.
  6. After that 300k birthday party, I'm thinking it was around a 2
  7. Again, I do not see the test as an end all, be all. I just think it may be a good indicator of another trait to distinguish between some of these guys
  8. I saw that about the second test and am happy that they are doing it. As for people taking practice tests, I'm sure that's true. However, I can't see where it helps as many still tank it
  9. Usually, I don't pay the much attention to the results as the top qb's are already pretty much decided. However, this year there seems to be a large muddled mess of talent. More specifically, I really want to see what Geno Smith gets. I have a feeling he's going to score under a 10. I can't remember a qb who had the arm talent he has, dominated everyone he played to start the season, and then just completely level out. I can only guess that he was a one read qb in a certain scheme that everyone else eventually figured out. Also, I've read random reports about his poor interview skills and overall lack of comprehension. Maybe I'm wrong, but things are just strange with this kid. On the other side of the spectrum, you have guys out there who have all of the physical tools, but have excuses tied to them such as a poor surrounding cast, played in a poor conference, etc. So for Glennon, Nassib, and Wilson, I would be curious to see what their comprehension level is. Listen, I know this test isn't the end all be all, but it does show some indicators. In this mess of a qb crop, every little bit helps
  10. I feel that it's become very clear over the past month that the Bills is going through a large change in both identity and roster. Yes, we still have Nix, but I feel like Marrone and Pettine are very much in control and Brandon is looking to separate himself from his predecessor. With that, I'm curious to know what others think is the thought process right now with the changes you've seen made. Here's mine: 1 - Pettine has a very specific idea of the defense he wants to run and knows exactly the people he wants for it. I feel like he is watching tape right now and evaluating these guys one at a time. We will still see cuts and I expect to see him be active in FA, which goes against traditional Buddy ways. I think Kelsay has a chance to stay just for his ability to play the run. 2 - Marrone doesn't have a qb plan yet. I don't think he's sold on anyone, even in the draft. Tjax intrigues him the most, hence the one year deal, but doesn't know if he can handle it. Money isn't a huge issue, or Fitz would have been shown the door. Remember with Fitz that we don't save any cap money really to cut him. Some, but not drastic. It's only real money that is saved. Marrone is just going to take his time, draft someone, and see who handles the offense the best. 3 - We are cutting money for someone. I don't know if it's to re-sign Levitre or Byrd, but I hope so. Maybe Pettine wants to make a run at more defensive guys than I realize. I know it's not for the draft. It just seems like we are preparing for something. Overall, win or lose, this team will have a personality to it. If anything, the changes being made are to send that message. We will not be the same push around team we were. Now, will we end up like the Jets, who were all talk (even though I would take an AFC Championship game), I don't know.
  11. C'mon, what more can I do than label it Fantasy Land? But be honest, baseball teams make moves like that all the time. Hell, Snyder and Jerry do it every chance they get. Usually it doesn't work from a chemistry standpoint, but this team is going to be revamped anyways. We've seen that with Wilson and Barnett. Again, it's just for fun
  12. I know this will never happen, but I wish it would. Again, I know this won't happen, but I'm sure I'll see posts saying it anyways. We have over 25 million available in cap space. More if we made some additional cuts. I know that Nix likes to build through the draft, but that was also before the rookie salary pool was adjusted and doesn't cost as much to bring these guys in. Also, we know that we have a defense that the coach needs to bring guys in to fit. With that, here's my wish list that I again know won't happen, but would sure love to see it. 1 - Sign Flacco. (Yes, I'll pay the 2 first round picks and the 20 million. He's young, proven. Let's call it a day for the next 10 years about who our QB is) 2 - Resign Levitre and Byrd. Guys have proven their worth, pay them. Sends the right message and we would have to waste two picks just to replace them. 3 - Sign Mike Wallace. I think Stevie and him can co-exist since Stevie will still play all over the field and Wallace would absolutely take pressure off of him. Plus, look was Flacco did with Torrey Smith. Imagine him with Wallace. 4 - Sign Landry. We need a SS now and he can groom the guy we draft. Leading into... 5 - Let Pettine draft all defense. If we resign Levitre, add Flacco and Wallace, what else do we really need? Fine, get another lineman and TE in there, but I also think there will be some cheap guys in FA. But, let the guy stack up in what's considered to be a great depth draft. We wouldn't have our first because of Flacco, but who cares. This is far fetched and won't happen, I know that. But honestly, why the hell can't it happen? If these changes occured, we would be immediately relevant. I'd expect way more than just to make the playoffs. I'd expect to win the East. Anyways, just thoughts. I think this is going to be an interesting FA period as many teams are close to the cap and there are a bunch of proven veterans that will have to take less than they are used to. Flame away
  13. I have this overwhelming feeling they we are simply going to let him walk and barely make an offer to him. I just don't understand this. At LG, he it's not a scheme thing. He's the best FA LG available. We don't have someone ready to replace him, so we'd have to draft someone. He's been healthy and a beast for us. I cannot understand how this could happen or what the justification would be
  14. Cheeseballs - Good old planters cheeseballs. Pez - Used to be amazing, now a crap new reciple Cinnamon Rolls/Half Moons - Never found any to match the awesomeness of the ones sold at the Home Dairy in Ithaca
  15. I'm sure this thread will get moved, but I'll bite.... If he is their guy, then take him at 8. No one will care where he went as long as he pans out. If they don't take him at all, then we know for a fact he wasn't right for us if his own coach didn't want him. Beyond that, everyone seems to agree that there is a large cluster of average talent with QB's this year. There isn't one guy who really stands out over another. Every single break down I read comes with some form of disclaimer with it. With that, if they are all in that tier, then just take your guy. Also, for those who are against him, I would challenge you to show something about why you wouldn't take him. Everyone keeps showing clips of what people can do. Well show me what he can't that another draft pick can. I haven't see that yet. For me. He beat Geno heads up. He played with Barkley, and I'm tired of hearing about Glennon's WR's dropping passes. He also played in the ACC, so who did he really play against? It's all really a wash to me but I do know this. We need a QB. I am going to trust Marrone. I like the idea of Nassib already knowing the system. I don't care if we get the greatest position player of all time at 8, it means nothing if we don't upgrade our QB.
  16. I really hope the media crucifies him for that move, but we all know that Prince Brady doesn't get attacked
  17. Nassib was a 3rd-5th round pick half way through the season. His final few games put him into the 2nd round as well as the poor play by the previously assumed 1st rounders of Barkley, Smith, and Wilson. The need of QB's by teams in the top 10 and the fear of people not being their in the 3rd round moved a lot of guys to second round projections, which in turn means that teams like the Bills would have to jump ahead of them at the end of the 1st to get them. On THIS board, I agree that Nassib has come up more because of the Marrone hiring, but I don't think that's affected his status anywhere else. Solid kid who's improved every year, good arm, but lacks touch and has happy feet. His weakness shrunk more and more as the other qb's ahead of him got worse. This. I haven't seen anything from his games to really inspire me over anyone else, let alone taking him at 8. He's right there with Wilson, Nassib, and Bray to me
  18. Whether we get him or not, I don't care where. If our coach passes or takes him, he would know better than anyone else what he's capable of and I'll have faith in that decision. If we take him at 8 and he pans out, no one will remember or care where we took him. If he's a bust, then what else is new?
  19. I think about the complaints that most people have made over the past 3 years and it really shows me how much the organization has changed (except for the winning unforunately). Everyone complained about Ralph meddling, not spending the money, not re-signing our own guys, the team moving, etc... In fairness, I agreed with all of it. The hiring of Chan seemed like a confirmation of the fact that we were a small market team and these hiring were what we had to deal with. Since then, we resigned Stevie, Fitz (mistake, but still did it at a time we thought he was the answer), Ralph gave up control. signed a new lease, brought in the highest sought after defensive player and spent a ton of money on him, stole a coach from other teams, and then even brought in a high performing coach in Pettine. I know everything isn't perfect, but I think you'd have to have blinders of intense hate on to not see the movement. With that, I'm going to sit back and have faith in a few things: 1 - Whatever QB we draft is the best option at the time. If it's Nassib, who would know better than his old coach. If it's not, then the same argument applies. Whoever we take, I have faith that our coach knows more about him from his previous position than most 2 - Whatever changes we make on the defensive side, I'm in. I think Pettine has shown he knows what he's doing. If that means that he drafts 7 LB's to make the scheme work, then so be it. 3 - If we don't spend the money, I know it's not because we are being cheap. Instead, they didn't see a value in the guy Overall, the only thing I'm hazy on is the overall offensive scheme. Don't really know enough to believe that it's a lock for improvement. I think the playcalling and use of Spiller is a no-brainer to be better with the new structure. But effective, that I'll have to wait and see
  20. JJ Watt and healthy Revis The pressure and loss of the number 1 receiver would make our D almost unstoppable. We could win games 3-0
  21. As much as I would like Ryan or Petite, I think Marrone would avoid these guys as he wants to be the man in control. Ryan definitely is a personality and Petit is leaving the Jets to get away from that kind of coaching. This is just me thinking aloud here, but I think Marrone has a very specific plan and way of coaching that he wants people to fit into.
  22. I knew it was only a matter of time before you found me. I miss your musk I agree with this. Based on some of the comments Nix has made since the last draft, you get the vibe that they had some guys taken out from under him. This is where I think all of the recent comments have come from regarding being willing to trade up to make sure they get their man
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